He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2597: The evolution of evil attributes? !

The next day, Fengxu Town.

"Ah, why do you suddenly want to exchange with my two-headed tyrannosaurus?"

Seeing Serena suddenly offering to exchange her two-headed tyrannosaurs early in the morning, Xiaozhi looked sleepy and confused.

In response, Serena took out the illustrated book and showed it to Xiaozhi.

The picture shows a bully panda, and there is a line of text below:
"Only when there is a evil Pokémon in the team, the naughty panda will evolve into a bully panda!"

peer evolution
This is an extremely special and rare way of evolution. Even Xiaozhi, who has seen so many Pokémon, heard of it for the first time.

Serena put away the illustrated book. In order for her naughty panda to complete its evolution, a partner with evil attributes was necessary.

Compared to going to the wild to capture one now.
It is obviously more convenient to temporarily exchange evil-type Pokémon with friends!
When the time comes, wait until the naughty panda has evolved and then exchange it back.

Serena is already doing her homework in preparation for conquering the Baike Gym, which specializes in superpower attributes.

The evil-attributed Bully Panda is undoubtedly an excellent choice for battle!

If she participates in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament like Shana did, she might be able to keep the naughty panda looking like a cute little panda because of her appearance.
But since they are now on the road to challenge the gym alliance, appearance is not important.

After all, her team also has a creature like Turtlefoot Giant Armor, which ranks at the bottom of the Kalos Pokémon rankings.
"I don't have any problem~"

Xiaozhi understood, yawned, and subconsciously touched the double-headed Tyrannosaurus Poke Ball on his waist.

In this kind of trip with friends, everyone's Pokémon are basically mixed together, and it doesn't really matter who puts the Poke Ball.


Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up and he remembered something.

"Serena, you should have evil attributes in your companions now!"

Serena was stunned and subconsciously recalled her Pokémon.

The red fox with demonic fire, giant turtle-footed armor, flower-leaf stalks, and blue cotton bird have nothing to do with evil attributes!
"No, no, think about the first one again!"

Xiaozhi said meaningfully.

"The first one? The demon fire red fox.?"

Serena was still blinking in confusion. Her Demon Fire Red Fox had fire + superpower attributes and had nothing to do with evil attributes.
Wait a minute, it seems like it does matter!
Serena released her demon fire red fox with her backhand.

The demon-fire red fox looks like a forest witch, holding a stick with a branch in its hand.

Originally the color was similar to normal branches, both were brown.
But on that day, after being enchanted by the Galar-like flame bird, the color of the wooden staff now changed to black-purple, more like a piece of blackened charcoal.

"Yes, this wooden staff has evil attributes!"

Serena suddenly realized that, rounding it off, it should be considered as "partners traveling with evil attributes", right?

In this case, there is no need to exchange!

This made Serena immediately run out of the Pokémon Center in a hurry, preparing to find nearby wild Pokémon to practice leveling to see if she could complete the evolution of her naughty panda!
Although the naughty panda has not been allowed to officially fight along the way, he has received a lot of daily exercise, which is enough to evolve.

"Anything like that?"

After Citron and Yurika heard about this, they followed Serena with Xiaozhi out of curiosity, intending to see it.

Citron was still holding a camera in his hand, ready to film the process.Maybe then I can write a research paper directly based on this phenomenon!

After a while, everyone arrived at the southern outskirts of Fengxu Town. A little further on was Route 17 leading to Baike City.

Although it is not as snowy as outside the frozen cave, it is mixed with the raging storm, making it difficult to walk.
But the ground is still covered with thick snow and covered with silver.

In this kind of place, the wild Pokémon that inhabit the most are naturally ice-type.

"Get ready to fight, Naughty Panda!!"

Serena released the naughty panda, while her friends and her demon fire red fox watched from behind.

The demon fire red fox even held up his black wooden staff and swung it in the air, waving a flag and shouting, trying to spread the evil energy in it as much as possible.


As Serena explored, a cluster of cedar shrubs in the snow suddenly trembled, and then a short, fat shadow suddenly shot out of it.

This is a Pokémon that looks like a pine tree. It is half a person tall. Its lower limbs have gray-brown roots, its green arms are like needles, and its white-flowered head is like a small snow mountain.

"Is it a snow hat monster?"

Xiaozhi nodded. The naughty panda that has not yet evolved has pure fighting attributes.

Fighting suppresses the ice attribute. It can be said that in this ice and snow environment, the naughty panda can punch one!
"Naughty Panda, use Split Tile!!"

Serena immediately launched an attack, and the naughty panda, who had not appeared for a long time, was also full of energy and immediately rushed out with white light attached to the bear's paws in a hand-knife pose.

The wild Pokémon near Route 17 are also quite aggressive. Instead of escaping, this snow monster opened its mouth wide and actively sprayed out a cloud of ice mist!
Frozen Wind!

It even aims directly at the naughty panda's eyes, preparing to cover its sight.


However, the naughty panda chuckled and pushed the sunglasses on his forehead down while running, directly blocking all the icy wind that attacked his eyeballs.

It comes with props!
After getting closer, he raised his sword and struck it hard on the head of the snow-covered monster.

The tile-splitting blow directly knocked the Snow Li Monster staggering on the spot, and finally fell to the ground in pieces.

The naughty panda put his hands on his hips proudly, this kind of opponent is easy to defeat!

The experience value of just one snow monster is not enough for the naughty panda to break through its limits and complete its evolution.


The naughty panda showed a sly and mischievous smile, and immediately rushed behind the surrounding rocks or cedar bushes where he could hide his body. Sure enough, he found many ice-type Pokémon at once.

Especially for a being with ice + evil attributes like Niura, his fighting moves are four times more restrained, and he will be killed on the spot with one strike.

After defeating seven or eight wild Pokémon, the naughty panda suddenly froze and his pupils fell into holes.

The wooden staff in the hands of the Demon Fire Red Fox, who was watching the battle from behind, shone with black-purple energy and faintly flew towards the naughty panda.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the naughty panda's skin finally lit up with white light, and its figure became extremely tall in an instant.
The evil-attributed wooden staff actually counts as a "traveling companion", and the naughty panda begins to evolve! (End of chapter)

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