He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2626: Giant shuriken, defeating the sword general!

Tie transformed into Xiaozhi's version of Koga Ninja. His whole body was still covered by exaggerated vortexes of water, forming a natural protective shell.

Bang Bang! !
As the water surged upward, even the long blade that had struck the sword general flew away from his hand, and his body leaned back.

However, the next moment, Xiaozhi and Ankun shouted at the same time:
"Servant sword!!"

"Ambush the vital point!!"

The steel body of General Servant Sword forced his body back to its right position, condensed his long blade and charged forward again.

As for the Koga Ninja in the water, this time, both hands simultaneously condensed long blades of black and purple energy.
Having completed its final evolution, it has also gained evil attributes at this moment, doubling the power of its secret attack moves!

Bang Bang! !
In the center of the village clearing, the energy blades of the ninja and the samurai collided together, and both were evil-attributed blade moves, causing a harsh metal explosion!
Only this time, in terms of pure power, Koga Ninja actually had the upper hand.

The Koga Ninja pressed hard with his palm, and actually knocked the general with his sword backwards, almost falling down.

"Is it an ability similar to mega evolution?"

Although the Koga Ninja's body was still wrapped in the rushing water, Xiaozhi stood closest and could vaguely see the physical characteristics of the Koga Ninja inside, and some novel changes had taken place.

Somewhat similar to mega evolution, there are changes, but not much.

He didn't associate these changes with his own appearance.
The most important thing is that the ability of Koga Ninja in this form is greatly improved, and it may be even more powerful than the mega evolution.

"Since it has evolved, then this move: Koga Ninja Frog, Flying Water Shuriken!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright and he suddenly shouted, "The flying water shuriken is the signature skill of Koga Ninja, and it is automatically mastered when it evolves."

Koga Ninja patted his waist with his palm, and instantly condensed two aqua energy shurikens.

Although it was the first time to use it, the movement was not unfamiliar at all, and it was thrown out extremely quickly.

This action has been practiced countless times by Koga Ninja when using his own foam before.

boom!boom! !

The seemingly small flying water shuriken was extremely fast, and several shots hit the chest of the sword general at the same time, blowing him backwards.

You must know that the flying water shuriken is just a continuous move, and its power is similar to that of the seed machine gun.
Bang Bang!

However, this blow caused the Servant General to kneel on the ground with one leg, and he was in great embarrassment. This shows how powerful the Koga Ninja is in this state!
Due to a sudden change, his overwhelming advantage turned into a complete disadvantage, allowing the rebellious ninja An Kun to almost break his defense.

"Damn it. Decapitation pliers!!"

He angrily shouted out this dangerous move.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja felt their hearts tighten and were about to be on guard.

However, he saw that General Sword turned around and actually attacked Pokémon such as Alidos and Ironclaw, which were among his subordinates.

The guillotine was extremely cruel, killing several Pokémon in one go.

This brutal scene made everyone stunned. Is this guy crazy?
As for An Kun's subordinates, none of them dared to raise any objections and resist. They lowered their heads and allowed their leader to reap the heads.

And as the Servant Sword General dropped several guillotines in succession, his body paused for a moment, and a ferocious bloody red light suddenly flashed on his body!
The metal body became larger, the blade became sharper, and the whole body was bathed in the crimson amplified fierce light.!

The sword general's double attack ability has been greatly improved!

"This is.?!"

Xiaozhi came to his senses, probably because of its previous actions.

General, this is the exclusive characteristic of the Sword General. When his companion dies in battle, his own double attack will be improved.

It was originally supposed to be a warm-blooded character that was unwilling to work up because of the fall of its companions, but now it has become extremely cruel and bloody.Because knocking down your companions by yourself can also trigger the general's characteristics! !

"Servant roar.!!"

The servant sword general's eyes were red and he made a sound that was almost like a beast's roar.

An Kun had a similar look on his face, almost crazy, and finally shouted:

"Kill it for me, use the strongest power, the servant sword!!"

The servant sword general flicked his arm, and instantly condensed two blood-red energy long-edged samurai swords.

Not only that, this time, the huge beard-like long blades on both sides of the cheeks, and even the golden Yanyue long blade above the head, all shone with a blood-red luster.

Then he kicked the ground and rushed out, wielding a total of five katana long blades all over his body, making a staggered slashing pattern, and rushed towards the direction of the Koga Ninja Frog! !

This most powerful blow took the breath away from all the ninjas in Koga Ninja Village behind them.

Such an attack, let alone an elite jounin, even the leader of the previous generation would probably not be able to stop it.

However, Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja, who were standing at the front, did not choose to dodge, and stared straight at the attack.

"Flying Shuriken!"

Xiaozhi seemed to have a tacit understanding, and suddenly shouted out the name of the move, and subconsciously stretched his palms towards his back, as if he wanted to grab something.

Standing in front, Koga Ninja's movements were completely synchronized with Ash's.

I saw it leaping up and grabbing the back with its palms.

Wow wow wow!

At the same moment, the vortex of water around the body twisted and spiraled crazily, and finally completely shrank and closed, converging towards the back of the Koga Ninja.

The next moment, a huge energy shuriken compressed by the Noda water tornado appeared behind the Koga Ninja, almost half the size of a person.

"Koga. Drink!!"

The Koga Ninja grabbed the middle hole of the shuriken, then let out a low cry, and threw out the large water-flow shuriken with force!

Flying water shuriken! !

The offensive was fierce and fast. The five-edged sword of the general's sword had only rushed to the center of the field, but the flying water shuriken had already arrived.

Boom! !
In an instant, there was a loud explosion of water in the center of the open space, and the flying water shuriken collided with the opponent's long blade without any hindrance.

There was a huge movement, and the whole village seemed to tremble.

Everyone, including the rebellious ninjas from Koga Ninja Village and Ankun, all looked at this scene blankly.

This kind of battle seems to have surpassed the ninja battle they knew.
As the water vapor and smoke gradually dissipated, everyone could see that General Pu Dao's offensive stopped in the center of the open space.


The long blade of energy condensed on the arm even broke apart, and the energy of the whole body quickly dissipated.

The pupils of General Sword's eyes also became hollow and blurred.


In the end, the dark red metal warrior's body just fell forward, completely losing its combat effectiveness!
(End of this chapter)

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