He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2596 Kuailong: I’ll come find you when I finish my work!

The matter of the competition was finally settled, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and carefully put the letter into his bag.

Then he stood up and looked at Kuailong in front of him with his hands on his hips.

The next step is how to deal with this fat one.

"How about Kuailong, stop working and go traveling with me in the future?"

The other party was an old friend, so Xiaozhi got straight to the point and directly initiated the invitation.

He remembered that Kuailong was also willing to travel with him.

It's just that the other party had a technician contract at the time and couldn't leave his job.

But now the technicians don’t work anymore, and delivering letters is just a part-time job, so there shouldn’t be any contract tied to it, right?

Ash has not forgotten his Kalos Dragons.

There are dragons of various attributes, but there is no single pure-blooded, 100% pure dragon-type Pokémon!
The Kuailong in my hometown is undoubtedly the flying dragon with the purest racial blood!

Facing Xiaozhi's invitation, Kuailong's pupils dilated slightly and let out a low cry.

It seems that a long time ago, Xiaozhi also invited himself like this.

After thinking again and again, Kuailong nodded, shook his head, and gave Xiaozhi a riddle as feedback.

It is a trustworthy dragon. Since the other party has paid a high reward, it will also deliver all the letters for the other party.

There are about ten more letters in the satchel, and most of the others have actually been sent out.

Not even mountains of swords, seas of fire, or this biting ice cave can stop it!

Xiaozhi: "."

For the three pomelo fruits’ trustworthiness?
He now wants to expose this lie directly!
However, Kuailong put a paw on Xiaozhi's shoulder and nodded solemnly.

After delivering all the letters, it comes to Xiaozhi to travel with him!
After all, Xiaozhi saved its life this time, so even if it works for Xiaozhi for free, it is still appropriate.

"Haha, I will have to work part-time or something. Then we will be partners!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and placed a hand on Kuailong's paw and said.

The dozen or so letters should be delivered soon. By then, his Carlos Dragon team will be able to be led by Kuailong, a pure-blooded dragon!
When we first met, the strength of this fast dragon was not weak. It should be stronger now, right?
In short, this trip to the frozen cave was the right one, and it was full of rewards!

After a period of rest, Kuailong's physical strength has basically recovered.

One person and one dragon also exited to the entrance of the ice cave.

Whoohoo! !

But there was still a blizzard blowing outside, and it didn't show any sign of letting up. Everything that caught my eye was white and bitingly cold.

"How about Kuailong, let's go back to the Pokémon Center first?"

Xiaozhi suggested that Kuailong's body still needs to be properly treated by Miss Joy before going out to deliver the message.


However, Kuailong shook his head firmly. It was his duty to do his best to complete tasks for his customers. He didn't have time to go to a Pokémon center now.

Just a snowstorm in front of me

I saw Kuailong suddenly raised his head and let out a dragon roar, and his eyes flashed with a strange luster.

The next moment, the heavy snowstorm around stopped, and the dark clouds in the sky gradually swept away, revealing the bright sun, and the warm sunshine shone down.

"Sunny move?"

Xiaozhi nodded, and he did feel a lot warmer all of a sudden.Kuailong also picked up his small satchel again, flapped his small wings and took off into the sky, not forgetting to look back and wave to Xiaozhi.


When I finish my work, I will come back to you!
"Be careful on the road!"

Xiaozhi did not stop Kuailong's actions, and waved goodbye.

In the air, Kuailong's wings merged together, and its fat body suddenly shot through the air like a rocket, flying at an extremely fast speed!

However, not long after flying far away, the dazzling sun was once again obscured by dark clouds.


Heavy snow fell in the sky again, and a raging storm enveloped everything.

The Sunny Day move can only have a momentary effect in this already harsh natural weather, and will soon return to its original state.

"In this case, we should go back."

Xiaozhi estimated the time for a while. Shana's game is probably over now. I wonder if she has won?

"It's up to you, Arrow Eagle!"

Then he sent out the Fierce Arrow Eagle again, and a figure of one person and one bird rushed into the blizzard, flying towards Fengxu Town.

That night, inside the Pokémon Center.

Xiaozhi and his team held a small celebration party to celebrate Shana's success in winning the second princess key!
"Hehe~ Only the last key is left!"

Shana touched her nose, with a somewhat proud tone, and shook the two delicate keys strung together in her hand.

After collecting three princess keys, she can then participate in the master-level high-level competition in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, competing with other experienced performers for the title of "Queen Carlos"!

"Hey, it's a pity that Serena-chan didn't participate in the competition in the end~"

Shana suddenly sighed again, feeling a little regretful.

It's been smooth sailing all the way. It's just that without a strong rival to compete and grow together, it always feels like it's missing some flavor.

For example, her childhood sweethearts, Tiereno and Doropa, both competed in the gym. They fought against each other several times along the way. Shana was very envious of this atmosphere.

"Haha~ Shanna, you should prepare well for the last Triple Crown Satellite Game~"

Serena could only stick out her tongue and change the subject with a smile.

At the dinner table, Xiaozhi also showed off his invitation to the "Strongest Trainer Competition" and talked about his adventures during the day, which made everyone stunned.

"Ah, it turns out there really is this competition. I heard Doropa mention it before and thought it was some kind of prank."

Shana said with some surprise, and several others also looked surprised.

And the experience of rescuing an avalanche dragon in distress and then discovering that he is an old friend is too surprising, right? !
"Hey, what a pity. I also want to see the rumored messenger Kuailong!"

Yulijia pouted her lips and said in an envious tone.

"Don't worry, didn't that dragon say that he will come to Xiaozhi after delivering the letter? You will definitely see it then~!"

Serena comforted her with a smile, but her eyes couldn't help but fall on the invitation in Xiaozhi's hand, and her heart felt hot.

I don’t know if I am qualified to receive this invitation letter?
But Serena soon shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

She is just a new trainer, so she should focus on the alliance conference in front of her.

This strange conference that Xiaozhi is going to attend must be full of experts. If he goes there, he will probably have a round trip. (End of Chapter)

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