He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2647 Chaomeng’s conclusion!

The Pokémon in front of me came to Pokémon Village almost a year ago.

At that time, Defu was still going to the Pokémon Village as usual, playing with the nearby Pokémon and relaxing.

As a result, I suddenly discovered that a cave had appeared out of thin air on the rock wall at the end.

Looking in from the outside, it was pitch black, with no end in sight, and there was also a strange and strange power floating in it, making De Fu still dare not go inside to explore.

Also from that day on, Mewtwo, a man-made Pokémon with supreme power from the Kanto region, settled in Pokémon Village.

Although Defu was panicking in his heart, he remained calm on the surface and continued to spend his vacation with Pokémon while carefully observing the Pokémon.

The two of them had always been at peace with each other. Chaomeng only glanced at Defu and did not take the initiative to attack the latter.

A Pokémon that had never been seen before even wore a cloak like a human being, but the terrifying aura lingering around Mewtwo could be clearly sensed.

"Can we fight at least 3 Karuna??!"

And this Pokémon also has intelligence that far exceeds that of Pokémon, and even has the same thinking as humans, thinking about the world and life.
  At this point, it even surpasses many phantom beasts and mythical beasts, and is more like a human individual.

It’s just that I still saw some strange emotions on Chaomeng’s face.

Confused, hesitant, thirsty for knowledge, and obviously angry!
  There is no doubt that this Pokémon will unleash its powerful destructive power at any time, destroying everything around it.

She was originally a kind and kind uncle, so she made up her mind to interact with this unknown Pokémon and try to help this Pokémon resolve its confusion and anger.

Actually getting along with each other was extremely smooth.

After nearly a year of hard work, Chaomeng was obviously wary and hostile towards him at first, but now he can even sit face to face and play chess like old friends.

During the process, Defu also learned simple information about the other party's name and origin from Chaomeng.

"Team Rocket in the Kanto region is so terrifying. They can actually create Pokémon that are not inferior to the ancient gods!"

After learning that Chaomeng was from Team Rocket, Defu was also shocked.

The ancient gods can be man-made, but Team Rocket doesn't rule the world yet?
  But it seems that it was created, but even Team Rocket can't control Mewtwo.

The latter would then come to the Carlos area with all kinds of strange emotions.

Boom! !
  Time returned to the starting point, and a crimson energy beam broke through the sky, illuminating the entire psychedelic forest, causing both Defu and Chaomeng to subconsciously turn their heads to look.

Seeing Chaomeng frowning, Defu quickly smiled dryly to lighten the atmosphere:

"Maybe someone broke in by mistake~haha~"

It was rare for him to be able to communicate with the Pokémon in front of him, but the latter was obviously still hostile to humans. It would not be good to have an outsider suddenly appear at this time.

Speaking of which, the Fantasy Forest used to have only natural obstacles. Although it was difficult to walk, if you knew the rules of the forest, you could still easily reach the Pokémon Village.

But since Mewtwo settled in Pokémon Village a year ago, he has exerted unique superpowers on the Fantasy Forest.
  No one can pass through this forest unless they have Mewtwo's permission.

Under the influence of Mewtwo's strange telekinesis, anyone who passes through the fantasy forest will be like a ghost hitting a wall, constantly moving in place repeatedly. Even if the target is placed in the sky, it will only be teleported back to the ground.

This is a "spiritual venue" exclusive to Mewtwo. Its effects cover the entire forest and are operating all the time.
  "It's so scary!!"

Thinking of this, Defu couldn't help but exclaimed again.

In comparison, the behavior of Kuailong, the extremely powerful technician who was dressed as a messenger but was hypnotized by Chaomeng last time, seemed a bit trivial.

That's right, there was a scene where Chaomeng used three pomelo fruits and hypnotized Kuailong with three big golden beads.
  Defu is the witness next to him.

At that time, he wanted to remind the poor Kuailong, who was as excited as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

However, he had to caress and was afraid of offending Chaomeng, so he could only bite the bullet and hold back his laughter and remain silent.

"." Chaomeng's face was silent, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Although the dragon energy beam was powerful enough, it still couldn't get into his eyes.

The point is.
  There seems to be a familiar smell in the forest at this moment?

A feeling that is so unforgettable that I can't help but tremble when I think about it.


This made Chaomeng frown even deeper, and veins appeared on his forehead.

Whether he is a human or a Pokémon, he is the most powerful being in the world. Why is he in such a trembling mood? !

Could it be that I am afraid? !

As soon as this thought appeared, Chaomeng's mood became more agitated.

The expression on De Fu's face changed drastically. The anger on Chaomeng's face had disappeared a lot this year, but he didn't expect it to become chaotic again because of that inexplicable beam of light.

Are you excited because you saw a powerful opponent?

"Well, Mewtwo-kun, calm down."

Defu was a little at a loss and raised his hand to persuade.

However, after a while, Chaomeng's expression became calm again.

"Don't worry, I've always been calm. Maybe it's time for me to leave here now."

He nodded politely to De Fu. The human being in front of him who had been close to him for the past year was very kind to him, which Chaomeng could sense.

But he didn't just spend his days leisurely here this year.

"Who am I? What is the meaning of my existence?"

Chaomeng has been thinking about this problem all the time, and is constantly trying to solve this problem.

Finally, he came to a conclusion.

"I am the strongest Pokémon and the strongest trainer!"

In order to prove this, it will gather all the strongest trainers and Pokémon in the world, and then defeat them one by one head-on to prove the meaning of its existence!
  Courier Kuailong is the messenger he appointed.

And that competition for the strongest trainer was organized by him.

Both the organizer and the contestant!
  “Counting the time, it’s almost time.”

With that said, Chaomeng slowly stood up, turned around and walked straight towards the nameless cave.

Defu could only wait outside in a daze, not knowing what was going on and not daring to go in.

There was a vague feeling in the cave that was not good to him.

call out.! call out! call out!

But vaguely, he seemed to hear a sound coming from the cave, similar to the sound of a Pokémon being put into a Poké Ball.


A female voice was even heard sobbing.

He scratched his head, his face full of confusion.

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