He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2643 The autistic boy in Chaoxiang Town?

Now that the change in characteristics has been completed, Doropa can't wait to start trying it.

It just so happens that the open-air and towering mountains and rivers are just under the blazing sunlight, so the power of the sun can be triggered smoothly.

"Charizard, Blade of Air!!"

Doropa pointed his target at an isolated hilltop nearby that was not connected to a long suspension bridge.

Exuding a golden-white luster, the fire-breathing dragon flew high into the sky, and then its wings suddenly flapped forward at the same time.

Whoosh! !

The front ends of the wings instantly shot out several blue-white air slashes, cutting through the air, and finally slashed hard on the mountain top.

Even though they were some distance apart, they still left deep slash marks on the rock wall.

"The power is pretty good~!"

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and nodded, although it was a bit inferior to his Charizard.

His old spray should be enough to blast the hilltop directly.

"Great, the power has increased so much all of a sudden!"

But Doropa is the one who knows his fire-breathing dragon best. The power of the air blade before was not so powerful, so don't get excited and cheer.

"Then this move, hot wind!!"

Immediately, the amplitude of the Charizard's wings changed, from a sudden full-force flapping to a long and powerful continuous flapping.

Whoohoo! !

The strong waves of hot wind blowing from between the wings made Xiaozhi and others below clearly feel their faces burning, and it was quite powerful.

Doropa also intended to train his fire-breathing dragon for special attack, and he has mastered many long-range moves.

I tried several more special attack moves, and they were all very powerful.

After doing all this, Charizard fell down and landed in the shadow behind a rock.

The sun stopped shining, and the Charizard's skin finally calmed down and returned to its original color.

The power of the sun also has such disadvantages. You can't move around in the sun when you have nothing to do. It will burn your skin.

"Congratulations Doropa!"

Xiaozhi and others came over to celebrate. Citron took the expired special plaster, held it in his hand and played with it for a while, and even put it to the tip of his nose to smell it.

If you could figure out how this thing works, you could probably become a millionaire immediately, right? !

The common characteristics and hidden characteristics of many Pokémon are very different. The small differences are related to super gods or super ghosts, but it is impossible for all trainers to start from nests of eggs when cultivating Pokémon, right?

A plaster with special properties that can be used the day after tomorrow is undoubtedly a precious treasure.

"So, where can I buy it!?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his hand and rubbed Pikachu's cheek.

His Pikachu characteristic is static electricity, which may cause the opponent to enter a paralyzed state when it touches it. But so far, the number of times static electricity has been triggered can be counted on one hand.

Xiaozhi even suspected that Pikachu had the ability to actively turn on/off characteristics, and deliberately turned off his electrostatic characteristics.

It's better to just buy a pair of these characteristic plasters and put them on Pikachu, and switch to the hidden characteristic - lightning rod, a powerful characteristic that can absorb and invalidate all the electric shock moves of enemies and friends, thereby enhancing its own strength. If there is any "Electric Pokémon Convention" in the future, an arena battle specifically for Electric Pokémon, the lightning rod feature will definitely be a bug-level presence in it.

Speaking of this, Doropa felt a little embarrassed and scratched his head:
  "I accidentally bought this plaster from an Asan businessman. It's hard to encounter such a good thing for the second time."

The Asan area is located in the northwest of the Kanto City area. However, there has not been much modern development yet, so trainers from other places rarely go there.

There are few powerful trainers there and it is quite closed.
  However, many medicine merchants came out, selling some rare and hard-to-find medicines.

"Special plasters are something that is difficult to buy even in the Galar region, let alone in other places."

Doropa explained that although Kalos is adjacent to the Galar region, you can only buy medicine through some Asan merchants.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others could only give up the idea of ​​buying special plasters for the time being. It would not be so easy to run into them.

"So, next you are going to use your fire-breathing dragon to challenge Yingxue Gym, right?"

Serena couldn't help but asked with a smile. The fire-attribute Charizard should be able to show good results in Yingxue Gym.

Doropa shook his head, not completely confident.

"I plan to practice in this valley during this period to make my Charizard stronger. And now I only have the Mega Stone for Charizard Y, but not the key stone that is necessary for a trainer."

If Charizard cannot mega-evolve, he will need to learn the sunny weather move by himself and actively activate the weather, which is quite troublesome.

Keystones are extremely precious, and not everyone has one.

Xiaozhi and his team are also lucky, and they have everything together now.

"But Tierno seems to have information about a key stone. He and I made an appointment to meet on Route 19 and then search for it together. Once we find it, we can share it temporarily."

Doropa smiled and shared a precious key stone with his friend, which was in line with the situation of most trainers in the Kalos region.

The key stone is said to be hidden near a valley swamp under the long suspension bridge.

This is one of the reasons why he and Charizard are practicing here.

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded. The three newcomers to Carlos whom he met at the Bratano Research Institute are all continuing to move towards their dreams.

"Then I will challenge Yingxue Gym first~"

Serena said cheerfully, her progress was faster than that of Doropa and Tierno.

However, if we were to face these two at an alliance conference in the future, they would both be masters of mega evolution, so it would not be that easy to defeat them.

"I can't cheer you up Serena, I hope you can successfully conquer Yingxue Gym."

Doropa gave a polite blessing.

Serena is undoubtedly the strongest being in their new generation training house.
  He also didn't expect that this young girl who had just moved to Chaoxiang Town would have such a strong talent as a trainer.

Speaking of which, Doropa still remembered that there were two families who moved to Chaoxiang Town with Serena.

Another family seems to have a boy of the same age as them. Counting the days, he should become a trainer this year just like them, right?
  However, Doropa was not familiar with him, and even met him only once when he was joining in the fun on the day he first moved here.

It seems that he is an autistic and introverted child. He always locks himself in the door and rarely sees the boy going out.
  Um, he shouldn't be autistic in his own room right now, right? !
  (End of this chapter)

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