He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2591 Messenger Kuailong will not be buried, right?

Although it snowed heavily in Fengxu Town in the afternoon, the local Triple Crown Satellite Tournament was held as scheduled.

On the stage, beautiful and eye-catching performers began to take the stage, cooperating with their partners to perform gorgeous performances.

Combining the movements and moves of Pokémon with the dance moves of performers, the first-stage judging content of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament and the Gorgeous Contest are still very different.

At this moment, Serena and her group were sitting in the spectator seats, holding Poké voting sticks in their hands to cheer for Shana.

Fortunately, the stage is enclosed indoors, and there are some lava snails in the surrounding corners that create natural heaters to keep warm, so it won't be too cold.

Even in such a remote and cold town, the dark auditorium was still packed, which shows the popularity of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament in the Carlos area.

"Oh~ It's Shana~!!"

After seeing Shana and her partner Miao Wa Cao on stage, Serena and the others in the audience couldn't help but cheer loudly.

And many of the surrounding audience responded. Obviously, Shana is now very popular in Carlos.

Performers are not just competing for victory or defeat.
The accumulation of daily popularity is also crucial. Many viewers are professional fans of a certain performer and come specifically to vote to support their idol.

The warmth in the room also made Shana and Miao Wa Cao's performances become more natural today.

They are no longer newcomers. Their sophisticated and gorgeous performance attracted bursts of applause.

As a remote town, Fengxu Town doesn't have many popular performers competing on the same stage.

"Well, if nothing unexpected happens, Shana should be able to win the princess key in this game~"

Citron commented as he pushed up his glasses.

He really came to watch the performance seriously, which made Yulijia next to her shake her head.

Can you pay more attention to other big sister performers!

"What a pity, Xiaozhi didn't come"

Serena looked at the empty seat next to her with some regret.

Originally, they planned to come together to cheer for Shana, but before setting off, Xiaozhi suddenly expressed that he was in a hurry and asked them to go to the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament first.

He looks a little anxious. I wonder if there is any danger?
Serena couldn't help but worry, but soon, the performance on the stage came to an end. She could only focus on herself, always ready to raise the cheering stick in her hand to vote for Shana.

On the other side, Xiaozhi, who was acting alone, was walking towards the northeastern outskirts of Fengxu Town.

What happened was that when Ash and Serena left the Pokémon Center together, Xiaozhi overheard the chat between two trainers in the hall.

"Hehe~ How about it? I got the invitation letter for the Strongest Trainer Competition~!"

A black-skinned guy dressed in hip-hop style with dreadlocks was holding his hands on the edge of the sofa, proudly showing off a letter in his hand to his companions:
"And it was delivered by the legendary dragon himself~ It's amazing~!"

The companion on the opposite side suddenly showed admiration and wonder in his eyes, and asked again and again:

"That's amazing. So the recent talk about the strongest trainer competition is true? And that dragon, is it really dressed up like a human postman?"

"It's true, that fast dragon feels like a social animal~" The little brother with the dreadlocks shrugged and recalled:
"When I was delivering the letter, my hands were shaking, as if my strength had been drained."

As a noble quasi-god, why not be a postman?
The little brother with the dreadlocks didn’t understand.

This conversation made Xiaozhi, who happened to be passing by, immediately become interested, and he quickly came over and said:
"Um, can you show me your invitation?"

The kid with the dreadlocks turned his head in surprise and saw that it was a boy in his early teens with a glass vase electric mouse on his shoulder. He couldn't help but show an indifferent expression.

However, in a show-off mood, he generously showed Xiaozhi his invitation letter.

The cover is black and purple, mysterious.

After opening it, there was no specific signature from the inviter, just the time and place - consistent with the rumors, the venue was the Miare Alliance Conference venue, and the time was similar to the Alliance Conference.

And the words "The Strongest Trainer" on it made Xiaozhi feel even more itchy.

Isn't his performance impressive enough? Why hasn't he received this invitation letter yet?
Speaking of which, if the invitation is taken away without the specific name of the contestant, it seems that he can participate in the competition instead?
Xiaozhi still suppressed the idea of ​​​​acting like Team Rocket. He wanted to get the invitation in person before participating!

After retracting the invitation, the guy with the dreadlocks boasted about his experience the day before:
"You also know that there are frozen stones in the ice cave that can evolve Eevee into Ice Eevee. The rich ice and snow energy is very helpful even for the training of other ice-type Pokémon~"

"At that time, I was practicing with the Blizzard King in the depths of the Ice Cave. Suddenly, a fast dragon wearing a hat and dressed as a postman flew over and startled me!"

His way of speaking was like rap, with an inexplicable rhythm.

"After receiving the invitation from the fast dragon, Blizzard King and I were going back to Fengxu Town to rest for a while, and then with a 'boom' sound, there was an avalanche in the Ice Cave!"

"If my Blizzard King hadn't used mega evolution at the critical moment and exploded with powerful power, I might have been frozen inside~"

When the little brother with the dreadlocks said this, he couldn't help but patted his chest, feeling quite sad.

This thrilling experience made the friends across from me burst into excitement and admiration.

But the main point that Xiaozhi is concerned about is.
"So, did the messenger dragon also run out?"

"Quick Dragon?"

Hearing this, the little brother with the dreadlocks was stunned. He really hadn't thought about this problem.

"If Kuailong has wings, it should be able to fly out even if it encounters an avalanche, right?"

But when he said this, his tone was not very confident.

When he saw the messenger dragon at that time, the latter looked very weak, his face turned blue as if he had low blood sugar, and the small wings on his back seemed to be unable to bear the fat body, and they flapped a little reluctantly.

Well, you won't be buried directly in the avalanche, right? !
Recalling what he saw at the Pokémon Center earlier, Xiaozhi couldn't help but quicken his pace and walked toward the northeastern outskirts of the town.

The heavy snow falling from the sky seemed to have begun to intensify. The Pikachu on his shoulder had shrunk into a ball and was shivering.

But in the distance, you can already see an open snowfield and a raised mountain at the end - that's where the ice cave is!

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