He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2605: Xiaozhi’s prophecy! ?

Chapter 2605: Xiaozhi’s prophecy! ?
"This is the proof of defeating the Hundred-Ken Gym, a super badge!"

Ge Jihua smiled and took out an exquisite badge from her robe.

At the bottom is a small black-purple pearl, with a yellow smoke pattern connected to the top, just like the smoke of telepathy diffusing from the pearl. The design is very strange.

"Thank you so much, Miss Gurgihua!"

Serena quickly and solemnly saluted and thanked her, then took the badge and carefully placed it in the badge box.

At this moment, there are seven badges placed in sequence, and only the last one is missing!
"Is there only one gym left? That should be Yingxue City's Iceberg Badge, right?"

Gejihua naturally noticed Serena's badge box and reminded her kindly.

"Although Mr. Defu from Yingxue Gym is a peaceful and free-spirited person, sometimes he will even lower the difficulty level and issue badges when he sees a trainer he likes."

"But when he meets a truly capable trainer, he will go all out and even use the power of mega evolution!"

Hearing this, Serena was shocked.

Does the owner of this last gym control the power of mega evolution?

However, her acceptance level is no longer so low now. After all, she had already fought against Korni's mega Lucario in Salo City before.

And she now has both a key stone and a mega stone. She only needs Qingmianniao to complete her evolution, and she can also have her own mega evolution.

Among the group of people walking over, Xiaozhi couldn't help but nodded.

Serena now is completely different from when she was a newcomer.

Even in the battle arena, her appearance is completely different from the easy-going and gentle Serena in daily interactions.

"What a wonderful battle! Serena, you should be able to achieve good results in the next alliance meeting~!"

Dr. Buratano couldn't help but applaud and praise him for successfully conquering the Bai Ke Gym in one go.

Because of Ai Lan, he watched the entire last alliance conference.

According to Serena's current strength, if there is no strong player like Ai Lan in this session,
There is some hope for being the runner-up or even the winner of the conference!
And the wooden staff in the hand of this demon fire red fox seems to be different from other demon fire red foxes.
Bratano has seen at least hundreds of demon fire red foxes, but he has never seen this version.

Let's ask Serena to borrow it for study later.

But the point now
"By the way, Miss Gejihua, I have some questions to ask you about the sundial building. It is said that this thing has a huge relationship with mega evolution?"

Dr. Dr. Bratano gets right to the point.

They had briefly talked about it on the phone before, and the specific matters were left until the meeting.

"Well, it does matter."

Gujihua nodded, and while handing the female Super Mew's Poké Ball to her assistant to take to the Pokémon Center for treatment, she walked in front and led a few people towards the outside of the gym.

After a while, everyone returned to the Sundial Square.

Under the sunlight, the pink sundial refracts the light around.

"The Keystone can turn the trainer's feelings towards Pokémon into energy rays and emit them."

Ge Jihua didn't hide anything, she told everything she discovered about the corona:
"And this corona can refract sunlight into special energy rays. According to my observations, the principles of these two rays may be the same."

Xiaozhi and the others were confused, but Dr. Buratano's eyes lit up.

Is the light refracted by the corona sure related to time?
The sun's rays that are randomly refracted now can't be seen, but once a certain time comes, the light refracted by the corona should also become special.

"In this case, you may need to investigate it yourself, Bratano." Gejihua shrugged. She was not very interested in mega evolution, so she only had a superficial understanding.

"I know! I will stay here these few days to record the time and observe the sundial!"

Dr. Bratano rolled up his sleeves on the spot and prepared to record the law of refracted light by the sundial for a long time.

You are sure to discover the strange secrets about mega evolution!

"Welcome, there are some guest rooms in the Baike Gym next door. You can stay as long as you want."

Gejihua smiled casually, but she was very supportive of Dr. Buratano's research.

Being able to figure out the mysteries of local architecture will also be of great help to her.

Seeing that the matter was over, everyone was about to return to the Pokémon Center. At this time, Gujihua suddenly stopped in front of Xiaozhi with a serious expression.


Seeing that the latter's eyes were still a little confused, Ge Jihua frowned deeply.

Has this kid really lost his memory completely?

Some creators may forget, a few years later, what they wrote a few years ago
But if it’s something you’ve experienced personally, you shouldn’t forget it so quickly, right?

At that time, Ge Jihua also made a prediction for Xiaozhi.
It is very rare for me to use my prophecy ability for others, but the other party has completely forgotten about it? !

"Um, what's wrong? Miss Gujihua?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, looking harmless.

Seeing this, Ge Jihua could only cough and return to the topic.

She released the auxiliary Super Cat with her backhand. This Pokémon still retained a lot of energy.

The super-powerful Miaomiao understood, his eyes glowed blue, and his mental power fell on Gejihua, causing the latter's figure to levitate.

Suspended all the way to a height of three or four meters, right next to the pink sundial building behind, the Geji flower is full of momentum.

"Xiao Zhi from Zhenxin Town, for you, some incredible scenes have appeared in my mind!"

She spoke in a low, drawn-out tone.

Although this young man has a bad memory, he is very extraordinary.

She knew it as early as when she was in the Fangyuan area. At that time, Gejihua predicted that the sight she saw was very strange.

In the past few days, she had frequently predicted new scenes about Xiaozhi. Gejihua suddenly understood that this young man was probably going to interact with her again.

"Oh oh oh! Is it Miss Kujihua's prophecy?!"

Dr. Buratano was the first to get excited. It's hard for ordinary people to see Ms. Gujihua exerting her power!

Xiaozhi tilted his head and looked at the scene in front of him.

Not to mention, the prophecy, combined with the scene of Miss Kujihua's body glowing with blue light, does it really look familiar?

But before he could think about it, everything in front of everyone suddenly became dim and chaotic, as if they had collectively traveled to an unknown space.

This is the hypnosis of Super Miaomiao, combined with Gejihua's prophecy ability, which can directly allow Xiaozhi and his party to enter a spiritual world full of fantasy scenes.
(End of this chapter)

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