He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2625: Tie transformation, Ash’s version of Koga Ninja!


Seeing this, Xiaozhi felt happy. The bonding power he had released had not yet been completely disconnected from the frog.

The strange evolved white light and the surging water around the body also made An Kun and General Pu Dao widen their eyes, and their heads fell into a brief blank.

Even in this ancient world where the opponent's life is taken, when someone's Pokémon is about to evolve, the opponent will freeze.

In the white light of evolution, the frog's body began to grow larger and deformed.

Finally, as the white light dissipated, the water flow around it broke, and the frog showed a new attitude!
The frog-shaped body becomes more mature and well-proportioned, with dark blue or even slightly purple skin and white bubbles on the joints.

The frog paws on the limbs become more slender, with yellow webs between the fingers.

The most eye-catching thing is that the foam that was originally tied around the neck and back has completely disappeared, replaced by a bright red "scarf" that is wrapped around the neck several times.

But this is actually the frog's tongue, which has the ability to stretch and wrap around at will.

"Is this the Koga Ninja Frog?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened. The appearance of Koga Ninja was so handsome that he was stunned for a moment.

Just standing there without making any movements, the scent of a hidden ninja came to his face, as if he was born to be a seasoned and professional ninja.

"Is this the Koga Ninja?! It's perfect!"

"Our Koga-ryu's signature facade ninja!! Other Pokémon are not worth mentioning!!"

"So handsome!!"

The sudden evolution of the Koga Ninja Frog also caused people in the surrounding Koga Ninja Village to cheer and celebrate, as if they had won the battle.

Even An Kun, who was his opponent, couldn't help but feel frightened.

He is indeed a born ninja.

But the appearance of such a Pokémon in the Koga Ninja Village, which he hated the most, made An Kun even more angry!

It must be completely eliminated before the opponent is fully mature!
"Don't give it a chance, use the sword!!"

An Kun almost roared and attacked.

A Pokémon that has just evolved cannot yet make good use of its new body and new powers.

"Hmph, let's compete in strength this time. Koga Ninja Frog, Water Wave Sword!!"

This time, Xiaozhi chose to deal with it head on.

After completing the evolution, the Servant Sword General is only half a head taller than the Koga Ninja Frog, and there is no such disparity in size between the two.


The Koga Ninja understood, and the water flowed from his palms, instantly condensing two short blue blades.

This time it was even infused with chakra to change its form, shaping it into the shape of two kunai shurikens.

The next moment, he stepped on the ground and rushed forward.

Bang bang!Bang bang! !

In the center of the arena, the two of them collided with each other more than ten times with real swords and spears in almost a few seconds. The water-flowing kunai in both hands chopped together with the opponent's long blade, sparks flying everywhere.

Koga Ninja was obviously holding back a lot of anger. Previously, his strength was so disparate that he couldn't compete with his opponent.

Until now, it has finally reached the same level in terms of strength.

Bang Bang! !
There was another explosion, and the sword general held the sword in both hands, forcing the Koga Ninja to protect the two kunai in front of him at the same time, and his arms couldn't help but sink.

Although they are at the same level, in terms of strength, General Pu Dao is still superior.During the stalemate, An Kun suddenly showed a sinister expression:
"There's more, servant sword!!"

The servant sword general not only has long blades condensed in the void in his palms, but also the long red-edged swords that grow on both sides of his cheeks, like beards, can also be used as a means of attack.

The two Pokémon's blades were locked in a stalemate in the center of the arena, close to each other.

However, the servant sword general suddenly turned his head to the side, trying to use the blade on the side of his face to attack in a sneak attack, and directly cut off the head of the Koga Ninja.

At this moment, Koga Ninja's hands are restricted, and he has no extra energy to defend.
"Hahaha, I still win! Although your ninja partner evolved, it gave me an opportunity to take advantage of!!"

An Kun's eyes were almost completely broken, and he laughed sinisterly and arrogantly.

However, at the same moment, the moods of Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja became extremely strange.

The bond between them has not been completely severed yet.

In the minds of one person and one frog, there was a strange idea that "it can continue to evolve upwards".

"The Koga Ninja Frog, can it continue to evolve?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. Could it be a mega evolution like Charizard?

It's just that he doesn't have the Koga Ninja Mega Stone, and he has never heard similar statements in the Kalos area.

Why don't you try it?
And when Xiaozhi just came up with this idea of ​​"try evolution".

Gurgling! !

The next moment, Koga Ninja suddenly spewed out extremely violent water from his body, spiraling into the sky, forming a water tornado in the blink of an eye!
The scene was far more exaggerated than the water flow stirred up during the previous evolution, and the entire ninja village could see it!

And it seems that the water still has substantial hardness.

Bang Bang!

The sword attack of the general's sword slashing across his cheek was actually blocked by the whirlpool of water. He was unable to cut through the water and hit the Koga Ninja's body.

"What the hell is this...?"

Not to mention Xiaozhi who was stunned by this sudden scene, the surrounding ninjas and rebel ninjas all had the same expression.

Everyone was shocked and felt an extremely tyrannical and violent pressure and suffocation.

Through the translucent swirling water, everyone seemed to see the Koga ninja frog inside, and his body shape seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.?

The skin color seemed to have changed from bluish-purple to a purer dark blue, human-like black hair grew on the sides of the cheeks, and the protruding vertical lines on the top of the head also turned red.

Appearance, the most important thing is temperament, a bit like...
Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Xiaozhi.

The current Koga Ninja seems to have turned into Ash Ketchum?

Or could it be that there are more elements of Xiaozhi’s appearance?

"Don't tell me, this feeling?!"

As the center, Xiaozhi also had an extremely strange feeling in his heart.

He used the power of bond to connect with many Pokémon.

But now, the strength of the connection with Koga Ninja seems to be stronger than the feeling of simply connecting with the power of bond.

At this moment, Koga Ninja's mood, will, and even the five senses of sight and hearing are completely connected.

Even when he raises his hand, the Koga Ninja Frog will also follow the raised hand movements, just like remote control?
This feeling was weird, but it made Xiaozhi become more and more excited.

For a time, the eyes of one person and one frog became focused and radiant!
In other words, now that he and Koga Ninja are completely connected, no one will be their opponent!

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