He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2590 Fengxu Town and Ice Cave!

Chapter 2590 Fengxu Town and Ice Cave!

After watching the black and red figure gradually disappear into the sky, everyone came back to their senses.

Boom! !
Serena's Demonic Fire Red Fox was the first to react. She swung her tree-branched staff and directly blasted out a wave of evil light, creating a large crater of gravel on the ground.

This is the move to understand the wave of evil!
"Why do I feel that the demon fire red fox itself has fire + super attributes, but the wooden staff in its hand has become evil attributes?"

Feeling the familiar angry aura, Citron next to him pushed up his glasses and couldn't help but complain.

If he had known that he would get a gift, he would have sent a furry sheep up there to release electromagnetic waves to help a few people!

And Doropa has bounced back.

He is not a greedy character, and he is only a little regretful that he did not get the flame bird feathers, without too much entanglement.

And he has gained enough today.

"Thank you so much! Ash-senpai, and Serena!!"

Doropa quickly bowed to Xiaozhi and others, expressing his gratitude seriously.

Looking at the extremely familiar fire-breathing dragon behind Doropa, Xiaozhi was also filled with emotion.

However, this fire-breathing dragon is also very strange. It has obviously evolved to its final form, but its face and temperament still look weird.

He even held his big tail with two paws
Xiaozhi really wanted to suggest Doropa to throw this Charizard into the Charizard Valley and train it for a few days.

"So what's next, Doropa, what are your plans?"

Serena couldn't help but ask, with a smile on her lips and a brisk tone.

"Well, Charizard and I have become stronger, so we plan to officially challenge the Aromatherapy Gym next!"

Doropa looked at his fire-breathing dragon and said seriously.

Now, they should be able to defeat the powerful Miss Ma Xiu, right? !

"Doroba and your Charizard, please work hard~~!"

So Serena encouraged her to tell the other party about Ma Xiu's information.

After all, their harvest today depends on Doropa’s initial invitation.
Otherwise, they would have left directly from the south of Xiangxuan City and would not have detoured to the volcano in the north to see this extremely strange flame bird.

However, Doropa refused the intelligence help from several people. He planned to defeat Ma Xiu head-on on his own!
"Oh~ I've become like a man!"

Listening to Xiaozhi's teasing and teasing, Doropa's serious face couldn't help but blush, and he became panicked again.

Then he waved to a few people and led the fire-breathing dragon down the mountain to prepare for the next gym challenge.

The four people on the top of the mountain looked at each other, rested briefly on the spot, and then walked down the mountain leisurely.

Their journey will be much easier. The Aromatherapy Gym has been conquered, and they can just go directly to the next city.

"Is the next gym located in Baike City? A gym with super powers."

Citron took out the travel guide and introduced it while going down the mountain.

He still has some impressions of the leader of the Baike Gym. It is said that he has special superpowers and is a powerful trainer.


Xiaozhi tilted his head, slightly curious, is he a person with the same superpowers as himself?

"Superpower attributes?!"

Hearing this, Serena's face lit up and she became even more excited.

My demon fire red fox's branch wooden staff has just acquired the evil attribute, which can be used to restrain the Bai Ke Gym.

And it’s time for her naughty panda to take the stage to fight. It also masters several evil-type moves.

Two days later, Xiaozhi and his party came to a place called Fengxu Town.This is a small town located between Xiangxuan City and Baike City. Just like its name, you can see cotton wadding fluttering in the wind everywhere.

Obviously the local PM2.5 indicator is not up to standard.

"It's so cold."

As soon as she entered the city, Serena couldn't help but hug her shoulders and shudder.

This is not the extreme north of the Carlos region, so it stands to reason that the temperature will not be so low.

However, Fengxu Town is adjacent to a special ice and snow zone called the Ice Cave, causing Fengxu Town to become extremely colder than the surrounding cities.

However, compared to the trembling humans of Citron and Yurika, the ice and snow dragon released by Serena was very lively.


It walked at the front, holding its little head high and humming a tune. The cold temperature was undoubtedly the ice and snow dragon's favorite environment.

The little dinosaur with ice-blue skin walked happily at the front, which made many people in Fengxu Town look at him sideways.

Fossil Pokémon are not uncommon, not to mention beings that can perfectly adapt to the environment and be released wherever they go.

Several people quickened their pace and arrived at the local Pokémon Center.

As the glass door of the hall was closed, the air in the room gradually warmed up. Only then did Citron and Serena breathe a sigh of relief. They all sat down on the rest chairs to enjoy the warmth.

"Is it cold? Why do I feel like my body is getting hotter?"

The only freak, Xiaozhi, was raising his arms and looking at his little friend with a puzzled expression.

But there are still acquaintances in this Pokémon Center.

But in the open space next to her, she saw a girl with wheat-colored skin wrapping her body tightly, but she still couldn't stop trembling.

There is also a Muscat in front of him, and the buds and grass blades behind him are decorated with various colorful decorations.

"Seed. Autumn!"

However, this Muscovite was not very resistant to freezing, so it sneezed unexpectedly, causing a bunch of decorations on it to jingle, and many of them even fell down.

"Ah, Shana! Why are you here?!"

Seeing this, Serena showed a look of surprise and quickly went up to say hello.

"It turns out to be little Serena."

Shana seemed to have the same attributes as her own Myrtle, and was particularly afraid of the cold. Although she looked surprised when she saw Serena, she was stumbling when speaking.

Under her thick down jacket, she was only wearing a thin stage dress.

"This afternoon is the Fengxu Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. I need to change my clothes now. I'm freezing."

Shana replied while trembling.

Now at least I have a down jacket to keep me warm. When I get on stage, I will only have a short dress.

When she thought of this, Shana's face darkened and her shoulders began to tremble again.

"Haha. The Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is really hard work."

In response, Serena could only comfort herself with a wry smile.

This kind of performance competition does not matter whether it is warm or not.
No matter how cold the weather is, performers have to wear thin dresses to perform on stage, otherwise the judges and the audience will not be polite to you!


In this regard, Serena is still a little lucky that she did not embark on the path of a performer with Shana.
(End of this chapter)

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