He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2608: Information about Zigerd?

Until the illusion created by Super Miaomiao using phantom light disappeared, and the sunlight that fell again appeared extremely dazzling.

Everyone left the prophecy space, but their expressions were still immersed in it, and they couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

Gejihua fell from the sky and looked at Xiaozhi helplessly.

Her prophecy ability is divided into active and passive.

Normally, she has the active ability to predict small things, but this kind of important and special prediction is beyond her control and appears passively in her mind.

The last prediction made to Xiaozhi was about the disaster in the Fangyuan area.

However, according to what she later learned, the disaster in the Fangyuan area did not happen in the end and everything was peaceful.

In other words, Ge Jihua's prediction is not necessarily accurate.

Or, human intervention can be carried out to modify the future direction.

The damn thing is, after Xiaozhi came to the Kalos region, it seemed like there was going to be another regional-level disaster here.
"Disaster star?"

Ge Jihua secretly thought, but did not say it directly.

Then she nodded to everyone and then walked towards the gym.

"There are so many predictions in total, but no one knows what the future will look like specifically."

As a gym leader, Ge Jihua couldn't prevent disasters at the regional level, but at least she had to defend Baike City. She had to go back and make preparations.

While the others were still stuck in place, it was Dr. Buratano who finally broke the deadlock.

He originally thought that he could leisurely investigate this strange corona building, but his actions may become more urgent next.

"In short, I suspect that the strange power contained in Fat Hali may be related to the legendary Pokémon, Zygarde."

Dr. Buratano said seriously, and he squatted down and rubbed Fat Harry's big belly.

There is no strange feeling.

If he saw the image correctly, Fat Hali should have swallowed the "core" of a Zygarde by mistake.

"Xiao Zhi, remember I mentioned it to you before, about the Zygarde Polyhedron."


Xiaozhi blankly took out a dark green angular polyhedron from his backpack.

Weighing it in my hand, I found it was quite heavy.

Along the way, he has actually been using this prop.

He has actually absorbed a lot of Zygarde cells that exist everywhere in the Kalos region but are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Probably hundreds of cells have been absorbed.

With the help of the waveguide, he was able to observe these individual cells that looked like green ooze.

"Yeah, but the number of cells is only related to the level of energy. The most important thing is the core!"

Dr. Burratano said seriously.

They are almost the same in appearance as Zygarde's individual cells, they are both a puddle of green ooze.

But compared to cells, individual cells have no action and can only lie quietly in the corner, absorbing sunlight energy and waiting for the call from the core.
Core individuals have the ability to think independently and act independently.

And there is a colored hexagonal core mark on the abdomen.

"Nine times out of ten, your fat Hali swallowed a Zygarde core!" Buratano vaguely remembered that it was an individual with a blue core.

"Therefore, Fat Hali may have also gained part of Zygarde's power, and can summon all the individual cells scattered around to gather into himself, thus bursting out with powerful power."

This is also how Zygarde fights.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others suddenly understood. In this case, Fat Hali's inexplicable power can be explained.

Every time he exploded with power, he indeed absorbed many green light spots from the outside world.

And with Fatty Hali's greedy character, he mistakenly swallowed a ball of slime into his stomach, so he probably didn't even notice it, right?
Just how to take it out, or if Zygarde's core stays inside, will there be any problems?
Dr. Buratano is also confused about these.

This legendary ancient god is known as the monitor of the natural ecology of the Kalos region.

An existence that only appears when the local spiritual environment suffers huge damage and leads to imbalance.
There are too few relevant intelligence legends.

"Anyway, Xiaozhi, you have to pay more attention to Fat Hali from now on."

Dr. Burratano could only remind him so.

At least it cannot evolve into the big devil who destroys everywhere like in the prophecy.

"Well, I see!"

Xiaozhi put a hand on the top of Fat Hali's head. Unexpectedly, his Pokémon swallowed an ancient god directly into its stomach.

"How about trying laxatives?"

Next to you, Yulijia came up with a bad idea.

Let Fat Hali take some powerful laxatives, maybe he can pull out the legendary Zygarde directly.

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, it seemed that it wasn't such a bad idea.
"Nah?! Nah! Nah!!"

Fatty Hali understood and immediately protested loudly.

He even squatted on the ground and stuffed half of his hand into his mouth to induce vomiting, trying to spit out the Zygarde inside.

There was nothing special except that he vomited out the undigested remains of the food he had eaten in the morning.

But he didn't spit it out, so Fatty Hali was a little lucky.
He looked at the frog next to him without any trace.

It is precisely with the help of Zygarde's core that it has the power to catch up with the frog!
Once without the help of this core, it becomes a fat Muggle Harry.
Seeing this, everyone could only take one step, one step at a time.

Seeing Citron, Serena and the others seemed worried. After all, they had seen the prophecy of a catastrophe in their local area, so they would naturally be frightened.

"Don't worry~ I don't know how many times I have experienced this kind of disaster, but it was all resolved successfully in the end~"

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, sounded like someone who had been through it before and was not in a hurry.

Compared to the predicted catastrophe, he was actually more focused on the previous competition.

Xiaozhi can't wait to fight against the King of Heaven champion and that mysterious fellow trainer!

"Well, I will stay in Baike City for the next few days. I will seize the time to study this sundial building and record the data. Next, I have to go to the Pokémon League."

At the entrance of the Pokémon Center in Baike City, Dr. Buratano was about to say goodbye to a few people.

This prophecy of catastrophe must also be made known to the officials so that preparations can be made in advance.

Before leaving, he also reminded:
"By the way, Xiaozhi, although we don't know much about Zygarde, there are still some related legends."

"For example, Route 18 in the southeast direction of Baike City is connected to a mysterious cave called the Ending Cave. It is said that this cave has something to do with Zygarde."

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