He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2648 A strange mega stone? !

After a while, Chaomeng walked out of the cave, his whole body still covered by a gray-blue cloak.

It seems like nothing has changed.

But De Fu's eyes narrowed, and he seemed to vaguely see a belt hanging on his waist under Mewtwo's cloak.

There seem to be a few Poke Balls with black shells on it?
  Like a human trainer. Damn it!

"Then, goodbye by fate."

Mewtwo glanced at De Fu, looked around the Pokémon Village, and sighed softly as a farewell.

Many wild Pokémon nearby also poked their heads out from the grass in the flowerbed and looked at Mewtwo reluctantly.

Although the latter has a sinister aura, he takes care of them unexpectedly, and in a year has become the vague leader of this Pokémon village.

However, Chaomeng didn't have much nostalgia for this.


The body levitated out of thin air, reaching an altitude of over a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

After stopping for a moment, his eyes did not fall on the Pokémon Village, but moved to a certain location in the adjacent Fantasy Forest.

"Not only does it have a familiar aura, but also a strange feeling?"

However, Chaomeng did not take the initiative to fly over.

Because he felt it on the target, he also brought with him the invitation letter to the competition that he asked technician Kuailong to give away.

Every invitation contains the spiritual seeds he left behind.

"So he is a contestant in the Strongest Trainer Competition? Huh, interesting...!"

Chaomeng snorted coldly, which meant that the other party would take the initiative to come to him in a month.

At that time, no matter what kind of existence it is, he will easily defeat it completely!


The next moment, Chaomeng's figure disappeared into the air out of thin air, and his teleportation was extremely fast.


Only Defu was left standing stupidly in the Pokémon Village, staring blankly into the sky.

Is Mewtwo-kun gone?

He couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment in his eyes. After all, they had been together for a year, and they suddenly broke up so directly.

Then now the question is coming
  He lowered his head and looked at the dark cave in front of him.

What secrets are hidden here? Do you want to go in?

On the other side, Xiaozhi and his group were still wandering around the Fantasy Forest.

In the icy and snowy pine forest, the sky is dark, and coupled with the blessing of Chaomeng's special spiritual field, it is quite scary.

Especially Serena, who was separated by herself, was carefully exploring the surroundings.

Somehow, Xiaozhi and others disappeared.


Beside him, the Demonic Fire Red Fox was also holding a black charcoal-colored wooden staff and was on guard.

As a Pokémon with super powers, it could faintly feel the energy field shrouding the Fantasy Forest, which was somewhat similar to the effect of a spiritual field, but somewhat different.

"Ah!! That tree moved!!"

As they were walking, a brown dead tree next to them suddenly started shaking, which made Serena turn pale and scream loudly.


The demon fire red fox next to him had a solemn expression, he raised his wooden staff unceremoniously, and blasted out a beam of blazing flames.

The "moving tree" also hurriedly dodged, and only then did Serena realize that the other party was actually a Pokémon.

It has the shape of a brown dead tree, with several forked tree roots underneath that can move freely like legs, and the branches extending out on both sides look like a pair of ghost claws, with some green grass blades on its wrists. High on the tree trunk is a single red eye, which is full of gloom.

"The rotten wood demon is the evolved form of the little wood spirit. It has ghost and grass attributes. If the roots protruding from the bottom toes are connected to other tree roots, it can control natural trees and drive away humans who break into the forest."

Serena put down the Pokédex. If it was a Pokémon, she wouldn't be afraid.

Looking around, the dead trees around them began to show their original shapes and started to tremble. There were actually several dead wood demons.

However, among the group of rotten wood demons, there is also a much smaller "rotten wood demon", with green round fruits growing on both sides of the slender trunk.

Putting on similar poses in an attempt to get away with it.

With obvious hostility, these rotten wood demons all surrounded Serena.

But now Serena is no longer a newcomer who has just started traveling. Instead, she is slightly excited. It can be used as a warm-up exercise before conquering Yingxue Gym!

"Demon Fire Red Fox, big characters Explosive Flame!!"


On this side, the war is about to break out!
  On the other end, Citron and Yulijia were teleported to somewhere in the forest.

The expressions on the faces of this pair of siblings are very extreme. Although they are both looking around, the former looks nervous, while Yulijia looks around excitedly.

But the wild Pokémon that appeared in front of them was not an army of rotten wood monsters.

On the back of a snowy slope, a Pokémon suddenly looked back and locked eyes with the brother and sister.

It was a Pokémon covered in jet-black hair, with an unusually slender body standing upright, and a sinister and cunning fox face that was thin and pointed.

The top of the head is covered with thick long blood-red hair, which almost falls to the ground, and is bound with a cyan orb near the tail.

"It's a very rare Pokémon from the Zoroark United Region!"

Citron blurted out that he still knew something about these strange and rare Pokémon.

Didn’t you expect that there is also a habitat in their Kalos region? !

"Brother, it's so handsome!! It's a good opportunity, hurry up and capture it!!"

Yulijia kept grabbing Citron's sleeves and urged him excitedly.

She was impressed by Zoroark's good looks!

Thinking that it was indeed a good time to conquer, Citron's heart gradually became hot.

He even took out an elf ball in his hand, planning to fight and conquer it.


The Zoroark also opened its sharp claws and made a beastly roar towards the Citron brothers and sisters!

The perspective switches back to the protagonist.

Boom! !
  Since the shocking blast of the Dragon God Pillar, the power of the dragon has blasted a vacuum gap in the white mist of the spiritual field in the sky.

But after a while, the surrounding fog gathered back again, as if nothing happened.

"Damn it, you still can't destroy this place...?!"

Xiaozhi frowned and had no choice but to temporarily take back the Dragon God Pillar and Sonic Dragon.

What is the principle here that the Dragon God Pillar cannot be broken with such a powerful blow? !
  Serena and the others don't know where they are, so they should be fine, right?
  Xiaozhi could only choose a random direction and walk towards the depths of the forest. After walking back and forth several times, he was still wandering in place like a ghost beating a wall.

Just when he was at a loss, something seemed to be beating gently in his backpack?

And through the backpack, you can see light emanating from the surface.


Xiaozhi quickly untied his backpack and found that the source of the light was a mega stone.

And the purple and blue patterns inside the mega stone, even now, Xiaozhi doesn't know what kind of Pokémon it comes from?

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