He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2639 8 Xi: Are you going to retire and get married?

Inside the Pokémon Center.

Serena and the others, who were returning from the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament venue, bumped into Ash who was returning from a day of training.

Serena couldn't help puffing her cheeks and walked up angrily.

He held up the illustrated book and pointed at the hottest searches on it and started asking, which seemed to be a bit of a coercion.

Practice? It looks like he secretly went on a date for a day!
  "Eh?! Is that woman turned out to be Queen Carlos? Isn't her name Elena?!"

However, after Xiaozhi saw the news in the illustrated book, he was more confused than others.

Did you make up the name casually?

"So the person who was attacked by Koga Ninja just now must be the paparazzi who secretly photographed him."

Xiaozhi suddenly realized that he felt a little regretful. He should have taken advantage of the situation and smashed the camera in that person's hand.

However, looking at the angry girl in front of him, it was rare to see Serena with this expression. Xiaozhi felt that he still had to seriously defend himself:
  "It was also the first time I met that woman. She looked a little distressed, so we sat by the stream and chatted for a while."

"Normal people wouldn't just sit and chat with a strange woman so intimately!"

Serena couldn't help but scream, feeling inexplicably irritated.

Even Citron and Yurika next to them were a little confused. Serena was much more angry than usual today.

Although all fools know that Serena is interested in Xiaozhi.
  But there were many girls who got close to Xiaozhi in the past, and Serena never got so angry.

Next to her, Shana, who had just won, covered her mouth and ate the melon with relish, not forgetting to tease:

"Hehe~ It's because the competitors this time are so powerful~!"

Sure enough, these words made Serena's originally sullen expression stiffen and turn into embarrassment:

Seeing that she guessed her thoughts correctly, Shana narrowed her eyes and started laughing.

Serena has a very good appearance, coupled with her graceful and beautiful temperament, she will not be timid in the face of anyone.

But this time the opponent is Queen Carlos’ Miss Elle
  Shana was on the stage just now and saw Aier dressed as an amateur at close range, and she was still shocked!
  Such an opponent made Serena extremely nervous, right?

"Hehe~ Come on Serena, even Queen Carlos will take it down!"

Shana teased and encouraged her, and then walked into the room with the magic grass, ready to remove her makeup and change her clothes.

She had just come off the stage. She was dressed in a fancy dress and was the winner of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. Many people in the Pokémon Center were looking at her.

But Shana wasn't just saying these words to Serena, she was also saying them to herself.

She has successfully won three princess keys and can participate in the master-level high-level competition in half a month to compete for the title of Queen Carlos.

But Ai'er also has to participate. Whether it's her own strength or popularity, she has a crushing advantage over other players.
  She has no time to tease Serena now!
  After watching Shana leave, Serena also regained her composure and her expression finally returned to normal.

I didn't have a brain just now, and I thought it was impossible for a normal person to suddenly sit down and chat with strangers.
  But Xiaozhi is not a normal person!
  It makes sense to meet Miss Elle by chance and chat with each other!
  "Xiao Zhi, do you have Miss Elle's signature?"

Next to her, Yulijia was already urging her. The beautiful Elle was one of the two idols of most Carlos girls.

The other one is naturally the league champion, Miss Karuna.

"It is said that Miss Elle may also follow the path of Miss Kalunai and challenge the King of the Alliance? I don't know if it is true?" Even Citron is rarely interested in such a beauty.

If I had known, Xiaozhi and I would go to the countryside for special training today!
  "Well, Miss Aier probably won't follow the same path as Miss Karuna."

Xiaozhi shook his head and whispered seriously.

Judging from the expression on this woman's face before, she should be preparing to continue focusing on the exhibition game and take a completely different path from the league champion.


We just met today, and Xiaozhi seemed to already know Miss Elle very well, which made Serena, who had just felt relieved, suddenly become alert again.

Hard to do.
  In fact, glamorous and beautiful performers are Xiaozhi’s real preference? !
  On the other side, after coming off the stage, Aier also returned to the hotel.

After washing up, before going to bed, she made a special call to her teacher.


The 3D stereoscopic projection rose, and on the other end of the phone was a capable woman with short gray hair.

She is already quite old, and with delicate light makeup, it can still be seen that she was a graceful beauty when she was young.

Bashi, Elle's teacher, was also the most popular Queen of Kalos in the Kalos region when she was young.

However, later on, instead of continuing to guard the position of Queen Carlos, Baxi preferred to discover new people to surpass herself, and Aier was the good prospect she was interested in.

"Teacher, I'm disturbing you so late. I actually have something to say to you!"

Ai'er's tone was a little awkward, but she still said seriously with a straight face.

On the other end of the phone, Ba Xi's face seemed calm and gentle, as if he would not be affected by anything.
  But at this moment, she was also a little panicked.

Ba Xi had already seen the hot searches in the afternoon, but she didn't expect that Ai'er had a little boyfriend secretly?

She wasn't worried about the impact of public opinion on Ai'er. If she suppressed it a little, no one would remember it soon.

It’s just that the photo looks real, and in her impression, Aier has probably never had such close interaction with another boy. He is really a little boyfriend!
  At this moment, Ai'er wanted to chat with him with a serious face.
  "Aren't you going to tell me today that you plan to retire and get married?!"

Ba Xi's expression was fine, but she was panicking inside.

There are many examples of entertainment stars retiring early, getting married and having children, especially a little girl like Aier who has never been in love. She may fall in love every minute and get out of control.

This is absolutely unacceptable, it will ruin Elle's career as a performer!

"What should I do? How can I reject Elle and let her change her mind?"

Ba Xi's mind was spinning very fast, and countless thoughts were running through it.

Although she had always been in command, Ai'er obeyed the arrangements without any complaints. But Baxi still valued the thoughts of his most proud disciple and did not want to force the latter.

"Well, I can agree to anything if I'm in love, but if I retire and get married, I have to stop it sternly!"

Ba Xi made up her mind and thought to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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