He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2600: Carved Market and Sundial!

At the northern entrance of Baike City, Xiaozhi and the others had just entered the city, and a handsome and tall figure was already waiting for them.

"Hey~ You all look very energetic~!"

Dr. Bratano put one hand in the pocket of his white coat and waved his other hand gently, saying hello elegantly and chicly.

"Ah doctor, long time no see!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others quickly greeted him enthusiastically.

They had made an appointment to meet at the Pokémon Center in the town, but to their surprise, the doctor was waiting for them directly at the entrance.

"Serena, I heard about it. You performed well in the Aromatherapy Gym. Now you are only missing the last two badges, right?"

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, after the news is removed, no one will attack you again, right?"

Without too much delay, Dr. Bratano led a few people to the local Pokémon Center while enthusiastically communicating and asking questions.

He is not very old, and he is more like a friendly big brother next door who cares about the younger generation.

Xiaozhi and the others naturally answered truthfully, and then came to the Pokémon Center to take some rest.

The icy and snowy Route 17 is not easy to walk on, especially those two ivory pigs, which tortured Serena and the others quite badly.

However, after arriving in Baike City, the local temperature increased a lot. There was only some coolness of early spring in the air, which was quite comfortable.

When I traveled to the western half of Carlos, it was mostly coastal cities, while the eastern half was all dry inland.

However, Baike City is an exception.

The entire city is adjacent to a spacious river bend, and nearly half of the city is an elevated area that extends out and is built on the water, so the scenery is excellent.

"So, Serena is going to challenge Miss Kujihana next, right? She is very powerful~!"

With one hand on the front desk, waiting for several people to deliver the Pokémon to Miss Joy, Dr. Burratano was joking and chatting happily.

Ge Jihua is the leader of the Baike Gym and an old acquaintance of his.

"Yes, I know! He is an expert in superpower attributes!"

Serena nodded solemnly, her bully panda evolved for this purpose.

It was still early to enter the city today, and she planned to set off directly to challenge the Baike Gym in the afternoon.

"Not only that, Baike Gym is the only doubles gym in Carlos! People who are not familiar with doubles battles will suddenly be confused~!"

Dr. Burratano reminded.


Serena raised her eyebrows, this was the first time she had heard of this.

One-on-one, she has nothing to fear if the bully panda is sent on.

But doubles. Serena is not good at doubles, and her face suddenly became serious.

"Well, the rules are doubles battles, and one of Ms. Katsuki's two Pokémon is dedicated to attacking, and the other is dedicated to assisting. They are a pair of partners who have an extremely tacit understanding and are extremely difficult to defeat!"

Dr. Bratano's words made Serena look even more confused.

The Bully Panda is going to be sent in, but in a double fight, who will be the second one to shoot? !

The sudden doubles rules suddenly disrupted her original idea.

Seeing this, Bratano smiled and did not disrupt Serena's thoughts anymore, allowing the latter to think about tactics.

"Speaking of which, doctor, why did you suddenly ask us to meet here?"

Next to him, Xiaozhi took the elf ball delivered by Miss Joy and couldn't help but asked curiously.Doctors from the Kalos region came here empty-handed just like they were traveling. Are they all so free?
Dr. Bratano was bending over, teasing Ash's fat Harry.

There was also a frog with squinted eyes standing next to him, his hands hanging down, looking a little hunched over.

These two Pokémon were babies in his research institute before. Unexpectedly, they have grown up now.

Especially Fat Hali, his body looks extremely solid and he has completely changed his appearance.

Shinji's miracle!

"Well, actually I came to Baike City for something. It happened that you guys also arrived in this city, so I came with you~"

Dr. Bratano looked serious and put his hands in his pockets.

He turned his head and looked toward the northeast of the city through the window next to him.

There is already a viaduct area built on the water, with a huge circular square.

And at the end of the square, stands a huge pink building!
It is like a stack of pink crystals, which is extremely spectacular and exudes a strange brilliance under the sunlight.

"Sundial (gui three sounds), this is a landmark building in Baike City."

Dr. Bratano's expression gradually became serious, and there was a bit of admiration and respect in his expression as he looked at the pink sundial in the distance.

"It is said that this sundial building has a strange connection with mega evolution. So I came to Baike City this time just to investigate this building."

Dr. Buratano's research focus has always been on mega evolution.

After knowing this information, he immediately set off for Baike City.

It happened that he and Ge Jihua were old acquaintances, and he was going to ask the latter about the specific situation face to face.

"Does mega evolve?"

Xiaozhi and Citron also followed the doctor's gaze. From a distance, the sundial looked more like a giant ice cream fan.

The lower part is in the shape of a torch, seemingly rooted in the sea water, and the upper part is scattered with pink crystal spikes, standing on the elevated square.

Apart from the slightly weird shape, I don't see anything special about it.

"Speaking of which, every city in the Kalos region seems to have a huge landmark building?"

Xiaozhi vaguely found a pattern.

Even in Fengxu Town, which I just passed by not long ago, there was heavy snowfall and the air was full of fluffy catkins.
In fact, there is a huge windmill stone building in the northern area of ​​the city, which is also very conspicuous.

"So I will go to the Baike Gym with you later. I just want to ask Miss Gejihua for information about the sundial~"

Dr. Buratano smiled innocently, and then looked at Serena, who was thinking quickly and slightly fuzzy:
"By the way, I want to watch Serena's gym challenge. I also want to see how Serena's strength is now~?"

He still knows Xiaozhi's strength very well.

He is a great person, a fierce one.

But Dr. Buratano knew very little about this cute little girl.

At first, I thought Serena would take the path of a performer, but I didn’t expect that she would embark on the path of the Gym Alliance Challenge and perform so well.
He is almost the most outstanding existence among this new generation.

No, at least in these sessions, they are the best new trainers.

Of course, Ai Lan must be excluded.

Although this guy only received Yusanjia and started traveling last year, he had already had a lot of fighting experience before that, so he was not considered a pure newcomer. (End of chapter)

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