He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2610 The adventure that ends in the cave!

"Then I'm in~!"

After bidding farewell to his friends for the time being, Xiaozhi walked alone toward an entrance to the Termination Cave.

Serena is afraid of the gloomy and dark environment, while Citron is working hard with his furry sheep for the final evolution, so Xiaozhi prepares for a long-lost solo adventure.

After knowing that there is a dangerous sonic dragon living in the cave, he plans to subdue it and gather the Carlos Dragon Team!

"Be careful, Xiaozhi."

Serena was at the entrance of the cave, and it looked gloomy inside. She didn't dare to get close, so she could only remind her from outside.

"Don't worry, I have the power of waveguide, I won't encounter any danger~"

Xiaozhi waved his hand, calmly and confidently.

Following the instructions of the mushroom-picking woman from before, we walked into a cave with an abandoned track on the ground.

As for Pokémon such as the Frog and the Arrow Eagle, Xiaozhi left them outside to exercise on their own.

Just walk into the cave for a while and you'll probably be able to come out soon. There's no need to bring all the other Pokémon with you. Citron and the others are camping at the creek.

"Let's go, Pikachu, Chubby Hari!"

To be on the safe side, Xiaozhi only brought his old partner Pikachu and Fat Hali, who had a special connection with Zygarde.

The End Cave is said to be the place where Zygarde lives. Maybe Fat Hali can find something special.

"Nima, damn~!"

Fat Hali's whole body was like a rubber ball. He patted his chest with his chubby palms and ran into the ultimate cave first.

"Hey, be careful, Fatty Hali!"

Xiaozhi could only curse in a low voice and quickly followed.

Entering the End Cave, the environment inside is not primitive, and there are traces of human activities everywhere.

For example, the minecart track is laid all the way under your feet, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The light is dim, and some old yellow coal lamps are occasionally lit on the walls. I don’t know why, but they are still functioning after so many years.

Pikachu didn't need to use the flash technique anymore. He lay quietly on Xiaozhi's shoulder and looked forward.

The road is not narrow. The cave tunnels on the main road are guided by mine car tracks on the ground. Some of the branch roads encountered are dark deep. It is estimated that even when the mine was operating a few years ago, the traffic in these directions was The paths are also undeveloped.

Xiaozhi originally wanted to use the power of his waveguide to diffusely sense the surroundings.


It's just that as soon as his waveguide power spreads out, it seems to be interfered with by something, becoming chaotic and useless.

The End Cave was indeed Zygarde's former habitat.

This ancient god from the Kalos region has the property of "aura destruction" and can destroy the aura abilities of the other two ancient gods in the same region - Xerneas and Yveltal. .

In a way, it was also a suppression of the other two ancient gods.

The characteristic of aura destruction naturally affects the ending cave where it lives, making it difficult to maintain aura-type moves or superpowers there.
However, Xiaozhi didn't know these trivial knowledge, so he just thought it was the failure of the power of the waveguide and didn't take it to heart.

"Hey, there's even a minecart!"

After walking about a hundred meters, Xiaozhi suddenly saw an abandoned mine cart on the track in front of him.

The surface looks shabby and old, with a lot of rust.

"Nima, Nima!!"

Fat Hali jumped up directly and kept patting the edge of the mine cart, signaling Xiaozhi to come up quickly.

It’s a rare adventure, how can you not take a mine cart? "Hey, Fatty Hali, does this seem to be the case too?"

Xiaozhi just wanted to say that it was too dangerous, but when he thought about it, it really was true.

It's not a big problem. If the minecart is halfway through and encounters any danger ahead, just use your own skills to drag Fat Hali out of the car.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi also turned over and stepped onto the mine cart.

But the next question is: how to start?

When you look at the mine carts on TV, they are usually hand-cranked or steam-driven. Can this old mine cart still start?

There is also a gap in the back of the mine cart, which seems to be where the coal was poured into and burned.


Pikachu patted its chest directly, indicating to look at it.

Then it landed on the platform behind the mine cart, bent its tail, and inserted it into the gap like a socket.

As the tail burst out with a burst of electricity, the mine cart under the few people actually started to operate.

Rumble.! !
First there was a roaring noise that had not been operated for a long time, and the car body shook violently.

It seems to be even more unreliable than Citron's invention, and it will explode at any time.

Although the sound was messy and restless, the indicator light on the front of the minecart lit up, indicating that it was successfully opened.

"Can it really be opened?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and the fat Hali next to him jumped directly onto the driver's seat in front, holding two things in his hands that stood upright, similar to the steering wheel of a car.

"Nima, Nima~!!"

The next moment, the mine car started smoothly and slid forward.

bang bang bang.! !
Although the speed was not fast at the beginning, as Pikachu increased the power, the speed gradually increased, reaching 30km/h, and it is still increasing.

"Then it's up to you two, especially you, Fat Hali, be careful!"

Xiaozhi simply handed over the driving rights of the mine cart to the two mice, and he concentrated on using the power of the waveguide again, trying to spread the perception around him.

"Nima, damn~!"

Fat Hali shouted happily, grabbed the steering wheel, and drove forward.

However, there are very few branching routes on this track. The steering wheel is more of a decorative function and does not require artificial turns at all.

As the mine cart continues to advance, 200 meters, 300 meters.
Only then did Xiaozhi realize the huge space inside the Ending Cave.

Except that there is a tunnel path at the beginning, there is an extremely spacious space inside, with darkness on both sides, and the end cannot be seen at a glance.

Only a very small area near the track was lit with lights.

"Does the hiss look very deep?"

Xiaozhi grabbed the edge of the minecart and looked both ways.

Above is a rock wall covered with sharp stone pillars, and the two sides do not seem to be solid. The track they are on is the only high slope, with both sides extending downward, and it is bottomless.

bang bang bang.! !
And in this quiet and empty environment, the friction of the mine car's old iron wheels, which had been in disrepair for a long time, made an extremely harsh noise, which woke up many wild Pokémon living nearby.

Even in mid-air, some purple Pokémon with flapping wings passed by, looking like small bats.

"It's buzz bat!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, it was the last dragon-type Pokémon he was missing!

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