He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2609 The evil sonic dragon!

"Is it near Baike City?! What a coincidence!"

Xiaozhi was overjoyed to hear the information about Zygarde and quickly expressed his gratitude to the doctor.

However, I feel like I have heard of this ending cave before.

"It's a buzz bat! In the Kalos region, only the Terminus Cave is home to wild buzz bats!"

Beside him, Citron reminded him with a sudden smile.

Previously, Xiaozhi wanted to conquer the dragon-type Pokémon in the Kalos region, so he specifically asked him to collect the habitats of these Pokémon.

For example, the garbage algae in Azure Bay and the slimy beauty in Aromatherapy Wetland were successfully conquered.

As for Carlos's last dragon, the buzz bat and sonic dragon family, there are only records of living in the ultimate cave in the wild.

Other caves are inhabited by some bad street bats, such as supersonic bats and rolling bats.
"That's just on the way!"

Ash's face lit up with joy, and along with the information from his investigation of Zygarde, he might be able to put together the last piece of the puzzle for his Carlos Dragons team!
The next day, after saying goodbye to the doctor and taking a short rest in Baike City, everyone continued on their way.

Today they came to Route 18, also known as the Canyon Road.

There are stretching valleys and canyons everywhere, but the green scenery is excellent, and many beautiful waterfalls fall in the high canyons.

The waterfall falls and merges into a clear river at a low point, with woods and grass scattered along the banks.

And along the way, you can also see many cave entrances in the low position of the canyon. It seems that the caves in this area are interconnected and intricate.

"This used to be a famous coal mine, but for some reason, these mines are now abandoned."

Citron introduced to several people.

Perhaps because of some local environmental protection organizations in Carlos, the coal mines that caused great damage to the ecology were terminated.

But until now, you can still see some old and rusty mine carts placed at the entrances of some caves.

There are even some abandoned minecart tracks built on the ground. It was probably a very prosperous area in the past.

"How are you, Fatty Hali? Have you noticed anything strange?"

Xiaozhi accompanied Fat Hali outside and couldn't help but ask the latter.

Maybe it can sense the surrounding aura related to Zygarde?

Fat Hali sniffed the surrounding area vigorously, and finally rubbed his belly, drool could not help but fall from the corner of his mouth.

a little hungry.

Everyone: "."

It was almost noon, so a few people simply found a flat open space by the creek, pulled up their seats, and prepared to have lunch first.

After lunch, it was everyone’s daily practice time.

"The demon fire red fox is furious!!"

Serena and Demon Fire Red Fox are still actively practicing this move.

Moves unique to Legendary Pokémon will definitely be of great use when used by ordinary Pokémon.

It will be Serena's eighth gym soon, and she is the most diligent among them.

"Yingxue Gym is good at ice attributes."

Serena's eyes were solemn, it seemed that the last gym had to rely on the flame attack of the Demon Fire Red Fox.

Of course, Bully Panda's powerful arm-pounding moves are also a powerful weapon for conquering gyms.

Serena's gym strategy is different from Xiaozhi's inverse attribute tactics. The main focus is to beat the gym with formula and maximize the attribute restraint.

On the other side, Citron also released his furry sheep and continued to discharge electricity at a nearby waterfall.

The burst of golden electricity, although it seems unremarkable in Pikachu's eyes, is already very powerful for ordinary people. "This furry sheep is going to evolve soon...?"

As a senior electrician, Xiaozhi couldn't help but speak while watching Citron's exercise from a distance.

My companions are all working hard, so I can’t slack off!

"Fire Arrow Eagle, use the Brave Bird to attack!!"

Xiaozhi first sent the Arrow Eagle, which had little presence, to greet and train it.

Now the Arrow Eagle has completely mastered the fire attribute's ultimate suicide move - Flash Charge.

The next step is to practice the suicide move of flying attributes, and the brave bird attacks fiercely.

Carry out the title of Suicide Bird to the end.

As for the good student Frog, he doesn't need to be commanded.


The environment of Route 18 has trees and streams, which is undoubtedly a very suitable environment for the practice of the frog.

Practice practices such as climbing trees and treading water are no longer very effective for today's frogs.

At this moment, the frog stood in a cluster of waterfalls, letting the water flow from above to fall down, soaking and covering its entire body.

It thought of the prophetic picture it saw the day before yesterday, in which the "future self" was wrapped in a huge vortex of water, showing unparalleled power.
The frog now wanted to unleash all this power, so he used the power of the waterfall to simulate the situation of his whole body being wrapped in a whirlpool of water.

"Well, as for you, Fatty Hali."

Looking at Fat Hali who was eager to try, the latter even formed a green sledgehammer in both hands, and danced the two-hand mallet move like a wind.

But now Fat Hali is giving Xiaozhi a headache.

The main reason is that Zygarde exists in the body. There is no communication at all, and he does not come out. He has been silent, and he has no idea what his purpose is.

Is it possible that, as Miss Katsuki said, Fat Hali was used as the sacrifice carrier Jinchuuriki?
What Fatty Hali wants to do now is to figure out the problem inside his body first.
"Are you all foreigners?"

Xiaozhi and others were practicing on their own. At this time, a woman dressed as a peasant woman walked through the jungle. She was between 50 and [-] years old.

There is a bamboo basket on the back, which contains a lot of fresh fungi.

He seemed to live nearby, and since he had never seen the faces of Xiaozhi and others, he couldn't help but go up and ask.

There seemed to be a bit of nervousness and caution in his expression.

"Well, we are not bad people, we just happened to pass by here."

Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward and explained cheerfully.

"I'm not worried about you being bad people, but I'm worried about the guys in the cave."

The mushroom-picking farmer woman pointed fearfully at a cave on the other side of the stream.

There is also an abandoned mine, with dilapidated minecarts and tracks at the entrance.

"Recently, a ferocious sonic dragon often flies out of there. It will attack anyone it sees. It's very ferocious!"

So these days, no one dares to approach the cave entrance!
Citron pushed up his glasses. There were no signs of damage to the surrounding trees and grass.

But then I thought about it, Sonic Dragon is a Pokémon that relies on sound waves to attack, and its moves really won't leave too many traces in the environment.

"Wait a minute, Sonic Dragon?!"

But upon hearing this word, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

Originally, he wanted to tame a buzzing bat and train and evolve from scratch.
But now it is acceptable to directly conquer a mature sonic dragon!

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