He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2589 A gift from the Galarian Flame Bird!

Chapter 2589 A gift from the Galarian Flame Bird!
After the battle, everyone took a break at the top of Mount Arudoru.

On the adjacent cliff in the distance, the smoke and dust have completely dissipated, and you can see the vague appearance of the black and red body of the flame bird being embedded in the rock wall.

Everyone thought that after the other party woke up, they would either be angry and continue to pour out their anger on them.

Or, just spread your wings and fly away.
There is no local second-level god in the Kalos region. This volcano is obviously just a transit point on the other party's migration route.

However, to everyone's surprise, after the flame bird regained consciousness, the anger and evil fire around it suddenly weakened a lot.

It flapped its wings and took off again, approaching the top of the mountain where everyone was. This made a few people nervous, thinking that there was still a big battle.

However, the dark body of the Flame Bird landed in front of the group of people. It was still burning with crimson and slightly eerie pink flames, but its aggressive eyes and aura were put away.


Although the Flame Bird's head is still raised high, it is obviously a lord with a proud personality.

However, after being defeated by the three of them, they actually recognized the strength of the three of them and nodded towards the three Pokémon including the Arrow Eagle.

"Essentially, is he still a righteous flame bird?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi felt relieved and couldn't help but secretly thought.

Generally speaking, a righteous Legendary Pokémon will not be knocked out of red after it accepts a human challenge and completes the challenge. Instead, it will express its recognition generously.

Then the next step is the gift that the gods will give after approval!

Xiaozhi has experience with this, and he immediately rubbed his little hands in excitement and looked forward to it.

Serena and Doropa were both exposed to this kind of situation for the first time. They stood there in a daze. The evil flame bird did not urge them, but just stood at the edge and waited arrogantly.

After being reminded by Xiaozhi, the two of them came back to their senses with excitement.

"Um, what gift do I want?"

Doropa coyly played with her fingers and lowered her head, not daring to look directly at the flame bird:
"In fact, the fire dinosaur has completed its evolution today, and I also took precious photos. I am very satisfied."

As a legendary Pokémon, Flamebird can naturally understand human language fluently.

So it nodded towards Doropa, stopped stopping, and looked at Serena next to it.

Doropa: "???"

Wait a minute, he originally wanted to add the word "but" at the end, and then pray for a gift!

Why was it jumped directly over! ?

In response, Xiaozhi patted Doropa on the shoulder comfortingly. Don't be coy in this situation. The correct solution is to tell him what he needs directly.

Having learned her lesson, Serena quickly requested seriously:

"Please, enchant the demon fire red fox's branches with your wrathful flames!!"

This was the suggestion given to her by the system in her mind. The demon fire red fox's branch wooden staff was not just picked up on the ground, but an extremely special instrument staff.

Since it is a staff, it can naturally be enchanted.


Then the flame bird nodded and shouted, flapped its wings suddenly, and a crimson sea of ​​​​fire aura suddenly spurted out from its body.

Although it is called a flame bird, it cannot breathe fire, and it cannot even use the most basic "spray flame" move.But that's not a big problem. Its "Burning with Fury" move uses evil energy to create a fire effect.


Sure enough, after he touched the branch in the demon fire red fox's hand in anger, it seemed to have some strange effect. A dark flame of the same color ignited out of thin air at the front end of the wooden staff.

Although it looks like it is burning, it does not produce much heat. Instead, it gives people a feeling of fear and trembling.
"Thank you so much, Flamebird!"


Serena and the demon fire red fox nodded gratefully, ran to the side, and tried to use this new branch wooden staff.

After being enchanted with "Burning in Fury", the demon fire red fox at this moment can not only shoot normal jet flames, but also fire flames with evil attributes, and has a high probability of making the enemy flinch.

"I got something very nice, Serena."

Beside him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise him, Serena actually knew that the Flame Bird's flame could be used in this way?
The Demon Fire Red Fox is originally a fire + super-type Pokémon, and in the future it will also be able to fire powerful evil-type flames. Its attack surface will become wider.

Seeing this evil-attributed flame bird paying attention, Xiaozhi was naturally prepared and said seriously:

"Please give me one of your feathers!!"

He has not forgotten that he still has the main task of collecting various God's tokens.

Although I don’t know the specific place of residence of this flame bird, maybe I will travel to the other person’s hometown in the future.
It’s not a big problem. Since you have encountered it now, let’s collect it first!
He remembered the three holy birds in his hometown, and he also collected three feathers from them, so he became familiar with them.

In response, the flame bird did not refuse, and spread its wings while shouting loudly again.

call out.!

Then a jet black feather was slowly shaken out, and a crimson flame was slowly burning at the edge, which was obviously not ordinary.

Xiaozhi immediately held it firmly in his hands. The feathers brought a bit of warmth to his hands, but more of a shrinking aura similar to "angry", giving people a feeling of fear.

Unexpectedly, today, in addition to being able to complete the evolution of his Fiery Arrow Eagle, he would also receive a feather of a regionally different form of Flame Bird. Xiaozhi was immediately overjoyed.


This made Doropa next to him look envious. It would be great if he could have such a magical feather! !

It's all my mouth!

But the opportunity was fleeting. After giving out gifts continuously, the flame bird regained its arrogant and aggressive look, unfolded its broad black and red wings, and prepared to take off and leave.

It has been sleeping on this volcano for several days, and it is time to return to the Galar region.
What Xiaozhi and others don't know is that it is the Three Sacred Birds from the Galar region.

However, it is not the main continent in the Galar region, but an island near the mainland. Therefore, even the locals of Galar are not familiar with this weird-looking flame bird.

Of course, the other two Three Holy Birds of the same version are far weirder than the Flame Bird!

"Evil drink!!"

The Galar-like flame bird spread its wings and soared into the sky, casting a final glance at the people on the top of the volcano with its ferocious and evil eyes.

Having said that, the aura given to it by the trainer wearing the hat is somewhat familiar.
The aura of the foreign-looking frozen bird that had moved to their Kai Island and practiced cultivation on the island seemed somewhat similar to this human being?

(End of this chapter)

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