He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2601 Carved Gym and Geji Flower!

Ai Lan was originally his research assistant, but she didn't expect that her potential in Pokémon battles would be so high.

In the first year of traveling, they easily won the league championship and defeated their opponents with overwhelming force to win the championship.

It is said that when I challenged the eight gyms earlier, I used the Charmander I received from the research institute, a speed pusher!

"I don't know if this guy Ai Lan faces Xiaozhi, who is stronger?"

Dr. Bratano touched his chin and compared secretly.

It's just that Ai Lan has been in a bad state recently, and she hesitates when communicating with him.

Every time I asked something, I just kept mumbling and hung up the phone quickly. It seemed like there was something unspeakable?

"Double battle.!"

Serena was still holding her head and thinking. She became even more nervous when she heard that the doctor was coming to be an audience member.

The Pokémon Doctor is just like a parent to every new trainer.

It's still very nerve-wracking to act under the eyes of parents.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, Serena. You are strong enough now. No matter what kind of opponent you face, you can conquer it as long as you have confidence!"

Turning his head, he found Xiaozhi looking at him with a smile and encouraging him in a deep voice.

Xiaozhi, who has Carlos skin, is full of maturity and reliability, and even his words are highly contagious!

This made Serena look stunned and her cheeks turned red.

Then he nodded solemnly, feeling confident again!

After resting at the Pokémon Center, after a while, under the leadership of Dr. Bratano, several people walked towards the north of the city.

When heading to the Baike Gym, I also passed by the huge sundial building.

When he got closer, Xiaozhi discovered that there was a circle of holes in the center of the pink sundial building. He didn't know what it was for.

There are also some golden patterns carved on the surface, I don’t know what they mean.

In response to this, Buratano also flipped up one side of his messy hair without thinking about it.

Before Xiaozhi and the others entered the city, he had been observing around the Sundial Square for a while, but to no avail.

It is said that this sundial building will display special phenomena at specific times.
After all, it is a sundial. It is an ancient device that relies on the sun's rays to record time. It is naturally related to time.

Why don't we ask Miss Gejihua later?

Half an hour later, everyone arrived in front of the Baike Gym.

The body of the building is no different from an ordinary gymnasium, but there are some golden steel rings built outside the gymnasium.

It's like a golden satellite belt, surrounding the gym as a satellite, with a bit of cosmic science fiction.

But surprisingly, there was already a person standing at the door of the gym.

The other party was tall and meditating with his eyes closed, as if he had been waiting for them early.

"Oh~ Miss Gejihua, why are you outside the gym~!"

Dr. Buratano was walking at the front and quickly stepped forward and said hello with a smile. The person coming was none other than the Baike Gym Leader.

The doctor was still a little strange. Although he mentioned to Ge Jihua on the phone that he would come to the gym soon, he did not make an appointment at a specific time.Why does the other party seem to know the exact time early in the morning?
Ge Jihua then slowly raised his head, opened his eyes, and responded with a chuckle:
"Long time no see, Bratano."

After getting closer, Xiaozhi and others couldn't help but look at this woman.

He looks to be about 40 years old, with darker skin, short purple hair, and a strange hairstyle.

The body is wrapped in a gray robe and cloak, and what he is wearing cannot be seen, but the neck is decorated with a gray ring, which also looks like a sci-fi satellite belt.

There was also a Pokémon standing on both sides of the opponent's body.

They are all small and cute cats, standing upright on their legs, and their body colors are mainly composed of blue and white.

The two cat Pokémon have similar bodies, but there are some differences in the angle of hair growth and the color of the patterns on their bodies.

One of them has mostly blue fur, with some white patterns.

The other one is completely the other way around, with white as the main color.

Mega Meowth is a Pokémon with super powers that looks different from male to female.

Ge Jihua seemed to see through the doctor's doubts, and chuckled calmly, then cast her eyes on Xiaozhi behind her, and said with deep meaning:
"Since I know that a strange guest is coming to our door today, I naturally have to come out in advance to see him."

Ge Jihua was dressed like a divination goddess, and her words were eloquent.

Xiaozhi and Serena stood close to each other, and looking at each other's eyes, Serena thought the other party was talking about her.

It's strange. I just challenged the gym. Is there anything special about it?
Isn’t Miss Gejihua going to super double and punch herself later? !

"Since you want to challenge the gym, then come in~!"

However, this middle-aged woman who spoke cryptically did not continue to say anything in detail. Instead, she turned around and floated directly in the direction of the gym.

It really "floated" all the way.

Everyone lowered their eyes and found that Ms. Ge Jihua's feet did not move at all, and her body was hanging about ten centimeters in the air, as scary as a ghost!

"Is it a super power?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, and then he remembered where he had heard that Miss Gejihua was a superpower.

However, while being surprised, Xiaozhi suddenly discovered that the bodies of the two super-powered cats next to Gejihua seemed to have a faint blue light.
More like two Pokémon quietly using telekinesis to lift their trainer into the air? !
Is this the so-called "superpower"?
Xiaozhi frowned, somewhat trying to be mysterious.

"Haha, let's go in first anyway."

Dr. Buratano quickly interrupted the random thoughts of several people and took the lead to keep up with Gejihua's pace.

According to his understanding, there is no doubt that Gejihua is indeed a real superpower.

However, the ability is not about moving objects through the air or levitating into the air.
But predict the future!

Using the telekinesis power of Super Miaomiao to float into the air is more of Miss Gejihua's personal hobby, so I can't say much about it.

Sundial was in no hurry, just in time to observe Serena's gym challenge.

Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other and quickly followed.

When entering the Baike Gym, the indoor scenery is far more sci-fi and mysterious than the outside.

The surrounding walls were all dim scenes like a cosmic night, and in the center was a battle field with light blue lights, surrounded by golden sphere orbits in the center, as if you were in a vast and unknown universe.

Judging from the exquisite exterior layout of the Super Power Gym, it is obvious that the Baike Gym is full! (End of chapter)

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