He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2650 The mysterious cave left by Chaomeng? !

While leading the way out of the forest, Xiaozhi was also inquiring about the information about the Diamond Kingdom.

Logically speaking, this kind of national secret information should not be disclosed to a stranger like him casually.

But these two little diamonds seemed to be a little careless, and they all told Xiaozhi all the information.

Even the information about the "princess" they mentioned before was revealed!
  "I see."

After listening all the way, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly, secretly thinking that the world is so big and filled with wonders.

The strange language of these small diamonds actually comes from their diamond kingdom of feudal monarchy.

It is different from other groups of wild Pokémon that have fixed habitats.
  In the Diamond Kingdom, there are monarchs, ministers, and a large number of people who are isolated from the outside world and form their own unique social system.

Therefore, a proprietary language within the Diamond Kingdom was also born.

"And the purpose of our coming out this time is to escort the princess of our country and perform a mission."

"Just three months ago, when I was passing by here, a white demon suddenly abducted the princess by force!"

The two little diamonds sang in harmony and talked about their experiences.

The powerful white demon took away their princess with unstoppable force.

He also disliked the two of them for making noise, so he threw them into this forest where ghosts kept breaking the wall, and they have been trapped until now.

Xiaozhi: "."

Have you been trapped for three months?

And what kind of Pokémon is the powerful white demon they talk about?
  The princess of the diamond kingdom.?

Xiaozhi raised his head slightly and was thinking about the appearance of Furui's little diamond.

"In that case, then leave the task of rescuing the princess to me!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi simply agreed to send Buddha to the west.

Well, he actually wanted to see the powerful "white devil"!
  "Thank you so much, Master Xiaozhi!"

"Your greatness. No need to say more!"

The two little Diamonds immediately became Xiaozhi's fans. They even grabbed Xiaozhi's trouser legs and jumped up and down, completely trusting them.

Under the guidance of that strange mega stone, without much effort, several people successfully walked out of the Fantasy Forest after a few minutes.

“Finally came out!!”

"How have we spent these three months? When we return to China, we will still be rewarded by the superiors!"

"Well, let's wait until the country is destroyed before we go back."

The two little diamonds sang in harmony and jumped up and down at the exit.

Xiaozhi looked around at this person and frowned slightly.

He thought he was returning to the entrance to Yingxue City, but where did he end up?
  The entrance is quite narrow and hidden, and the thick snow gradually melts near the entrance, and you can still see grass and flowers growing on the ground in front of it.


Xiaozhi scratched his head and walked into this paradise in a daze.

After passing through the narrow entrance at the outside, the space inside suddenly becomes open and wide.

Looking around, there is no trace of the winter snow scene.

Green grass, flower beds in full bloom, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and a clear stream flowing slowly outside.

Between the grass and flowers, many wild Pokémon could be seen poking their heads out, curiously looking at outsiders like them.

"Is this Pokémon Village?"

Xiaozhi remembered that the Pokémon Village could be reached in the Fantasy Forest.

A place where Mr. Defu often comes to relax and rest, a paradise for wild Pokémon. The hidden valley in front of him really fits these descriptions.

Taking a few steps forward, Xiaozhi suddenly saw a tall figure with a blue coat draped over his shoulders like a navy admiral, standing on the bank of the creek with his arms folded. He is dressed in ice blue all over, including his hair and icicle-like chin beard.
  Obviously, this person is the Yingxue Gym Leader, right?

"That. How are you?"

So Xiaozhi walked over, ready to say hello.

Although it was Serena who wanted to challenge the gym, she didn't expect to find the target first.

But when he got closer, Xiaozhi discovered that this tall man with a round beer belly was facing a cave.

On the other side of the creek, there is a dark cave dug out of the rock wall.

Defu: "."

Chaomeng has actually left for a while, but he has been standing here.

So Chaomeng has completely left and will never come back? Then he can go into this cave to find out.

But what if Chaomeng is going to come back? As a friend, wouldn't it be bad to enter someone else's nest without permission?

Will it offend the other party?

Defu spent a year getting close to Chaomeng and did not want to do anything that would damage their friendship.

But he was extremely curious about what was in this cave.

From time to time, the roars of the violent Pokémon inside can be heard.

Sometimes, there are the tender sounds of baby Pokémon, as if they have just hatched out of their shells.

Sometimes, women's sobs can also be heard.

Sometimes, you can even hear the sound of the machine running and the gears moving.
  What kind of suture monster is here?

Extremely distressed and hesitant to touch her, even Xiaozhi walked beside him without noticing.

"I'm super.?!"

It wasn't until I heard Xiaozhi's cry that I was so frightened that my tiger body trembled, and I cursed subconsciously.

Xiaozhi: "."

He is a rough and unconventional old man.

"Young man, how did you walk through the Fantasy Forest? Was that crimson beam of light released by your Pokémon?!"

De Fu quickly asked, it was rare for a second human to appear in this Pokémon Village.

"Crimson beam of light? It should be me. It came out while walking in the forest."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and replied casually.

Defu glanced at the two little Diamonds jumping around at Xiaozhi's feet, as well as Pikachu on his shoulders.

Let’s not talk about the electric mice from other places.

As for Diamond, although it is a very rare Pokémon, its power is weak and it is more of a "collectible" Pokémon.

They didn't look like they could deliver that powerful blow from before.

But these are not important, since Xiaozhi has arrived at this moment
  "Well, this little friend, is he very interested in the cave in front of you?"

Defu suddenly had Xiaozhi's idea.

It's not easy for me to enter a friend's lair, but Xiaozhi is just a stranger who accidentally broke into an unknown cave. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?
  "This cave?"

Xiaozhi was stunned and stretched his neck to look inside.

It was so dark that I couldn't see what was inside.

But as long as a man sees a black hole in front of him, he will want to go in and try out the depth.
  Thanks to La Xing Chen La La La for the tip! !

I don’t have time today, I will update more tomorrow!

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