He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2640 Ge Jihua’s prediction was wrong?

The next moment, Aier made a serious request:
  "Teacher, next I plan to accept less advertising endorsements, and I don't want to take any jobs in the film and television entertainment industry. I don't want to go to those banquets. I just want to focus on the performances of performers."

"I don't agree. Wait a minute, El, what did you say?!"

Ba Xi subconsciously yelled to stop. After speaking, her mouth froze and she paused, for fear that she had heard wrongly.

"Ah, does the teacher really disagree?"

Ai'er's face suddenly became distressed. Sure enough, her request was still too willful?
  "Wait a minute Elle, aren't you here to confess your little boyfriend to me?!"

Ba Xi quickly asked.

"Little boyfriend? Teacher, how come I have a boyfriend!"

At the sudden mention of this, Ai'er's cheeks turned red and she couldn't help but squeal.

"It was that hot search that afternoon, you and a boy were by the stream."

"Oh, you're talking about Xiaozhi. He is the trainer I met near Lianli Town. We sat together and chatted casually for a while. What about my boyfriend? Ah, was he secretly photographed?!"

Only then did Elle realize that the Koga Ninja Frog seemed to have hit someone during the day.

He operated his phone with his backhand and logged into the social platform. Only then did he see the hot search, and Aier suddenly had a dark look on her face.

"It's true, teacher! Where did you think of it!!"

Hearing this, Ba Xi finally showed a smile. Fortunately, it looked like it was just an error.

Mainly because Aier had never had a similar hot search for an ambiguous partner before, so she immediately believed it.

It's fine if you don't!

As for the request Aier just made.
  Bashi, who originally had a stern personality, would not agree with everything. For a performer, there is also work to be done to extend the surroundings, and he needs to continue to maintain his popularity.

Purely in the field of Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, even if you reach the top, you can only reach that level.

Her goal is to make Elle surpass the league champion Karuna and become a real big star.

Then it is natural to bloom in multiple fields and achieve perfection at the same time.

However, after the previous brainstorming, as long as it was not a request for "retirement and marriage", no matter what Ai'er asked for, Ba Xi happily agreed to it.

I even feel like I’ve made a profit!
  "Yeah. Elle, do whatever you want to do next~"

"It's teacher! Thank you so much!"

Seeing that the usually strict teacher was so easy to talk to today, Ai'er was also in a happy mood and quickly expressed her gratitude excitedly.

"By the way, teacher, haven't you been looking for a new person to train? Did you see the winning contestant from Lianli Town today? I think it's pretty good!"

Aier suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but speak.

Maybe the teacher has a new disciple and the focus is more on the junior sister, so I can feel more relaxed?
  "Oh, you're talking about the little girl named Shana, right?"

Ba Xi nodded. She watched almost every Triple Crown satellite match in order to discover a performer Miao Zi whose qualifications were not inferior to Ai'er's.

It's just that after looking for so long, I still haven't found the second "Ai'er".

"Her performance is pretty good, but I think it's still a bit lacking. She's not the person I'm looking for."

Regarding Shana, Ba Xi shook her head.

Although the qualifications are good, they have not yet met her stringent requirements.

It's strange to say that last year she specifically found the leader of the Baike Gym, Miss Ge Jihua. Ask the latter to help predict when he will find a new disciple who is not inferior to Aier.

"Next year there will be a bright new star in the field of performers. Maybe that is the goal you are looking for."

Ge Jihua's prediction at that time was that this year's Triple Crown Satellite Tournament would be held.

It’s just that there’s only half a month until the Masters Advanced Competition at the end of this year, but she still hasn’t found that “bright new star”.
  Could it be that Miss Ge Jihua’s prediction was wrong?

Or is it because after having Aier, the new disciple's requirements have become higher?

Baxi was also confused and confused.

"Really? Then you are disturbing the teacher so late. Good night~"

Hearing this, Ai'er also shook her head regretfully. It seemed that she couldn't find her junior sister this year.

After hanging up the phone, Ai'er couldn't help but sit on the corner of the bed and start thinking wildly. Her phone accidentally hit the "hot search" just now.

"Hey, this hot search, I hope it won't have any impact on Xiaozhi's life."

Thinking of this, Elle was suddenly curious about Xiaozhi's identity. After all, the latter even knew the inside gossip of Master Mikri. He was acquainted with the league champion, so he should be a somewhat famous person, right?
  I just searched for Xiaozhi’s information on the Internet——

"Won the league conferences in many places", "defeated Fangyuan champion Mi Keli", "won the first place in the United World Championship".

Each of these names was louder than the last, which made Ai'er speechless.

The trainer I met by chance today seemed to be an incredible monster!
  She even found a lot of hot searches about Xiaozhi having a silver party and playing in the water with many beauties at the open-air beach in the Hezhong area.
  Well, at least Xiaozhi shouldn't have to worry about his life at all!

Lianli Town, after hosting the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, a large number of tourists left, and the town became much deserted again.

"Then I'll leave first. Remember to come and watch my master-level high-level competition then~!"

Shana is also preparing to leave one step ahead of time and is preparing to find a place to do the final special training for the next finals.

The master-level high-level competition for performers will be held in half a month, and the alliance conference will be held in one month, so there is no conflict in time.

"Come on Shanna~ We will go to the scene to cheer you on!"

Serena couldn't help but encourage.

After they finished challenging the last Yingxue Gym, there was no place they had to go. They could go to the high-level tournament of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament to watch the excitement.

"Hmm~ Maybe we can see Miss Elle and her demon fire red fox again!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and nodded beside him, but Serena's eyes instantly became alert again.

"Hey, then Serena, do your best~"

Before leaving, Shana winked at Serena and said teasingly.

He is not only talking about the last gym, but also alluding to the wooden man next to him.

"I got it.!"

Serena mumbled with her cheeks slightly red before sending her friend away.

Then they looked back at Lianli Town, and it was time for them to hit the road, heading to the last city - Yingxue City.

"I don't know if I can defeat the gym leader who has the power of mega evolution."

(End of this chapter)

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