He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2697 2 days of training!

Xiaozhi temporarily handed Pikachu to Citron, who was better at temporary treatment. After feeding him a dose of medicine, Pikachu finally woke up leisurely.

Only then did he have the time to answer the questions of Mei Yali and the surrounding residents of the Valley of Creation.

"There is a battle space inside the statue. The true form of Arceus is indeed inside, waiting for the tester to enter the challenge."

Ash answered truthfully.

Hearing this, there was an uproar around him.

After all, the last person to enter the trial was decades ago.

Seeing that the statue was still effective, several people in the crowd showed expressions of eagerness to try.

Just when he raised his head to look at the head of the Arceus statue, he quickly lowered his head and apologized again and again.

"I'm so sorry, Lord Creator"

"I just had the idea of ​​challenging the God of Creation, damn it."

"Great God, no need to say more!"

Xiaozhi: "."

Are the people here too pious to Arceus?

He couldn't help but look at Mayali, but the latter also lowered her head piously and excitedly, not daring to look directly at the statue's head, and obviously not trying to enter that space easily.

In response, Xiaozhi spread his hands. He had no obligation to ask these people to enter.

Although the previous Arceus clone gave him the feeling that it seemed quite urgent that someone could go in for the trial?

But with the solemn and solemn expression on his face, Xiaozhi was not sure of his thoughts.

"Anyway, this is a good opportunity!"

People in the Valley of Creation didn't dare to go in, but Xiaozhi didn't intend to let this opportunity go.

He had already made up his mind, turned around, and ran quickly towards the local Pokémon Center.

Serena and the others followed behind with question marks on their faces.

"That's great. I want to see the God of Creation too."

Citron couldn't help but envy him.

It's just that he stared at the statue outside for a long time, but it still didn't trigger. Is it true that only the selected people can enter?

The power of theology is truly great.

Pokémon Center in the Valley of Creation

In fact, it is a simple treatment center. Although the architectural style is copied from the Pokémon Center outside, the front desk staff is local people, not Miss Joy.

However, basic configurations such as treatment equipment, mobile phones, and switching devices are still complete.

Following Xiaozhi, several people also understood Xiaozhi's intention.

"Ah, Dr. Omu, please teleport Entei here. I heard that he came back from visiting relatives recently?"

Xiaozhi called Dr. Oak in the distance and asked Yandi for help.

"Oh Emperor Yan, it just came back a few days ago, and it is said that it has a new boyfriend."

On the other side of the screen, Dr. Ohki was enjoying himself.

"New friend?"

Xiaozhi was stunned and couldn't understand.

But that's not the point. Soon he got Entei's elf ball.

Then without stopping, he returned to the central square of the town.

"Everyone, I'm going in for two days of special training. After I come out, let's go to Desert City~!"

Xiaozhi waved to his friends, then turned to look at the statue's eyes again.

Their original plan was to rest in the Valley of Creation for three days and then go to Desert City next door for vacation.

Now that he has found a perfect place to exercise and rest, Xiaozhi has completely forgotten about it.

Just stay inside and exercise for the rest of the time!

"Hey Xiaozhi!"

Serena couldn't help but complain. She also wanted to visit this beautiful and strange valley with Xiaozhi.

Zhixiu! However, the next moment, Xiaozhi turned into a red light again and was sucked into the statue.

This made Serena helplessly stare into her eyes without any reaction, and she could only turn around and leave helplessly.

Xiaozhi is so strong and he is training so hard.

Find a place in the valley yourself and train your Pokémon!

The locals did not stop Xiaozhi from frequently entering the statue.

After all, being able to trigger a response from the idol proves that Xiaozhi is also a loyal believer in the God of Creation.

Maybe for outside believers, challenging Arceus is their way of expressing their longing for the Creator God?

"so good"

Mei Yali stayed outside and watched for a long time. How about she be rebellious and try to go in?


At the same moment, Xiaozhi's figure returned to the space of the Hall of Beginning. He quickly walked up the steps and stood on the battle platform again.

Arceus clone: ​​"?"

Why is this human thought so completely elusive to him?

"Hey Arceus, this time I plan to challenge you for two days, and I'm going to take drugs during the process. Should it be okay?"

Xiaozhi locked his sharp eyes on the alpaca beast in front of him.

He wouldn't miss such a perfect training target.

That's right, after Pikachu was defeated, he immediately went out to move reinforcements - medics.

In the next two days, he plans to send out all his Carlos team and use the power of Arceus to beat them up to prepare for the next strongest trainer competition!

This means that he needs a lot of treatment and recovery drugs.

But no matter how many medicines there are, it is better to let Emperor Yan breathe out the sacred flame and simply pull the strongest reinforcement over.

"Huh, whether it's a wheel battle or a group battle, I don't take it seriously!"

Arceus' body and mind electromagnetic induction arose, and there seemed to be a bit of dissatisfaction and contempt in his words.

But hidden beneath the words, the body and mind were blooming with joy!

Does it mean two days of high-intensity fighting?

Now, at least 20% of your power can be consumed!

However, in Xiaozhi's eyes, the Arceus clone seemed to be offended by him.

"do not care!"

It was a rare opportunity like this, so Xiaozhi didn't care so much and threw all the Poké Balls on him at once.

boom!boom!boom! !

One after another, crisp sounds sounded, and the next moment, a group of black Pokémon had gathered in front of Xiaozhi.

The first is the three missing, one, false, and royal families in the Kalos region - Koga Ninja and Fierce Arrow Eagle.

These two Pokémon are the odd ones here.

Then there are a group of dragon Pokémon - Thunder Drum, Double-headed Tyrannosaurus, Toxosaurus, Green-looking Noodler, Sonic Dragon, Baby Tyrannosaurus, Ice Dragon, a total of seven.


Xiaozhi rubbed his head, why did it seem like a fake dragon was mixed in.

No, it seems like a Pokémon that's not yours is mixed in?

"Ice and snow dragon.?"

Looking at the timid Ice and Snow Dragon standing at the back, Xiaozhi couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He had forgotten this.

After all, Serena already has six Pokémon with her, and Ice Dragon is the seventh one, so she can't carry it with her.

Although he has been separated from Brother Chi, he can still carry 14 Pokémon, and there are many empty spaces. So he will help carry Ice and Snow Dragon for the time being.

"Forget it, it's an ice and snow dragon that needs training anyway, you follow Nian Mei'er!"

Xiaozhi didn't think much about it, so he just helped Serena practice! (End of chapter)

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