He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2642 Transformation, the characteristics of the power of the sun!

Chapter 2642 Transformation, the characteristics of the power of the sun!
  Hearing this, everyone nodded, all showing wonder.

Doropa is truly an academic trainer, and he knows a lot.

Even Sonic Dragon has been familiar with its characteristics and hidden characteristics for a long time, but Xiaozhi didn't even know about them.

"I've heard of things like special plasters before, but they haven't been popularized in such a systematic way."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

"This special plaster comes from the Galar region. It is said that that region is very keen on Pokémon battles. In order to make Pokémon more powerful, it took a lot of effort to develop this product, so it is very precious. ."

The plaster in Doropa's hand has not yet been torn open, so he holds it carefully.

Ash was convinced of this. The Galar region was the region that held the World Championships at the same time as the Unova region, and even sent experts to snipe.
  Really like a group of fanatical fighters.

"So you want to use it on Charizard? The hidden characteristics of Charizard.?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised. Although he was familiar with Charizard, he really didn't know what the latter's hidden characteristics were.

"General fire-breathing dragons have the basic characteristic of the fire-attribute Yusanjia - fierce fire, and the hidden characteristic is the power of the sun."

Doropa introduced that there are only two characteristics like the fire-breathing dragon, and it is a bit inconsistent to call the hidden characteristics the "third characteristics".

"The power of the sun, I know that this characteristic will greatly improve the special attack ability under sunny weather, but at the cost, you will lose physical strength every round."

Citron couldn't help but raise his palms.

The hidden characteristic of his photoelectric umbrella lizard is the power of the sun.

"It's a very extreme characteristic."

Serena frowned and thought, should she exchange her physical strength for an increase in strength?

Is this extreme fighting style different from the steady academic Doropa?

"Because I've found this."

Doropa took out a small round bead from his backpack with his backhand. Inside was a tangled pattern of gold and red.
  "Is it Charizard Y's mega stone?"

Xiaozhi recognized it at a glance, his Charizard had both mega stones.

Doropa nodded. Mega Charizard Y's characteristic is sunshine, which is consistent with the characteristics of the Coal Turtle, the God of the Earth. It comes with sunny weather, so it can naturally trigger the "Power of the Sun" characteristic at the start of the game.

When a sunny day is triggered, it can temporarily retreat from its mega-evolved form and fight in the form of a fire-breathing dragon with the power of the sun.

When his physical strength is weakened to less than half due to the side effects of the power of the sun, he will mega-evolve back again.

On the one hand, it can make sunny weather appear again, on the other hand, it can also eliminate the side effects and damage caused by the power of the sun.

"This is what I imagined!"

Doropa spoke enthusiastically and stared directly at Xiaozhi, hoping to get the latter's approval.

"It seems... quite good?"

As a big fan, Xiaozhi naturally praised him without hesitation.

However, during battle, Pokémon will first mega-evolve, then degenerate, and then evolve. Although there is no problem with the rules, as long as it is the same Pokémon.

However, continuous use of this power consumes a lot of energy on the trainer.

"Well, Yingxue Gym Leader is so awesome. I plan to use Yingxue Gym as my first experimental subject after I become proficient in using this tactic!" Seeing Doroba's energetic look, Xiaozhi nodded.

The young man in front of him has his own comprehensive plan and does not need additional guidance from others.

"So... let's see how to use this plaster!"

The next moment, Xiaozhi and others' eyes shone brightly, and they found a flat stone platform nearby, ready to watch the show.

The previous fossil pterosaur was naturally Doroba's Pokémon, a Pokémon he resurrected from the Fossil Research Institute in Guxiang Town.

Although it looks fierce on the outside, it is also a contrasting Pokémon with a kind and honest personality.

"Well then I'm going to start!"

Seeing Xiaozhi and others sitting nearby, Doropa felt more confident than usual and looked at his Charizard.


Then he carefully tore off the sealing film of the plaster in his hand and applied it towards the bottom of Charizard's neck, close to the chest.

After all, the special plaster is a newly developed product in the Galar region, so it is not 100% effective.

However, according to the official statement, when applying plaster, making the surrounding environment as close as possible to the hidden characteristics that need to be changed can increase the success rate.

So Doroba deliberately chose to do it on Route 19.

The towering mountains and rivers even transcended the clouds. There was nothing to block it, and the sun's rays could shine directly on the fire-breathing dragon without any hindrance.

  As the special plaster was applied to the Charizard's skin, the latter became very nervous, and the strength of holding the tail in his hands became a little stronger.

Xiaozhi and the others were also watching blankly from the outside, as if there was nothing unusual for the time being.

But the next moment, the surface of Charizard's golden-orange skin was wrapped in a crimson flame energy film like burning flames, and its momentum suddenly increased a lot!

"It's the characteristic of fierce fire!"

Xiaozhi was the first to blurt it out, a trait he was already familiar with.


Under the influence of the characteristic plaster, the fire-breathing dragon that was pulled out of the fire characteristic kept making a roaring sound, which seemed to be quite painful.

The fiery characteristics of his body seemed to be burning vigorously!
  The fuel ran out and the flame suddenly went out!
  As the fire characteristics disappeared, instead, the surface of the Charizard's skin flashed with golden-white heat waves.

Echoing the sun in the sky, it flashed frequently, making the fire-breathing dragon's momentum suddenly increase a lot!
  "Succeeded, it really became the power of the sun!!"

How could Doropa not understand the scene in front of him? He immediately hugged his fire-breathing dragon excitedly.

Regardless of the fierce fire characteristics and the power of the sun characteristics, both can increase the power by 1.5 times.
  However, the triggering conditions for the fierce fire trait are more stringent, requiring oneself to be left in the wind, and the violent fire trait only targets fire-type moves.

The power of the sun only needs to be triggered on a sunny day, and the increased power is applied to all special powerful moves.

Even the air blade move played by Charizard can be greatly increased in power!

However, this fire-breathing dragon was shimmering with golden-white light. Although its momentum was improved, it felt like its skin was being burned all the time, and it couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

The side effects are not very harmful, but I feel hot all the time and feel a little uncomfortable!

(End of this chapter)

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