He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2604: Defeat and carve the gym!

Chapter 2604: Defeated, Bai Ke Gym!
Serena's sudden command voice caused a brief silence in the arena.

The spirit of the demon fire red fox was extremely concentrated, and he raised the enchanted tree branch and wooden stick in his hand forward.

Puff! !
The next moment, a crimson flame of flame actually spurted out from the front end!

It's just that the appearance is completely different from the ordinary blazing flames. The concentration is lower and more like a translucent energy light curtain.

"Successfully played!"

Se Lei was overjoyed, and the rage she usually unleashed was completely shapeless and had no actual effect at all.

Sure enough, combat is the environment where Pokémon can master its moves the fastest!

The anger spread extremely fast, and before Super Miaomiao could attack, the crimson flame aura enveloped the latter.

"Meow meow"

The two super-powerful cats were hit by the rage, and they couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Of course, in terms of power, it is far inferior to the original Fury of the Galar Flame Bird.

There was almost no damage done, it just made the two kittens feel uncomfortable and inconsistent.

But best of all, the cringe-binding effect of fury!
In particular, the two super-powerful Meow Meows both have super-power attributes that are restrained by the evil attribute. At this moment, their bodies are both frozen in half of the field, making it difficult to move.

The edges of the large shadow ball above the female Super Miaomiao's head were trembling faintly, as if it could collapse and crack at any time.

"What is this trick?"

Although Ge Jihua is well-informed, he has never seen the move of "Burn in Fury". It clearly looks like a majestic flame, but it has the effect of an evil attribute move?

The angry evil aura also affected the Bully Panda, but this guy enjoyed this environment very much.


He even let out a ferocious roar, matching the crimson aura around him, and the bully panda raised his paws and charged forward!
The female super-powered Miaomiao barely recovered and regained control of her body.

He quickly threw the shadow ball in his hand, which was about to explode in chaos, towards the bully panda.

Boom! !
The shadow ball was impartial and exploded in the bully panda's chest, causing a puff of smoke.

"Ba roar!!"

The Bully Panda, which had 1/2 resistance to ghost-type moves, completely ignored the blow and continued to rush forward. The bear's paw on one side was already covered with a dangerous black-purple sheen.
"It's now, Hell Spike!!"

Serena's eyes were sharp and she suddenly shouted.

The black light in the bully panda's hand instantly condensed into a sharp energy thrust, his body bent forward, and the bear's paw thrust forward!

Bang Bang! !
The Hell Thrust hits the female Super Mew. It was originally a move specifically designed to attack the target's throat and vitals. However, due to the disparity in body size, the Hell Thrust's attack range covers almost the entire body of the Super Mew.

The latter's figure was instantly thrown out and hit the wall outside the venue heavily.

Only then did everyone come back to their senses. It turned out that the surroundings in the gym seemed vast, like the infinitely long walls of the universe and the Milky Way, but were actually just the visual impact of the wallpaper.


After hitting the wall, Super Miaomiao rebounded and fell to the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

The referee quickly looked from a distance and found that the female super-powerful Miao Meow had already turned its eyes and was face down, paralyzed on the ground.

Just like its appearance, Super Meowth is a crispy Pokémon.

"Super Miaomiao, lost the ability to fight!"

The referee shouted quickly.

At this moment, the situation on the field suddenly became one-sided.

shhhhh! !
Even if several clusters of energy meteorites suddenly fall out of the sky - this is a future-predicting move used by the female Super Miaomiao in advance.It can delay a few rounds and automatically launch a surprise attack on the enemy.

This is Gejihua's classic tactic. Every time a battle begins, he will find an opportunity to quietly use his future-predicting moves to catch everyone off guard.

Boom! !
It's just that the bully panda straightened up his chest and resisted with his physical body. The future-predicting moves were completely ineffective against him.

"The evil attribute is so beneficial."

On the golden audience track next to him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh, he was completely restrained.

After Gejihua took back the fallen female, there was only one auxiliary Super Miaomiao left at one end of the field.

It flinched and shivered.

On the other side, there were two tall Pokémon looking at each other eagerly.


However, Bully Panda didn't have much energy anymore, and even half-knelt on the ground while panting, finding it difficult to stand up.

But obviously the situation on Gejihua's side is even worse. Except for the first move "High Five Surprise Attack", the damage moves of this auxiliary Super Miaomiao only have the "Spirit" that can control her levitating into the air. Forced thoughts”.

It has no effect at all on the two Pokémon in front of me!

"come back"

After thinking for a moment, Gejihua sighed, lowered her eyes, and suddenly took back the other super-powerful Miaomiao.

This move even stunned the referee for a moment.

Then he suddenly came back to his senses. The gym leader made such a move, which meant that he was voluntarily admitting defeat!

He quickly raised the palm of Serena's side of the competition area and pronounced the verdict for this game:
"Since both Pokémon of Gujihua have lost the ability to fight, the Red Fox and the Bully Panda win!"

"This Hundred-Ken Gym Challenge will be won by player Serena!!"

Hearing this, Serena patted her chest and took a long breath.

Finally won!
The bully panda who was tensing in front of him also softened and almost fell to the ground.

But before he fell, he was supported by the presence beside him.

The Bully Panda turned his head and found that the Demon Fire Red Fox had come to his side at some point and helped him.

In this battle, Bully Panda undoubtedly took most of the damage.


The demon fire red fox smiled at the latter and expressed his gratitude.

The naughty and playful red panda in the team was completely disdainful to Yaohuo Red Fox, as if he saw a naughty child, and he was very disgusted.

Unexpectedly, after evolving, he directly turned into a loyal brother in the world!

This time, he gained the approval of Demon Fire Red Fox.

"Ba drink!"

Bully Panda is like a big brother, throwing his head back and laughing heartily.

Seeing this scene, Serena, who was standing behind, also smiled happily. This battle made the relationship between the two Pokémon suddenly become very good.

But now that the victory has been won, the next step is the spoils.
Serena couldn't help but look in the direction of Gejihua, who was slowly walking over.

Usually, Gejihua has to levitate with the help of the power of Super Miaomiao, forcing everyone to be full.

Now, we can only walk here.

But it’s not a big problem. As long as the movements are slowed down, the sense of ritual will still be full.
(End of this chapter)

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