He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2663 Serena vs De Fu! The final battle!

"The ice rock monster has lost its ability to fight!"

The referee, Uncle Bing, immediately shouted with a trembling voice.

In fact, Mr. Defu usually does not send out his ace Blizzard King. In most gym challenges, this ice rock monster is the most difficult obstacle in front of challengers.

Being able to defeat this ice rock monster has actually passed the assessment of Yingxue Gym.

As for Mr. Defu, there is also a Mahuola, which is not difficult to deal with.

The fighting attribute is four times more restrained. This Iron Fist Bully Panda can probably break Mr. Defu's horse with one punch.

On the field, Defu took back the Ice Rock Monster and entered a short intermission period without immediately releasing the next Pokémon.

Generally, in 6v6 games where all players play against each other, there will be a half-time break of about 5 minutes, and some games even have a longer half-time break.

The 4v4 also has a relatively short intermission, about half a minute.

"Hey Xiaozhi~! Pokémon battles seem to be fun!!"

On the high platform, it was the first time for Dianxi to watch this kind of competition. She immediately pulled Xiaozhi's wrist enthusiastically:

"Next time, I will also command Xiaozhi to fight~!"

"Well, it's the trainer who directs the Pokémon to fight!"

Xiaozhi could only correct him with a smile.

"Why, Pokémon can also become a trainer, and then command humans to fight!!"

Dianxi emphasized seriously.

Having been imprisoned by Chaomeng for so long, she was vaguely affected by Chaomeng's thoughts.

Why can't Pokémon become a trainer and take command from behind?

Of course, her ideas are even more wild than Chaomeng's.

After all, the latter wanted to be a trainer himself and command Pokémon.

And Dianxi already wanted to instruct Xiaozhi to go up and box.

Xiaozhi: "."

This is really hard to refute.

It can't be said that humans only have the advantage of having one brain, and they don't have any skills. They can only think about commanding from behind, right?

On the ice arena, after just one minute of rest.

Originally there were still many traces of cracks on the site, but the freezing wind that continued to blow through the ice cave at the rear quickly froze again and became smooth.

Serena did not take back the Bully Panda, and prepared to use the amplifying effect of bodybuilding to penetrate all the way.

"My third Pokémon, it's your turn!!"

De Fu also threw the third Poké Ball, but the red light expanded and enlarged, making the referee, Uncle Xiu Bing, full of questions.

Isn’t it a Mahuola with a medium horse?

The red light was solid, but it turned out to be somewhat similar to Bully Panda. It was also a tall giant panda Pokémon.

The body is about the same height as the Bully Panda, but the upper body is slimmer. The whole body is covered with pure white hair. Two thick bear paws are held flat. The flat head is slightly raised like a flat-topped snow mountain, and the chin extends downward. Three ice pick-shaped beards.

"Ice Bear, a Pokémon from the Unova region, has an ice attribute and is the evolved form of Sneeze Bear. It fights with ice fangs and ice claws formed by freezing the breath it exhales. Its texture is harder than steel."

Serena put away the illustrated book, but she didn't expect the gym battle to turn into a duel between two bears.

The opponent is obviously a powerful Pokémon just like his Bully Panda.

But in terms of attributes, Bully Panda still has an absolute advantage!

"Bully Panda, arm thump!!"

Now that she had the advantage, Serena didn't care so much and directly launched a fierce attack.

It seems that because everyone is a big bear, the bully panda is even more violent than the last time. He has a strong desire to compete and rushes forward with a roar.

The arms condensed with white light, and they swung out boldly!

"Tundra Bear, use brute force!!" Defu showed no weakness and responded with a fighting-type ultimate move.

Steaming white mist appeared all over the tundra bear's body, and its skin turned red. Two huge bear paws were clenched into fists, and they also smashed up.

Boom! !

The next moment, the bear's paw met the bear's paw, and the terrifying force made the entire gym tremble. The ceiling rock wall continued to tremble, and the ice cones condensed on it seemed to break immediately and fall down.


After a stalemate, the tundra bear's shoulders sank and his body took half a step back.

Obviously in terms of strength, Bully Panda is better!

"As expected, that ice rock monster is Mr. Defu's No. 2 contestant!"

Serena secretly thought that this tundra bear would not be that difficult to deal with.

boom! !

The fists of the two bears were staggered, and the bully panda hit the tundra bear on the side with its arm and fist.

boom! !

Similarly, the tundra bear's brute force punch also landed on the bully panda's chest.

The two figures immediately retreated horizontally, leaving long traces on the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

Not only are tundra bears afraid of fighting moves, bully pandas with evil attributes will also suffer damage with outstanding effects.

"Is this the original idea?"

Serena realized that Mr. Defu was planning to exchange injuries for injuries, and everyone was restrained from suffering injuries.

If they fall together, the opponent's tundra bear will make more money.

"Tundra bear, brute force!!"

Indeed, as she thought, Defu was still launching fierce attacks!

As long as this tundra bear is defeated, Serena will only have Tanabata Blue Bird and the last Pokémon left.

His mega Blizzard King is enough for one to wear two!

But when Serena saw through Defu's little plan, she naturally wouldn't let the other party get his way.

Facing the brute force punch coming from the tundra bear, Serena suddenly changed her tactics and said:

"Now, use your strength to throw!"

Her Bully Panda is a Fighting-type Pokémon, and the fighting moves it can use are not just arm punches!

The bully panda understood and turned his body slightly to avoid the tundra bear's brute force punch.

Then he hugged the tundra bear's arms with both hands, pushed his body forward, reversed his body, and used the strength of the opponent's punch to lift the opponent on his back.

Snapped! !

Finally, he threw the tundra bear to the ground!

The effect is outstanding!

This beautiful over-the-shoulder throw caused the tundra bear to fall to pieces on the ground, with stars popping up in front of his eyes.

"Now, Fire Fist!!"

The bully panda's offensive was not over yet. The clenched bear paw was already ignited with fiery flames, and then it mercilessly smashed into the face of the dizzy tundra bear who was still sitting on the ground.

Boom! !

Following a huge explosion, there was even a fire explosion on the spot, and the effect was outstanding!

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the tundra bear was already facing the ground with its butt in the air, losing its ability to fight.

This game is actually much easier than the Ice Rock Monster.

"It's a pity, is it still close?"

De Fu had no choice but to take back the tundra bear. Next, his Blizzard King had to wear one and three!

Of course, with Serena's strength, she would have been able to get his Yingxue Gym badge long ago

However, it is rare to encounter such an interesting opponent, and Defu has become enthusiastic. Now he just wants to fight with all his strength!

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