He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2664 In the end, Demon Fire Red Fox vs Mega Blizzard King!

Finally, Defu sent out his last Pokémon.

Even if the situation is not good for him, Serena still has the right to attack three Pokémon at this moment, and Defu still looks stable.


The red light fell, and a huge figure appeared in front of him.

The body of the tall and rather fat snow monster, its limbs and tail are in the shape of green spiky plants, and its whole body is covered with hard white hair.

Blizzard King!

Moreover, this Blizzard King has the characteristics of snowfall. As soon as it appeared on the stage, the entire arena was covered with dense hail that looked like pebbles.

The types of weather caused by Pokémon with snowfall characteristics are somewhat different in different areas.

Some of them drop hailstones with fixed damage every round, just like the Blizzard King at this moment.

Others cause simple heavy snowfall. Although it cannot cause damage, it can improve the defense of ice-type Pokémon in the heavy snow.


After releasing the Blizzard Queen, De Fu felt secretly regretful.

As the gym owner, he cannot actively change Pokémon, so if the ace is a weather player, it is actually difficult to take advantage.

For example, his previous ice rock monster had a frozen body, and his snow-moving tundra bear did not show its full strength due to the lack of hail or snowy weather.

"Then, it's time to mega evolve and show your unparalleled destructive power all at once!!"

Defu took off his necklace and opened the rhombus-shaped shell. Inside was a keystone that was shining with dazzling light.

In front of him, the Mega Stone hidden in the thick mane of the Blizzard King was also revealed, and his whole body suddenly burst into astonishing light!

"Just go to mega evolution. Come back for now, Bully Panda!"

On the other side, Serena directly took back the Bully Panda.

Although the latter still had enough physical strength to continue fighting, since it was the last battle, she planned to let the demon fire red fox defeat the powerful enemy in front of her head-on.

There is no need to be like other trainers who always save the ace card until they are at the end of the road. Use the ace card first. If you really can't beat it, then replace it with the other two!


The Demon Fire Red Fox appeared holding a charcoal-black wooden staff, and the front end burst into flames, just in time to see the end of the mega evolution.

"Drink violently!!"

The next moment, the Blizzard King, who had completed his mega evolution, raised his arms and roared with excitement.

The two sprouts on the back of the Mega Blizzard King grow into huge icicles, which look like they have four arms at the same time, from a distance.

The hair on the body is more vigorous and thicker, covering the whole body, making the Blizzard King's body even look a little bloated.

"What a powerful momentum."

Serena was slightly startled, holding the ends of her hair with her palms, secretly thinking that this was indeed Mr. Defu's trump card.

If he also sends his own mega Tanabata Blue Bird, he will probably be killed in a few rounds, right?

"Strike first is the strongest, Demon Fire Red Fox, use will-o'-the-wisp!!"

When the battle finally started, Serena shouted first.

The opponent is obviously a powerful Pokémon, so let’s put it into a burn state first!

The demon fire red fox understood and waved the wooden stick in his hand, and suddenly several wisps of blue flames condensed and flew out erratically.

And De Fu folded his arms and folded his chest, letting the coat behind his back flutter, and with the aura of a general, he shouted in a deep voice:

"It's useless, Blizzard!"

Mega Blizzard King stood there and opened his mouth suddenly.

Hoo ho ho! ! In an instant, the raging wind and snow spurted out, covering most of the stadium.

The floating will-o'-the-wisps were all blown out, and the blizzard even swallowed up the slender demon fire red fox!

In hail weather, the blizzard move has a 100% hit rate!

As the big snowstorm passed by, the air in the arena suddenly became refreshing.

But at one end of the arena, the surface of Demon Fire Red Fox's body was frozen with a layer of ice shell, and he was frozen there, unable to move.

This is directly entering the freezing state!

"The demon fire red fox, use the charged flame attack to break free!!"

But Serena already had a corresponding strategy and shouted quickly.

Chi Bang!

The next moment, the whole body of the Demon Fire Red Fox was ignited with fiery red flames, burning and melting all the ice on its body in an instant.

Of course, the demon fire red fox did not continue to use the charged flame attack to rush forward.

Her physical attack is extremely crotch-stretching, and mastering the move of accumulating flame attack can only be used to burn the whole body to keep warm in critical moments.

"Is it a frozen state, not a frostbite state?"

Outside the court, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh.

The frozen state is just that the body is sealed in ice, and there is no actual harm.

But the revenge move played by his green-looking Zoroark can make the target suffer from frostbite.

Not only will you lose blood every round, but your own special attack ability will be halved.

If the Demon Fire Red Fox fell into a state of frostbite, it would basically be useless.

"Fox Library."

On the playing field, the ice and snow melted, and the demon fire red fox took a breather on the spot.

She has 1/2 resistance to ice-type moves. Even if she is full of Blizzard, the damage will not be that great.


Just the next moment, the entire stadium ground suddenly shook.

Serena and the Demon Fire Red Fox quickly looked in front of them, only to see Mega Blizzard King bend down and insert his two thick arms directly into the ice on the ground.

As he continued to exert force, with his arms as the center, cracks spread quickly to both sides of the entire ground.

"Drink violently!!"

Finally, with Mega Blizzard King's high-pitched roar, it actually lifted a huge rock from the ground!

It is more than ten meters wide, the upper 1/3 is ice, and the lower 2/3 is ordinary hard rock.

With an explosion of power, the Blizzard King directly threw the huge rock towards the Demon Fire Red Fox!

The huge body is like an iceberg, and the shadow cast by it completely covers the body of the demon fire red fox, and even the ground in the nearby area.

Iceberg wind! !

This was originally an exclusive move of the ice-rock monster that looked like a green man. It dug out a huge piece of iceberg snow at one go and threw it at the target, with astonishing destructive power.

But in fact, many large and powerful ice-type Pokémon can master this move after some training!

And when this huge iceberg was thrown down by the wind, it was not only the demon fire red fox that was covered by the huge black shadow that made his scalp numb.

Serena behind her was also panicking for no reason. She always felt that if this big iceberg and snow chunks fell down, she might also suffer.

"There is no way out, attack with all your strength! Demon Fire Red Fox, use the most powerful big character explosion flame!!"

Gritting her teeth, Serena could only face it head-on.


The demon fire red fox's eyes also became firm, and he raised the wooden stick in front of him, with the moving flames condensing on the front end.

Finally, it turned into an extremely hot flame, roaring out along with the scorching hot wind!

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