He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2698 The power of medical soldier Yandi!

Chapter 2698 The power of medical soldier Yandi!

Finally, Xiaozhi threw the newly acquired Poke Ball.


The red light fell, and Emperor Yan's majestic lion-shaped figure appeared in front of everyone, his tan figure full of oppression.

Especially the fierce thunder drum among them, staring closely at Emperor Yan.

The two of them seem to be the Three Holy Beasts, but they are not completely from the same series. They have a very special relationship.

Counting Pikachu, there are 11 in total, that is, all the members that Xiaozhi has prepared for special training in the past two days.

At this moment, a large number of Pokémon appeared in the darkness of the Hall of Beginning. They were all noisy masters at first, but now Arceus, the God of Creation, stands here.


Although it was just a clone, the pressure it exuded was still so powerful that all the Pokémon did not dare to shout or move, and remained as silent as a cicada.

Especially the two-headed tyrannosaurus and the baby tyrannosaurus that were originally the most noisy, after seeing the figure of Arceus, they were so excited that they clamped their tails between their legs and started sweating profusely.

This time, Senior Alpaca felt even more oppressive than Senior Dragon God Pillar last time!


Arceus was also curiously looking at the Pokémon released by Xiaozhi. After his deep eyes quickly scanned them, he couldn't help but frown.

Their strengths vary, but they are obviously not as strong as that electric mouse, and they are much worse.

He originally thought that this Pikachu was Ash's worst Pokémon.

It makes sense when you think about it. It makes more sense for such a powerful electric mouse to be used as an ace.

Although he had won easily before, in terms of pure strength, this electric mouse was actually not inferior to him.

The second strongest among this group of Pokémon is the Entei that came out last.

"I remember this guy is a subordinate of King Feng, right?"

The clone of Arceus was a little confused. As a second-level god, this Fire Emperor gave him the feeling that it was almost as good as a first-level god! ?

It's just that Emperor Yan stood at the farthest end and seemed to have no intention of participating in the attack, which made Arceus feel a little regretful.

"Fire Emperor, I'm asking you to be a medic again this time. By the way, you don't know yet, right? Give Pikachu a bite of the sacred flame first!"

Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something, put Pikachu on the ground with a smile, and raised his hand to signal.

The other Pokémon don't know Entei's abilities yet, so it's just time for everyone to see it.


Emperor Yan nodded, and after glancing fearfully at the alpaca in the deepest part of the space, he looked at Pikachu.

The volcanic ash behind him was billowing, and then he opened his mouth, and Emperor Yan spewed out a golden-white fireball.

The speed is not fast, and the fire is not strong.

But as soon as the golden-white flames were exposed in the air, the entire space was suddenly filled with a terrifying aura of destruction and annihilation.

"Armor ninja.!!"

As the most alert Koga Ninja in the audience, his hair stood up instantly. He was the first to assume an offensive posture, and even had a water shuriken in his hand.

It also thought that Emperor Yan was going to attack his companions with flames full of destructive aura!

However, after seeing that both Xiaozhi and Pikachu had no panic expressions, Koga Ninja stopped and watched curiously.

When the golden-white fireball landed on Pikachu, there was no flame burning, but it seemed to be completely integrated into the latter's body.


Instead, Pikachu's body shimmered with a rich dark green healing glow.

The darker the green light, the stronger the treatment effect, which means a super high-level treatment skill. “Pica~!”

Pikachu also let out a long sigh of comfort in the flames, enjoying it very much.

Citron's first aid hadn't allowed him to fully recover before, but now, his energy and blood are suddenly full.

Part of the overflowing healing effect is also converted into a shield, making Pikachu full of energy!

All of Ash's Pokémon opened their eyes wide and marveled as if they were seeing a miracle.

"I see."

The Arceus clone also looked surprised.

The flame that contains the aura of terror and destruction also contains infinite vitality.

He remembered that this was the Phoenix King's exclusive ability. How could it suddenly appear on this Flame Emperor?

"Is it possible that hundreds of thousands of years have passed and the Phoenix King has fallen and passed the mantle to his subordinate Yan Emperor?"

Arceus' clone made a reasonable guess.

As a clone trapped in this trial space, he cannot connect to the external network, and his knowledge and memory are still stuck a thousand years ago.

But these are not the main points.


Arceus's eyes lit up, this meant that the Flame Emperor's fire could provide these Pokémon with perfect endurance!

Now, even if these Pokémon are less powerful, if they fight at high intensity for two consecutive days, they should be able to consume at least 40% of their power!

"Everyone, in the next two days, Emperor Yan will be your medical captain. Whoever's physical strength is almost at the end can come to Emperor Yan to receive treatment from the sacred flame!"

Xiaozhi was quite satisfied with everyone's expressions, and introduced with his hands on his hips:

"Remember to come for treatment when you are almost unable to support yourself, so that you can improve yourself to the greatest extent!"

Yandi, as an old senior, nodded cooperatively and simply sat down next to Xiaozhi, waiting for the first order of business to come to his door.

"Then everyone, let's attack Arceus with all our strength in the next two days! Do your best to train your body's physical fitness!!"

Ash roared loudly, cheering everyone on.

Only the problem of healing supplies has been solved, but among the Pokémon looking at each other, no one dared to be the first to attack.

After all, the opponent is Arceus, the God of Creation.

Even if he is not his believer, Arceus has a certain degree of blood suppression on all Pokémon, making people unable to resist.


Among all the Pokémon, Koga Ninja was the first to get rid of this sense of oppression and jumped up. The flying water shuriken condensed in the palm of his waist flew towards Arceus' face without mercy!

The more he gets to know Xiaozhi, the more Koga Ninja understands his own insignificance.

Ash’s previous partners were all too strong!

This made Koga Ninja firm up his determination. He must make himself stronger. Even if the opponent is the God of Creation, he will attack without hesitation! !

Seeing this, Xiaozhi nodded with satisfaction, secretly thinking that he was indeed a Koga Ninja, and his fighting skills were too perfect.

Of course, the moves don't have much effect.

Arceus simply parted the corner of his mouth and sprayed out a cloud of ice mist, which instantly froze all the incoming sharp flying water shurikens, and then fell powerlessly to the ground and shattered into pieces of ice.

Frozen wind!

However, the other Pokémon saw that the God of Creation could indeed attack normally, and they were all inspired by Koga Ninja's actions. They all used their own methods to attack Arceus!

(End of this chapter)

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