He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2607 Your notoriety will spread throughout Carlos!

"You and your frog are destined to become heroes who save the world, reach the peak that no one has ever set foot on, and become a legend."

Ge Jihua's words were so exaggerated that Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at his frog with excitement.

Is it really that powerful? !

Although he has long known that his frog is special, is it too much to use the words "save the world"?

The croak-headed frog squinted its eyes and had a downcast expression, indifferent.

In comparison, it pays more attention to the evolved "self" in the picture just now, and the powerful momentum displayed by being wrapped in the vortex of water.

I can still become stronger in my future!
"Nima, Nima!!"

Seeing that everyone started praising good students again, the fat Hali next to him quickly called out unhappily.

Nowadays, it has changed its appearance. Even in daily private battles with the frog, it still maintains a stable 0 win rate.
But every time, the frog was beaten until it was out of breath and almost defeated.

How can you save half the world by yourself? !

Sure enough, there was also a scene of Chubby Hari in the prophecy scene of Miss Kujihua, which also started from the hatching of the Pokémon egg.

After hatching from the egg shell, Halili played with his friends and was the one who ate the most at every meal. Sometimes he would compete for his companions' rations, and he seemed to have a rough personality.

There is even a special Harry chestnut with a stern expression and hard training.

Xiaozhi's Harry was beside him, followed by a group of Muggle companions, throwing stones at the hard-working Harry and laughing and mocking him from all around.

A group of people: "."

So it’s you, kid, who has been bullying his peers who are better than him since childhood, right? !

It’s an old tradition, no wonder now I always harass the frogs when I have nothing to do!
The image of his childhood was revealed, which made Fatty Hali blush, and he quickly rubbed his head and started laughing.

"Nima, damn~!"

These are all youthful and frivolous things, just skip them!
In the picture, the next scene is the scene where Ha Lili came to the Bratano Research Institute, and became a thorn in the door at the same time as the Bubble Frog, and stayed there for a long time without being able to get out.

Of course, Bubble Frog came back because he defected.

And Ha Lili is because no one chose it at all!

The trainers in Carlos don't think much of their grass-type Yusanjia. There are even many locals who can't even remember the name of Harili's third stage, and their sense of existence is extremely low.

In the end, Ha Lili quietly escaped from the research institute, followed Xiaozhi and his group, and forcibly joined the team.

"I see, is this what Fatty Hali looked like before?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin and put a hand on Fat Harry's shoulder.


Facing Xiaozhi's scrutinizing eyes, Fat Hali, although sweating profusely on his forehead, still stared straight ahead and had no intention of responding.

The next scene is the scene where Ha Lili joins the team and is instantly killed by the genius Bubble Frog every day, which is a bit unbearable to watch.

Then it completes its evolution to what it is now.

"Wait a minute, what was the scene just now?"

Citron pushed up his glasses. In the picture, when they were passing by Shixiang Town, Ha Lili seemed to have eaten something strange?

Green, like a puddle of soft mud.

"That... can't be it?"

Dr. Buratano also frowned. It couldn't be what he thought, right?

But he quickly shook his head, it was ridiculous.The prophecy scene is not over yet, and Fat Hali is also starting to look forward to it. The next step is the prophecy that he will become a hero and save the world, right?

So Ge Jihua spoke in a long tone, but the content of the prophecy made people shudder:

"Fat Hali, the destructive power of your sacrificed existence is enough to shake the whole world."

"From now on, your bad name will be remembered in the Kalos region"

Matching the picture, Fat Hali's whole body seems to be bursting with dazzling green light, and it condenses into a giant Gundam, destroying everything around him wantonly.

His eyes were red, as terrifying as a big devil!
Fatty Hali: "?!"

Wait a minute, am I not a hero? Why did I suddenly become an evil villain? !

This time, not only Xiaozhi, but also several people around him looked at him with scrutiny.

If this prophecy is true, Fat Harry's future seems to be to turn into an evil demon and destroy the world! ?

Xiaozhi's eyebrows kept twitching, this was too outrageous.

Let’s not talk about where Chubby Hali got his weird powers, but the Pokémon itself can’t turn into some giant robot, right?
The picture just flashed by, and there was no time to look at the playback in detail, and few people could not judge.

And Miss Ge Jihua was only responsible for showing the prophecy and did not say anything in detail, leaving everyone even more confused.

"Dark green Gundam. Is it possible that the lump that Fatty Hali just ate was really...?"

Among the crowd, the doctor's eyes became more and more serious.

But even if "that person" is really eaten and his body is controlled, there is no reason for that person to destroy the world, right? !
After reading the prophecy, Dr. Buratano became even more confused.

However, this prophecy cannot be known to outsiders.

Otherwise, it is estimated that many people will come to directly suppress Fatty Hali and nip the disaster in the cradle in advance.

After Fatty Hali was frightened at the beginning, his expression actually became excited.

What, the whole Kalos people will know themselves! ?

This is a good thing!
Xiaozhi: "."

Originally, he wanted to comfort Fatty Hali, but looking at the latter's expression, he didn't need his own comfort at all.
But this prophecy also interested him.

Maybe something will really go wrong with Fatty Hali's body next, so you have to watch carefully.

The green light energy that is comparable to the level of legendary Pokémon has been frequently erupted before. Is there really a connection?

As for the end of Miss Gujihua's prophecy, some disaster scenes also appeared in the vision.

For example, the high-rise buildings in Miare City were suddenly destroyed by huge plants that jumped out of the ground. It was like a science fiction story.
"The Kalos region is facing a huge crisis. Just like the ancient war that lasted thousands of years, everyone and all Pokémon in the entire region will be affected."

Everyone quickly cheered up, this matter was crucial.

"Carlos Crisis.?"

Dr. Buratano frowned. He had never heard of Carlos having any problems.

But Miss Ge Jihua’s prediction cannot but be believed.

The violent giant plant that destroyed the city of Miare in the picture looks quite dangerous.

Xiaozhi frowned and felt a little guilty when hearing Ge Jihua's last prophecy of disaster.

Why is it a regional disaster? It seems that every time he goes to a region, there will be a disaster of similar scale.

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