He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2588 Triple evolution, defeat the Flame Bird!

"You have some skills, Serena!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was slightly surprised, and then gave Serena a thumbs up and praised her.

Then the two of them looked sharply at the flame bird in the sky.

Now it's their turn to attack!
"Lei Jiayin, Flash Charge!!"

"The demon fire red fox, cover it and use the big characters to explode!!"

The two of them coincidentally chose the ultimate move to launch a fierce attack.

The third person in this match, Doropa, couldn't help but lower his head in frustration.

He was obviously the initiator of this challenge, but at this moment it seemed like it was redundant.

He also wanted to make his fire dinosaur stronger and evolve, but instead, Xiaozhi and Serena accomplished their original goal.

At this time, his fire dinosaur turned around holding its tail and let out a cry.

This is to comfort his trainer.

Unlike other fire dinosaurs who are brainless and only know how to breathe fire and fight, this fire dinosaur is timid and shy, but it is also full of gentle emotions.

It wasn't until Doropa and the fire dinosaur locked eyes that the former finally regained his composure.

"I'm sorry, Fire Dinosaur. I was supposed to encourage your willpower, but now you are the one encouraging me."

Doropa wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and his expression became firmer than ever before.


The fire dinosaur held its tail and shouted happily.

With one person and one dragon connected, today's third evolutionary white light finally appeared on the fire dinosaur.

Its body shape has changed the most outrageously. In the white light, its body suddenly became huge, and its back extended with wide wings.
This is an old character, with a slightly different appearance.

After completing its evolution, the Charizard also mastered the ability to fly immediately. With a flap of its wings, it finally caught up with the Arrow Eagle and flew high into the sky.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Serena next to them looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

Now, the fighting power of the three of them is completely different from before!

"Fire Arrow Eagle, Flash Charge!!"

Xiaozhi still commanded the same move, and the Arrow Eagle, as the equally famous suicide bird, charged mindlessly and was done.

The Fierce Arrow Eagle responded with a high-pitched cry in the air, blue flames ignited all over its body, its wings trembled, and it charged towards the powerful enemy!

"Demon Fire Red Fox, cover the two of them and use magic flames!"

As the only Pokémon that landed on the ground, its moves were naturally not as powerful as those in the air at close range. Serena changed her job to become a support.

The Demonic Fire Red Fox nodded, waving the tree branch and wooden stick in his hand, condensing several erratic telepathic flames, which shot into the space around the Flame Bird's body, restricting the latter's movements.

As for Doropa's fire-breathing dragon, he also mastered new moves.
snort! !
A huge fireball shot out of his mouth, and it hit the target with great momentum!
Although it looks like it has fire attributes, it is a pure dragon-attribute energy ball - it is dragon's wrath, with a fixed 40 points of damage.

Facing high-level opponents, this kind of fixed-damage skill might sometimes be able to produce more output?

The three opponents, whose strength suddenly increased, attacked at the same time, which finally made the flame bird panic.

Moreover, its own characteristic of raging rage was also stolen, leaving the Flame Bird, which had become more courageous with each battle, without the confidence to do so.

Bang Bang! !
It could only gather its steel wings and forcefully fly away the Fierce Arrow Eagle that was charging towards it.

Then he dodged in the air, avoiding the magical flames that were scattered like will-o'-the-wisps.Boom boom! !
In the end, it was Charizard's Dragon Fury that successfully hit the Flame Bird's back, causing a violent explosion.

It hurts! !
This stabbing move made the flame bird show its teeth, so it flapped its wings and rushed into the sky. The golden sacred luster covered its body, turning into a majestic and noble bird, and finally dived towards the three of them!

Divine Bird Strikes! !
"Demon Fire Red Fox, block it and use the big characters to explode!"

"Fire-breathing dragon, the wrath of the dragon!!"

Serena and Doropa shouted to resist at the same time, and blazing flame characters and huge dragon flame fireballs rushed out, trying to block the golden divine bird in the air.

Under the fierce attack of the Flame Bird's divine bird, both the Big Character Explosive Flame and the Dragon's Fury exploded and were smashed to pieces.

But to some extent, it has had some weakening effect.

"Full power, flash charge!!"

The Fierce Arrow Sparrow has once again transformed into a ruthless suicide machine, spewing out blue flames. Its body transformed into a huge fireball that was not afraid of death, and also crashed into the golden divine bird in the air.

Boom! !
The two birds collided without any hindrance, causing a violent explosion in the air, a roaring sound, and the aftermath of the air wave even affected the people below.

The next moment, the two figures in the smoke actually retreated at the same time.


The Fierce Arrow Bird's figure fell diagonally and landed heavily on the top of the volcano. His body was deeply embedded in the earth and rock debris, and he lost his ability to fight on the spot.

But on the other side, the black-red flame bird also flew out and hit the adjacent cliff wall hard, also stirring up a burst of gravel and smoke.

And for a while, there was no movement from the other side, as if the flame bird had also embedded itself in the stone wall and was stunned.

"Evenly matched, will we both perish together?"

Citron, who had been watching from the side, was shocked and blurted out.

However, at this moment in the arena, Charizard and Demon Fire Red Fox still retained some of their physical strength, standing panting.

It must be said that the side that attacked should be considered the winner.

Xiaozhi used the power of the waveguide to spread away, and sure enough he felt that the flame bird's aura on the other side had calmed down, and it seemed that he had been beaten into a temporary dazed state.


After the other two people learned about this situation, their faces were also full of joy.

Xiaozhi has come into contact with and even defeated many legendary Pokémon, and the ups and downs in his heart are not strong.

But it was the first time for Serena and Doropa to defeat a divine beast, so naturally they were extremely excited!
Not to mention that there is not even a second-level god in Kalos. Such an achievement is extremely rare!

And most importantly
Their Pokémon have all completed evolution!
"You performed so well, Demon Fire Red Fox!!"

"Getting stronger, Charizard!!"

Serena and Doropa both ran up happily and hugged their Pokémon.

At this moment, their Pokémon's body shape has changed dramatically, becoming taller than their trainers, and the two of them are still a little uncomfortable with it.

"Thank you for your hard work, Fierce Arrow Eagle, you performed very well~!"

Xiaozhi also walked to the gravel pit and gently rubbed the feathers on the Arrow Eagle.

It can be said that in this battle, most of the damage output was obtained by relying on the suicide attack of my own Fierce Arrow Eagle.
This is the biggest contributor! (End of chapter)

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