He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2652 Diamond Princess, Dianxi!

Xiaozhi was still working on the console, but he didn't find anything new next.

And the two little diamonds were not idle either. While Xiaozhi was searching for information, they jumped around in the cave, carefully looking for traces of their princess.

Well, I sensed it, the princess should be in this cave!

After searching for several times, Xiao Sui Diamond found no trace of the existence of other creatures.

Mewtwo's power is so strong that other wild Pokémon don't even dare to set foot in this cave.

There was nothing new on the computer, so Xiaozhi walked to the two little diamonds:

"You two, don't worry, let me try."

After saying that, Xiaozhi closed his eyes and tried to spread out his waveguide power.

In an instant, clear waveguide feedback came into his mind, and Xiaozhi felt happy.

Sure enough, his waveguide power can be used again!

Immediately, the power of the waveguide directly covered the surroundings of the cave. Due to Mewtwo's intimidation, no rock Pokémon dared to inhabit the cave, even the nearby rock walls and deep underground.

Therefore, this only biological waveguide feedback appears very clear.

"found it!"

Xiaozhi opened his eyes and his eyes lit up.

A Pokémon with a similar waveguide aura to Diamond was embedded deep inside the rock wall and seemed to have lost consciousness.

Then he walked to a side rock wall, tapped a certain location on it with his finger, and then took a few steps back to make room.

"That's the spot, Pikachu, use Heavy Crash!!"

Pikachu understood, jumped up on the spot, and then bent its tail to its belly to overlap with its body.


Immediately afterwards, the body turned horizontally at high speed, and the edges even had a silver-black metallic sheen.

This is a new move of Pikachu extended from the steel tail. It is a heavy collision. Sometimes it can be used directly as a digging hole on the spot.

Chuchuchu! !

Although it was completely inconsistent with the laws of physics, Pikachu didn't know where it got the initial acceleration, and suddenly began to dig into the rock wall.

With a huge noise, countless gravels were thrown out from both sides, and the Pikachu drill began to penetrate deeper and deeper.

Two small diamonds also followed behind, helping to throw out some gravel and clear a passage.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong?!"

The huge movement inside the cave also startled De Fu who was waiting anxiously outside the cave.

Is that guy blowing up the cave inside? !

As a friend, if you see someone trying to blow up a cave, it should be reasonable to go in and take a look, right?

Defu finally couldn't bear it anymore. This time he also crossed the stream directly and walked quickly into the depths of the cave.

Soon, with Pikachu's vigorous digging, a Pokémon was finally rescued.

Since it was not tightly embedded in the stone and clearly separated from the surrounding environment, the rock-shaped lower body of this Pokémon was not regarded as an ordinary rock by Pikachu and was directly cut through.

Xiaozhi carefully took it out and placed it gently on the ground. Only then did he fully see the entirety of this Pokémon.

As the princess of the Little Diamond Kingdom, her appearance is somewhat similar to that of Little Diamond, but there are more differences. It is not the femininity that Xiaozhi thought at first, or the simple difference between male and female.

This Pokémon is much larger than Diamond, half a person tall. The body still looks like a gray rabbit, but its ears are much shorter, and it wears a huge pink round diamond on its forehead, which looks very bright and luxurious!

On the back of the head are four pink tip diamonds pointing upwards, and two long pink diamonds pointing downwards. From a distance, they look like its ore hair.

It's not like a small diamond with only its head above the earth and rocks.

The body and limbs of this princess Pokémon are independently exposed on the earth and rocks.

But the body is covered with a soft pink film, like wearing a pink princess dress.

The lower limbs are similar to small diamonds, and are connected to a lump of raw diamond ore soil that exposes some pink diamonds.

"It's so beautiful. It's a completely feminine Pokémon."

Seeing the latter lying flat on the ground with his eyes slightly closed, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

The female has a cute face and a pink skirt, plus there are elegant pink diamonds everywhere on her body. She is indeed a diamond princess!

If I take him to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, he will probably win a lot just by showing off his appearance and temperament!

"Princess, princess, wake up!"

"Did that white devil do something to you?!"

Seeing that his princess didn't wake up for a long time, the two little diamonds jumped up and down anxiously.

Wouldn't the fragrance disappear and the jade die? !

The two of them who failed to protect themselves will be the eternal sinners of the Diamond Kingdom!

"Don't worry you two, I guess you're just hypnotized."

Xiaozhi could only comfort him, saying that these two little diamonds were a little startled.

It is somewhat similar to the hypnosis of Messenger Dragon, but the former is under the illusion, while the Diamond Princess is under the literal meaning of hypnosis.

I don’t know what the mad scientist in this cave is doing catching this Pokémon.

Is it possible that the Diamond Princess was cloned and never obtained a large number of precious diamonds?

"Hey little brother, you guys."

At this time, Defu also walked in. At first glance, he was frightened by the dazzling array of strange machines in the cave.

Why does that guy Mewtwo have so many machines in his lair?

Are Pokémon also learning to explore unknown science?

Then he saw Diamond Princess lying on the ground.

The pink diamonds everywhere on the latter's body, illuminated by Pikachu's Flash Technique, look even more luxurious and dazzling, making it difficult not to pay attention to them.

"This is...the princess of the Diamond Kingdom, the legendary Diancie!?"

De Fu was shocked and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Diancie? Is that the name of this princess?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. It seemed that many people in the Kalos area knew the story of the ethereal and invisible Diamond Kingdom.

Defu nodded, just as the word princess was mentioned in the illustrated book when introducing Little Diamond.

In some of the Carlos fairy tales he knew, there were descriptions of Diancie.

Different from the ordinary diamonds on the small diamonds, the biggest feature of Dianxi is the more precious pink diamonds!

It is said that the diamonds on her body have some mysterious powers.

"This is a fantasy Pokémon! I didn't expect it to actually exist!"

Defu was amazed again and again, and Xiaozhi came back to his senses and nodded.

Based on the aura on Dianci's body, it makes sense for her to be ranked among the fantasy Pokémon.

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