He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2660 Serena vs De Fu! Inferior horse tactics!

Soon, Serena was in the position of challenger.


Sure enough, the freezing wind kept blowing from the ice cave in front of her, so Serena could only cover her forehead with one hand to prevent her eyes from being unable to look forward.

Xiaozhi and his team also stood in the spectator seats nearby, as if they were on the high stone steps of an ice and snow cave.

"Dianci, this is a human Pokémon battle, enjoy watching it~"

Xiaozhi did not forget to introduce it to the Diamond Princess next to him.

After a night of body care last night, the intimacy between the two improved by leaps and bounds, and it suddenly increased a lot.

"Oh~ I want to take a good look at it, princess~!"

Dianxi nodded, eyes widened in red and pink, looking straight at the arena.

"Yingxue Gym Challenge. Competition rules 44444 v4!"

The weak ice uncle was still the referee, standing in the middle, reading the gym rules while trembling.

Those who didn't know this stuttered words thought that one side could send out an unlimited number of 40,000+ Pokémon.

Defu: "."

It seems like we really have to suggest that this guy should find another place to work?

"Then, let the competition begin!"

Uncle Xiubing still managed to finish.

As soon as the words fell, Decu and Serena's eyes suddenly became sharp, and they threw their Pokémon at the same time.

What Defu sent out was a giant snowflake-shaped Pokémon with a weird body shape, slowly suspended in mid-air.

"Geometric Snowflake, the Pokémon from the Unova region!"

Outside the field, Xiaozhi from the Hezhong area was also an old understanding brother and recognized him at first sight.

But it seems that this geometric snowflake is not very strong.

It's the last gym, and the number of battles has reached 4. There is a high probability that the two Pokémon in front of Mr. Fu will not be very high level.

But when everyone looked at Serena, they were all a little surprised.


But Serena directly released her Tanabata Blue Bird, and a mega stone pendant could be seen around her neck.

Not only that, Serena smiled softly, with a determined look in her eyes, and she actually took out the keystone she got from the Doctor's Young Treasure - she hadn't had time to make it into an accessory yet, so she simply grabbed it in her hand and used it directly.

"A one-time decision, mega evolution, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

As soon as they met, the power of mega evolution was directly used.

The next moment, the Qixi Blue Bird's body shimmered with light, and its body shape changed, especially the cotton covering its body became more fluffy and dense.

Although De Fu was well-informed, he had no idea what the little girl in front of him was planning.

Isn't mega evolution generally regarded as the final trump card?

But the opponent is also a trainer who has mastered the evolution of mega, so he will definitely not be weak.

After a while, Qixi Blue Bird completed its mega evolution, and its figure and temperament became more noble and gorgeous.

The battle has officially begun!

"Geometric snowflakes, primitive power!!"

"Qixi Blue Bird, we use high-speed stars!!"

The caressed geometric snowflakes condensed several large rocks around them, and were thrown out together.

The Mega Tanabata Blue Bird held its head high, and several yellow stars also condensed in front of its beak. It slightly enlarged in size in an instant, and even the color changed to a beautiful pink.

This is the bonus effect of the fairy skin characteristics, and the high-speed star becomes a fairy attribute move!

Whoosh! ! The next moment, rocks and energy stars collided in the center of the arena. It was obvious that the power of the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird was much stronger, and all the rocks were easily penetrated and shattered by the pink stars.

The castration didn't stop, the high-speed star was a sure-hit move, and even accurately hit the body of Geometric Snowflake, and suddenly there was a continuous blast from one end of the field.

"Then comes the high-pitched trick!!"

As soon as the game started, Serena launched a continuous onslaught.

This time, Mega Tanabata Blue Bird released a violent sonic boom sound from its mouth, and under the influence of the characteristics of the fairy's skin, it even turned into a pale pink shock wave visible to the naked eye.

Boom! !

The aftermath of the previous explosion around Geometric Snowflake hadn't completely dissipated yet, yet it took another solid blow.

Especially since this move was a sound move, it caused Geometric Snowflake's hard snowflake body to tremble with high frequency, completely messing up his movements for a moment.

Serena pressed her fingers downward from the top and shouted loudly:

"End the battle, the mountain is overwhelming!!"

The mega Tanabata Blue Bird has already been ready to go, and its movements are smooth. It is obvious that the tactics have been discussed in advance.

The latter was seen retracting its changing wings in mid-air, and then the surface of its body was covered with fairy pink light, falling like a huge iron ball.

Boom! !

The geometric snowflakes that were buzzing in my head didn't have time to do so. They were hit by Mount Tai from the top of my head, and were knocked to the ground with a burst of explosions!

And as the surrounding ice and smoke dissipated, the Mega Tanabata Bluebird took off again.

"How many."

Geometric Snowflake had fallen into the ruins on the ground, his body was in a mess, and he had completely lost his ability to fight.

For a moment, the entire arena was suffocated by Serena's aura, and even De Fu was stunned.

Serena remained calm on the surface, but she was elated in her heart.

"The tactics worked!"

Generally speaking, the order in which the gym leader sends out Pokémon is from weakest to strongest.

In this case, she used all her strength from the beginning, using her almost full health, to quickly kill the opponent's inferior horse.

In this way, you can gain a quantitative advantage and form a situation where more people fight against fewer people.

"Although the Qixi Blue Bird's attributes are disadvantageous, if there is a huge gap in strength, it can completely ignore the attributes and still achieve the powerful effect of mega evolution."

Serena secretly thought that this way she could show off the results of the mega evolution training done by Tanabata Blue Bird!

If it is released later, it will face the opponent's superior horse.

The attributes are inferior and the strength is not superior. Even if it is a mega evolution, it is estimated that it will not gain much benefit.

In order to conquer this last gym, Serena carefully planned out her tactics last night, unlike Xiaozhi who just went through it without thinking.

"I see, is this the plan?"

After taking back the geometric snowflakes, De Fu naturally saw Serena's little plan.

And another point is that as the gym leader, I cannot actively change the Pokémon. Once I take it back, it means that the Pokémon loses the ability to continue fighting.

It’s really hard to deal with.

And this mega Tanabata bluebird in front of me

"It looks like you just mastered the mega evolution, right?"

Defu is also an experienced trainer of mega evolution for many years, so he can see through it at a glance.

Since this is the case.

"Please, ice rock monster!!"

After getting the second one, he sent his superior horse, Ice Rock Monster.

This is a huge Pokémon whose body is made of icebergs. It is shaped like a turtle, and its four legs are made of sharp-edged ice. (End of chapter)

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