He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2592 A working dragon from his hometown!

The open space in front of the frozen cave is covered with thick snow due to snow falling all year round, and the texture of the snow layer is brittle.

Humans cannot walk normally on it. If you are not careful, you will step directly into a thick layer of snow one meter deep, or even two or three meters deep, just like falling into a swamp.

There is also a small ivory pig rental shop nearby.

Riding an ivory pig and relying on the latter's powerful tusks to dash forward, you can directly shovel a road and enter the ice cave smoothly.

"It's somewhat similar to the Armored Rhino. There are quite a few terrains and rental shops like this in the Kalos area."

This reminded Xiaozhi of the rocky path outside Shining Cave, which was covered with rock spikes by local wild Pokémon. When humans walked on it, it was like stepping on landmines, exploding endlessly.

Only by relying on the thick armored limbs of the rented armored rhinoceros next to it can we pass smoothly.

But it’s not a big problem now
"It's up to you!"

Xiaozhi immediately sent out the Fierce Arrow Eagle that had just completed its evolution, grabbed its talons, and easily passed through the thick snow area from the air.

Now the Fierce Arrow Eagle's size is finally able to carry people flying and perform flying skills.

However, his Fierce Arrow Eagle has the characteristics of wings of wind, not a body of flame, so in this ice and snow environment, the body will not spontaneously release heat to the outside world.

"Thank you for your hard work~!"

After successfully landing, Xiaozhi temporarily took back the Fierce Arrow Eagle, and then carefully looked at the cave in front of him.

The entrance to the cave is not very wide, but the internal stone paths leading to it are intricate and the space extending inward is extremely wide.

"Anyway, find the frozen stone first!"

Xiaozhi released Ice and Snow Dragon again with his backhand. This was the Pokémon he had borrowed from Serena before they left.

According to the description of the braided guy, he and the Blizzard King practiced near frozen rocks, and they also encountered an avalanche rock wall collapse nearby.

If the dragon was buried, it should be nearby.

The little brother with the dirty pigtails has no feelings for Kuailong. He will be buried if he is buried by an avalanche.
But Xiaozhi is from Kanto. Hearing that people from his hometown working outside may be injured at work, he naturally wanted to come over and see the situation.

"Exceptionally tired body, plus four times restrained by ice and snow"

As he walked into the ice cave, Xiaozhi shook his head and mourned for the dragon.

There is a high probability that it will be buried in ice and snow!

It's unlucky to say that I went to the depths of such an ice and snow cave to deliver a message.
As a fast dragon, why don't you work so hard?

"Speaking of the fast dragon that works hard, it can't be that one, right?"

In Xiaozhi's mind, he couldn't help but remember a Kuailong he had met before. At that time, that one was also a social animal working frantically, doing massages and bone-setting everywhere.
Is it possible that he has changed his career and started delivering express delivery?

If this was really an old acquaintance, Xiaozhi couldn't ignore it.

He even wanted to have the invitation to the Strongest Trainer Competition!

Since the courier Kuailong has not found him for a long time, he will take the initiative to ask for it!
"Please, Ice and Snow Dragon, help me sense which place in this cave has the strongest ice energy!"

So Xiaozhi commanded, and the ice and snow dragon in front of him raised his head and responded with a cheerful cry.

Since Xiaozhi was right next to it when it was hatched, the ice and snow dragon is very close to Xiaozhi and can command it smoothly.


Suddenly, the ice blue skin of the ice and snow dragon glowed with blue light, as if it was using its skin to sense the surrounding ice and snow elements.


Soon, it reacted, running faster on its four short legs, turning around and walking into a fork in the road.Seeing this, Xiaozhi looked happy and quickly followed.

In this environment, his waveguide power is of little use.

After all, there are many ice-type Pokémon hibernating underground or in the snow on the rock walls in the frozen caves.

The power of the waveguide swept over them, and they all seemed to be buried by an avalanche, making it impossible to distinguish them!
Turning left and right in the ice cave, Xiaozhi and the ice snow dragon continued to go deeper and deeper.

Fortunately, the cave collapse at that time should only have collapsed in a small area. The caves in other locations can still be walked smoothly, but there are some more broken ice and gravel on the roadside.

Along the way, you can also see some Pokémon that look like angular ice blocks, eating the gravel and ice.

They have no limbs or trunks, just lumps of ice with a pair of orange eyes.

"Ice Pokémon, ice-type Pokémon, will use the hard shell of ice on their bodies to defend against attacks. Even if they are broken, they can immediately re-condensate with cold air. They usually gather in groups in mountains covered with thousands of years of snow."

Xiaozhi did not stop and took out the illustrated book to investigate.

"It looks more like the style of Pokémon from the Hezhong region~?"

After making a casual comment, Xiaozhi noticed that the expression of the ice and snow dragon in front of him became more excited, as if he was about to reach his destination.

"This feeling.?"

Even Xiaozhi felt a strange aura coming from the cave passage ahead.

It's not an unusually biting cold, but a refreshing cold feeling. This feeling actually dissipates a lot of the previous strong chill.


Even Pikachu on his shoulder raised his head and purred comfortably.

Following the pace of the little ice and snow dragon, Xiaozhi came to a rather spacious stone room. The surrounding rock walls and floors were all icy blue.

And in the center of the stone chamber, there stood a cluster of ice-blue spiked rocks.

It looks like dozens of crystals growing together, more than two meters high, somewhat similar to the appearance of Alola's Sand Mountain King standing up the ice needles on his back.
Frozen stone!

Containing magical ice energy, it can evolve the Eevee it comes into contact into into Ice Eevee.

"Yes, it is indeed frozen stone."

Xiaozhi nodded. He had actually seen this magical stone once near Xuefeng City in the Sinnoh region.

He didn't have any ice-type Pokémon on him, so he didn't really need this frozen stone, so he didn't pay too much attention to it.


However, Serena's ice and snow dragon pounced directly on it, its body pressed against the frozen stone, extremely excited.

It should be considered a good thing. Xiaozhi did not interrupt the ice and snow dragon's estrus-like movements of constantly pushing the stone with his body, but looked around.

There was indeed an avalanche collapse, and the floor of this stone chamber was littered with ice and gravel.

There are also some forks in the road that are completely blocked by falling rocks and snow.

"The power of the waveguide, activate!"

Xiaozhi shouted lowly, and with a thought, he began to release his waveguide power to the surroundings.

At close range, his waveguide power can be more accurate and detect stronger beings.
Sure enough, in addition to some mediocre waveguide feedback, Xiaozhi also felt a strong feedback, and the feeling of the waveguide was completely different from the surrounding Pokémon and belonged to a different type.

"Is he really buried?!"

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