He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2696 Pikachu rarely dies suddenly after just one appearance

"Damn it, do you still have the gravity move?"

Xiaozhi frowned, Gravity was a rare move.

Generally, it will only appear when a flying Pokémon lands, and a negative effect of "unable to fly" will be added.

But in the hands of Arceus, he really controls the gravity of the earth. Those who fly in the sky will fall down, and those who walk on the ground will even lie directly on the ground.

Tsk bang!

After Pikachu tap danced a few times on the hot sand, a burst of unknown fire finally burst out of his body.

Misfortunes never come singly, this is a burn state!

Before one person and one mouse could recover, Arceus in front of them actually made a familiar starting move.

call out!

The body suddenly jumped out, leaving only a cyan arc in the air, reaching an incredible speed.

The hot sand around him finally dissipated, and Pikachu had just pulled out his lower limbs from the soil.

A huge white figure appeared out of thin air in front of him, and then his body was thrown away with a "bang" as if it was hit by a giant hammer.

"Do you also know the magic speed trick Pikachu, electromagnetic wave!!"

Xiaozhi has not given up the battle yet, and is ready to give the opponent a status as well.

Being knocked away by the speed, Pikachu adjusted his body in mid-air, condensed an arc of light and electric ball at the end of his tail, and threw it towards the target.


However, this electromagnetic wave light ball had just approached half a meter in front of Arceus when it seemed to have touched something and dissipated invisible.

Electromagnetic waves failed!

"Mysterious guardian?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened and he finally noticed that there was a faint layer of mist on the surface of Arceus' body.

You must know that other Pokémon have to use skills first to have this effect.

Outrageous, is the Arceus clone equipped with a mysterious guardian from the beginning and completely immune to the effects of abnormal status? !

"Is it so difficult to deal with 1/10 of the strength?"

Xiaozhi's forehead was already covered in sweat.

In terms of pure destructive power, the clone of Arceus in front of him may not be as good as those ancient gods he has seen before, which are enough to cause catastrophic damage to a certain area.

But it is even more impeccable than those ancient gods. Every movement and move is flawless and performed to the extreme.

"End it!!"

Even the Arceus clone suddenly raised its head high, and the solemn bronze bells seemed to echo above the entire space.

Then he pulled out a gray-white stone tablet out of thin air above his head, and condensed energy in an instant

Boom! !

The next moment, a huge laser beam shot out from the stone monument!

Sanctioning the light gravel is Arceus' exclusive move!


It wasn't right to receive this blow. Pikachu was so frightened that his ears stood up and he immediately ran away to dodge.

Seeing this, Arceus' eyes flashed slightly.

The laser beam that originally shot straight out suddenly split in mid-air and turned into energy pebbles.

Whoosh! !

And all of them have tracking effects, and they all chase in the direction of Pikachu.

It wraps up Pikachu like a dragnet, and finally merges into one, covering Pikachu in the center and falling down!

Arceus's Judgment Light Gravel can be either a laser or a gravel attack.

"Pikachu, block it with the electric grid!!"

Under the limit, Xiaozhi could only deal with it in such a panic.

Pikachu lay on the ground, spinning its tail into an electric net, turning into an elastic barrier to protect itself underneath.

Boom boom boom! !

The sanctioned light gravel fell and bombarded the power grid, causing bursts of explosions!


And as the smoke and dust dispersed, Pikachu's limbs were spread out among the rubble scattered around, and he fainted and fell to the ground.

Especially the two whirlpool eyes look both familiar and unfamiliar.     “Lost”

Xiaozhi took a long breath and sighed inexplicably.

Speaking of which, it's been a long time since his Pikachu showed such an attitude.

Unexpectedly, after not appearing for a long time, he was defeated in a rare battle.

"We were all careless, Pikachu."

Xiaozhi could only helplessly step forward and gently pick up the fainting Pikachu.

It can only be said that it is worthy of the creation god Arceus, even the clone left behind, defeated the current Pikachu.

Xiaozhi was not completely disappointed. His opponent's fighting skills were too perfect.

Moreover, Arceus' attack methods are all-round, with various attribute moves readily available, and countless attack forms.

Without obtaining information in advance, if you simulate a battle, even if you are stronger than the opponent, you will most likely be defeated by Arceus' strange, changeable and resolute methods.

"You still have a lot of Pokémon, let's come together."

"Even if it's just a treatment, I don't care!"

Arceus' telepathy came, full of arrogance.

Of course, his purpose is to let Xiaozhi help him consume more power.

But this kind of thing, as a creation god with extremely high self-esteem, can never be stated explicitly and can only be hinted at tactfully.

Otherwise, he would have caught the people of the Valley of Creation who were living in the dirty streets outside and beat them up!

Xiaozhi stood up holding Pikachu in his hands, looked at the Arceus clone in front of him, and nodded solemnly.

"I see."

Then with a thought in his mind, Xiaozhi reversed the thought of coming in at first.


The next moment, Xiaozhi disappeared out of thin air and left this replicated version of the Beginning Palace space.

Arceus clone: ​​"?"

Don't you kid understand what he said? Why did you run away? !

Who will consume the remaining 97% of my electricity! ?

At the other end, in the middle of the square in the small town of Valley of Creation.


Just like how he looked when he came in, Xiaozhi felt as if he had been released by a fairy ball. The eyes of the Arceus statue shot out a red light, and after landing, it solidified into a figure of one person and one mouse.

As soon as Xiaozhi came out, the surrounding area suddenly became lively and there were noisy discussions.

"Ah Xiaozhi, why did you come out?!"

"What happened to Pikachu?!"

"Did you lose?!"

Serena and the others quickly gathered around and asked all kinds of questions.

Especially the way Pikachu's eyes rolled in Xiaozhi's arms shocked them even more.

They know Pikachu's strength. He is definitely the one who really carries the banner in Xiaozhi's team.

Koga Ninja is only a temporary god, and Pikachu is the eternal true god in Ash's team.

In the end, it was such a defeat?

"This is the first time I've seen Pikachu's eyes twitching."

Yulijia held her fingers in her mouth and complained silently.

It's a rare appearance, and the result is sudden death?

"That Xiaozhi, what's going on inside?"

Mayali was even more curious about the situation inside the Arceus statue, and was even a little baffled by the actions of Serena and others.

Isn’t it reasonable that the vase of electric mice will break when touched? Why is everyone making such a fuss? (End of chapter)

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