He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2598: Evolution, the brute iron fist bully panda!

Chapter 2598 Evolution, Brutal Iron Fist·Bully Panda!
As the white light of evolution dispersed, the naughty panda even exceeded two meters in height, becoming extremely majestic and tall!
The gray and white giant panda walks upright, with a bamboo leaf twig in its mouth.

The fluffy gray hair on his back was stretched out like a cloak, and bear paws with sharp claws were exposed between the bursting hair on his limbs.

"Bully Panda"

Xiaozhi and others couldn't help but marvel at the huge difference in body size before and after evolution.

It seems that all bear Pokémon are like this. Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of Pokémon such as Kirby, Circle Bear, and Tundra Bear.

They are all short and cute when they are young, but once they evolve, they immediately become tall and fierce.
Except Kirbymon.


As soon as this bully panda completed its evolution, it clenched its fists and roared toward the sky.

The once naughty and playful personality seems to have been replaced by rough and brutal?

Serena stood behind, looking a little scared. She couldn't help but swallow her saliva, worried that the evolved bully panda would disobey the command.

However, after the bully panda finished roaring, he stopped his roaring expression. Instead, he turned half of his head like a mature big brother and showed a reliable smile to Serena.

It quite recognized Serena's ability as a trainer.

For other low-level trainers, most bully pandas would turn their backs and disobey on the spot after evolving.

"Great, Bully Panda!!"

This finally made Serena feel relieved, and she couldn't help but feel elated. She ran forward and hugged the bully panda's back covered with warm mane.

She was still a small one before, but now she can't reach the bully panda's head.

The joy of evolution didn't last long. I don't know if it was disturbed by the roar of the bully panda, or because of the frequent leveling here by the previous people.


A similarly rough roar was heard, coming from behind a huge snow-covered rock in the distance, and then a tall Blizzard King came out.

Its size is no less than that of a bully panda, with two needle-like spiked arms raised high and an angry expression.

Da da!

This Blizzard King also has the characteristics of snowfall. As soon as it appeared, coarse snow and hail fell in a space of more than fifty meters.

If it falls on the body, it will cause minor serious injuries.

Then the wild Blizzard King raised one of its thick arms, took the initiative to attack, and mercilessly smashed the bully panda in the face!
During the heavy sprint, the clenched arms are attached with a green energy coat, forming an energy sledgehammer outward - the wooden mallet move!
"You've come just in time! Try the Bully Panda's current power!"

Seeing that Hunter was happy, Serena advanced instead of retreating and took the initiative to greet him.

The bully panda clenched its teeth on the bamboo branches, clenched its fists and rushed forward. Its huge size made the movement very exaggerated, and the ground was shaking.

The next moment, the Bully Panda's right arm was covered with deep white light starting from the shoulder area, sweeping out horizontally, extremely powerful!
Arm pounding trick! !
Bang Bang! !
The two melee ultimate moves collided head-on. The collision of power caused a roar and explosion at the moment of contact, followed by a strong wind of smoke and dust blowing in all directions, and even the falling snow in the sky was briefly blasted out of a vacuum area.

At the beginning, it seemed that the situation was evenly matched.


Just as the Bully Panda grinned fiercely, the white light on its arms swelled and its shoulder muscles swelled visibly. "Is it the characteristic of Iron Fist?!"

From behind, Xiaozhi saw the whole story at a glance and blurted out.

Even though the arm punch is a horizontal elbow gesture, it is not a boxing move, but you can still enjoy the bonus of the iron fist's characteristics.

During the stalemate, Iron Fist and Arm Beater's powerful blow actually completely shattered the green light energy of the mallet.

In the end, the back of Bully Panda's fist hit the Blizzard King hard on the side of his cheek without any hindrance!

bang bang! !
Even the heavy figure of the Blizzard King was thrown away at once, and fell far away under the snowy stone steps in the distance, mixed with a pile of gravel and cedar trees, and the ground was shaking. .

The effect is outstanding!

This powerful punch shocked even Xiaozhi.

Unconsciously, Serena's team gradually took shape.

The demon fire red fox, the turtle-footed giant armor, the flower pedicle holding special petals, and this brute-force iron fist panda.
Let’s not talk about our veteran generals, but just talking about Carlos’ team, there seems to be no one who can take on this fierce arm-pounding iron fist head-on? !
"Well done ~ Bully Panda!!"

After winning with one blow, the wild Blizzard King fell to the ground with its eyes spinning. Serena immediately praised loudly, jumped over and hugged the bully panda's broad back.


Bully Panda just propped up his back, smiled, and carried Serena on his back to celebrate.

It seems that he still retains some of his naughty character from the naughty panda period.

As for the wild Blizzard King that can't fight, this is an excellent opportunity to conquer it.

However, after considering that she already had an ice and snow dragon with snowfall characteristics, Serena gave up the idea of ​​conquering it.

Then he followed his friends back to the Pokémon Center in Fengxu Town with great satisfaction.

Now, it should be easier to conquer the Baike Gym, right?

No, on this journey, Bully Panda must try to master 1 or 2 evil-type moves.

After all, during the Naughty Panda period, all of them were pure fighting Pokémon and they didn’t even know how to use a single evil-type move.
In Fengxu Town, a few people did not stay in this town for too long and quickly set off to the next town.

As for the location of Shana's next Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, it was not in the direction of Baike City. She did not pass by Xiaozhi and his group, but left alone towards the west.

Xiaozhi and the others returned to the wilderness on Route 17 and headed southeast towards Baike City.

The initial path is okay, it's a normal snow environment, and you can even use it to level up, brush monsters, and conquer some rare ice-type Pokémon.

But the middle section of Route 17 is very similar to the open space outside the ice cave.

It is also covered with 2-3cm thick snow all year round, like a snow swamp, making it impossible to walk through normally.

It's not a big problem. There is also an ivory pig shop at the entrance of the road. In the stables of the snow pasture next to it, several heavy and huge ivory pigs are lying there leisurely.

The environment is extremely harsh for ordinary people, but it is not difficult for ivory pigs with thick and thick fur and thick fat.

(End of this chapter)

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