He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2659 The challenge begins, the last gym!

Chapter 2659 The challenge begins, the last gym!

After a while, several people returned to the Pokémon Center.

Dianxi was happily humming the Diamond Kingdom ditty along the way and was in a happy mood.

After all, she had been imprisoned by Chaomeng for three months, and now that she was released, she felt extremely comfortable.

Serena was the only one in the crowd, walking behind, gritting her teeth rather unwillingly.

The left half of Xiaozhi's position was occupied by Dianxi.

On the right shoulder, Pikachu is always lying.

Like a bright light bulb blocking the middle

Sometimes, Pikachu, you should learn to stay in the goal for a while!

"Oh Serena, don't be too anxious~"

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw Serena's gritted expression, thinking that the latter was worried about tomorrow's gym challenge, so he smiled and comforted:

"With Serena's current strength, even if Mr. De Fu uses the power of mega evolution, you are enough to defeat him~!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's smiling face, Serena was immediately a little discouraged and could only hang her head helplessly.

"I understand. I'm going to take a shower and rest first."

Sometimes, it would be nice to become a Pokémon yourself.?

Dianxi beside her also happily held Xiaozhi's hand.

"Hey Xiaozhi, this princess allows you to help me take care of my body tonight~!"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, why is this sentence so ambiguous?

"It's about taking care of your body!! Master Xiaozhi actually has such an honor!"

"Only the most skilled little diamond masters in our kingdom are allowed to take care of the body of Her Royal Highness the Princess!!"

The two little diamonds started jumping excitedly again.

Dianxi's care is divided into two parts. One is to polish the diamond ore on Dianxi's lower body to remove useless clods, which can make Dianxi's body lighter.

The second part is to massage the biological parts of Dianxi's body to relax her mind.

"Are there so many other explanations?"

However, he had never nursed a Pokémon that was half mineral and half biological. Xiaozhi also became interested and eagerly followed Dianxi into the inner room.

"Hey, let me help too!!"

Citron made every move to follow suit.

He often polishes his self-destructing magnet monster, so that both its flight speed and the power of its "Mirror Shot" trick can be improved.

the most important is

By polishing the ore on Diancie's lower body, he would naturally be able to obtain those pink diamond fragments.

Citron hasn’t given up the idea of ​​studying the latter’s ingredients yet!

"Do not enter!!"

"Only those who are allowed by the princess can be favored!"

However, two little diamonds had already jumped over, blocking the front, and shouted harshly.

Although Citron couldn't understand what they were saying, he knew from the look and movements of Little Diamond that they were two blocking door gods, so he could only lower his head in disappointment.

"Forget it, I'll just send a text message to Xiaozhi later and ask him to help collect some of Dianxi's ore chips."

The next day, early in the morning.

Several people gathered at the entrance of the Pokémon Center early.

The weather today is quite good. The clear sunshine is shining on the street, making the thick snow on the ground almost invisible.

The Citron brothers and sisters, wearing thick down coats, were the first to say hello. “Morning, Serena. Hey, why do you look like you haven’t had a good rest?”

Serena still had faint dark circles in the corners of her eyes.

"Well, it's okay. I was thinking about tactics last night."

Serena tilted her head unnaturally and replied with a dry smile.

In fact, she heard the strange noises coming from the next room last night, which kept her awake for most of the night.

Really, just a simple massage and polishing the rocks, how could such a strange sound come out? !

Soon, Xiaozhi and Dianxi also came out.

Xiaozhi is full of energy and still the same as before.

But Dianxi has not yet entered the invisible state, her body is suspended in mid-air, her whole little face is smiling, radiant, and even sweeter and more beautiful than yesterday.

Serena: "."

Were these two people really just having a massage last night? !

"Today is all up to you, Serena!"

Xiaozhi had no doubt that he was there, and cheered Serena happily.

Hearing this, Serena could only temporarily put away those strange thoughts, and now she must concentrate on the present.

"Yeah, the last Yingxue Gym."

She nodded solemnly, with solemn eyes, and turned to look towards the high slope in the center of the city.

Without much delay, more than ten minutes later, several people appeared in front of the Yingxue Gym.

The door of the gymnasium is open. Even though it is a sunny day outside, the inside of the gymnasium is like a large ice cave operating at high power. There is a constant biting cold wind mixed with snowflakes blowing out, making the road directly in front of The roads were frozen with ice and it was extremely cold.

"Everyone, good morning. Mr. Dede Defu is already waiting for you inside."

The weak old man was still standing at the door, waiting for a few people.

Although his whole body was wrapped in a thick coat, his body was still shaking uncontrollably, and his teeth were chattering when he spoke, as if he would faint from the cold at any time.

Xiaozhi: "."

Doesn’t this uncle really feel that he has chosen the wrong place to work?

A few people were afraid that Uncle Ruo Bing would really pass by, so they didn't waste any time and walked quickly towards the inside of the gym.

Although the gym looks like a human house from the outside, the inside of the gym looks like an original ice cave.

The floor and walls are made of pure cave rock, and there are solidified and sharp ice picks on the ceiling, as if they will break and fall down at any time.

Several people quickly quickened their pace and reached the depths of the gym.

Inside is an unusually spacious cave square, and even the ceiling is high enough for flying Pokémon to perform their actions on it.

In the center of the square, an original battle arena is built.

The ground is pure rock and soil, covered with a layer of solid ice, which makes the entire stadium ground reflect the faint light and look icy blue.


There is also a tunnel dug into the rock wall on one side of the arena, leading to the depths of the cave gym, with biting cold wind constantly blowing out of it.

That was the side belonging to the gym leader. At this moment, the gym leader Defu was standing there, dressed the same as yesterday.

He was crossing his arms, closing his eyes and concentrating, letting the cold wind behind him blow his blue coat around.

This also means that where the challenger is standing, he will be blown by the cold air.

During the battle, the challenger not only has to face the strong attack of the hall owner.

Even the trainer's own face will continue to be blurred by the cold wind, which is very tortured!

(End of this chapter)

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