He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2651 Dark Master Ball and Pokémon Cloning!



Xiaozhi was still looking into the cave, and the two little diamonds at his feet were already jumping up and down.

I always feel that their princess was hidden in this cave by the devil!

I originally thought that even if they found the demon, the two of them would be no match for the latter.

But now that they have Xiaozhi, the two little diamonds have confidence.

"Don't worry. But I'm also curious."

Xiaozhi nodded to De Fu and indicated that we could talk about the gym affairs later and study the cave in front of him first.

It is worth mentioning that the Mega Stone, which was making a lot of noise in the forest just now, stopped responding when it arrived at the Pokémon Village.

I don’t know if I found the wrong destination, or the target has already left here?

Without thinking much, Xiaozhi jumped over the creek less than two meters in front of him, stood on the other side, and walked directly into the cave.


The two little Diamonds were on each side, grabbing Xiaozhi's trouser legs and following nervously.

Outside, De Fu was pacing left and right, eager to wait.

As for the national language of Little Broken Diamond

To De Fu's ears, it looked like an ordinary Pokémon, and there was no language that could be used to communicate normally.

Entering the cave, it was very dark inside and couldn't see anything clearly.

Xiaozhi also felt that his feet slipped, as if he had stepped on some thick line and tripped?


Xiaozhi muttered something softly, and the Pikachu on his shoulder understood and used the flash technique.

Its tail stood up, as if holding a torch, and a gentle yellow light suddenly bloomed from the end of the tail.

Under the flash technique, the environment in the cave suddenly became clearer. Xiaozhi immediately lowered his head and checked his feet, curious about what he had stepped on.

It looks like a long, thin black cable? !

Xiaozhi twitched his lips, how could something like this cable and wire appear in such a cave in the wilderness.

One end of the cable extends into the ground, and the connection is unknown. The other end extends into the depths of the cave, with the end almost invisible.

Xiaozhi's curiosity became more and more intense, and he quickly quickened his pace.

Could it be that there is some mad scientist's secret base inside?

Walking to the end of the cave, there is also an open stone room.

First of all, Xiaozhi saw all kinds of strange and large machines placed in the stone room.

There is a console, a machine switch in the middle, and a seven- to eight-meter-long zigzag crawler conveyor that has stopped operating, with some unknown liquid still stained on it.

Just like a CNC machine tool workshop? !

Not only that, Xiaozhi also saw several huge cultivation chambers connected to many creepy pipes.

But the cabin shell was open, and the liquid inside flowed thinly to the ground. Most of it sank into the ground, soaking the area.

"Is he really a mad scientist?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked. The culture chamber seemed to be conducting some kind of dangerous biochemical genetic experiment.

What are the functions of these conveyor tracks and workshop machines? What kind of machines are produced?

If you call Citron over, you should be able to get some clues.

Looking around, there was no sound around, and there was no second person. Judging from the posture, the workshop equipment here seemed to have been abandoned. There is also a computer and display screen at the main controller. The red light is flashing in the lower right corner, and there seems to be a certain amount of power.


So Xiaozhi quickly pressed the switch, and the screen suddenly lit up.

Above is a document recording a document called "Dark Master Ball 1.0".

"Dark Master Ball?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment and dragged the mouse down to take a closer look.

According to the description in the document, the so-called Dark Master Ball not only has the function of the Master Ball, but also has the function of having a 100% probability of conquering if the ball is lost without fighting.

You can even directly subdue Pokémon that have already been subdued. You can even throw the ball to subdue them in front of the trainer!

"No wonder it's the dark master ball!"

Xiaozhi was shocked. This kind of elf ball has been invented. How can it be used? !

Fortunately, the bottom of the document is marked with the words "Experiment Failed", and there is also a stamp in the lower right corner that says "Owned by Team Rocket, piracy will be investigated."

"Wait a minute, this has something to do with Team Rocket?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed at the words he hadn't seen for a long time.

Then I thought about it. When they were in the Kanto region, the Rockets once occupied the Silver Company in Golden City. The latter seemed to have the black technology to develop the Master Ball.

It makes sense that the Rockets would seize it and improve it into the Dark Master Ball project.

How did the Rockets' secret experimental project appear in the Kalos region thousands of miles away?

So Xiaozhi slid the mouse again to see what else was below, but he didn't expect that there was additional information.

The words "Dark Master Ball 2.0" flashed on the screen, and the suffix "Test Successful" was also marked at the end!

The font is different from the previous one. It looks like the words were added later.

"Has this Dark Master Ball been successfully developed?!"

Xiaozhi was shocked. If this kind of ball came on the market, other trainers wouldn't have to play with it.

Whatever powerful Pokémon you send, I'll pick it up ready-made and conquer it directly!

He looked up again and looked around at the crawler machines and the training cabin next to them. Well, it didn't look like they were developing Poké Balls.

It’s impossible that this Dark Master Ball was hatched, right?

"But...it's okay."

After thinking about it, even if it is actually developed, it is not as outrageous as imagined, and its impact on the world will not be great.

After all, the Master Ball has actually been invented, but it has never been popularized.

Any master ball is treated as a treasure by humans, and the number is extremely rare.

Even if I use it to tame legendary Pokémon, I still feel a little distressed at the loss.

After skipping the documents of the Dark Poké Ball, Xiaozhi discovered that there was also some document data about "Pokémon Cloning" in this computer.

According to the above statement, while cloning, additional improved genes can also be added to improve the cloning.

Then the newly cloned Pokémon will be more powerful and have more development potential than the original Pokémon!

"Pokémon clone, this is quite appropriate."

Xiaozhi took another look at the surrounding training chambers. It seemed that they were studying this so-called Pokémon clone.

Even the crawlers were stained with some unknown liquid. Maybe the cloned Pokémon came out of the training chamber and started teleporting through these crawlers before they were even dry.

Is this why Decuhui sometimes hears the sobbing of cubs coming from the cave?

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