He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2711 Decisive victory! Golden flying water sword! !

Chapter 2711 Decisive victory! Golden flying water sword! !

Although he was at a disadvantage at the beginning, Xiaozhi didn't look too panicked, and even showed a look of praise:

"They have a lot of skills, these two guys!"

If these two people also go to the alliance conference, it goes without saying that gathering eight badges will not be a big problem.

Even in the league conference, it is estimated that he is an elite trainer who can successfully reach the top four.

"In that case, Koga Ninja, let's start taking action!!"

After finishing his words, the Koga Ninja in front of him straightened his back again.

The eyes of one person and one frog seemed to be filled with water, and their minds were completely connected.

Wow! !

The next moment, an exaggerated vortex of water spewed out from Koga Ninja's body, spinning crazily around his body, and a tornado rose into the sky.

Nuo Da's momentum actually dispersed all the surrounding sandstorms, and for a while the entire courtyard battle arena became clear again.

"What's this.?"

"Is it also a mega evolution?!"

The sandstorm suddenly disappeared, and the Saliman brothers and sisters stared blankly at the amazing changes in the Koga Ninja, wondering what happened.

It wasn't until all the water splashes in the sky compressed and gathered into a huge water-water shuriken on the back of the Koga Ninja that the Koga Ninja revealed a new look.

"Here he is, it's Ash's version of Koga Ninja!!"

Yulijia, who was watching the battle, suddenly stood up and screamed loudly.

She is a little fan of Xiao Zhijia and Ninja Frog, and she has even planned to choose Foam Frog when she officially becomes a trainer in the future.

I just don’t know if there is a Yurika version of Koga Ninja?

"Then let's fight again now, Koga Ninja, attack the key points secretly!!"

Xiaozhi raised the corners of his mouth, looking confident, and took the initiative to attack.

The Koga Ninja gestured with his palm in the air on his waist, raised it upward, and instantly condensed a black and purple ninja sword, rushing straight towards the direction of the giant needle bee.

Because the other party was too weird, Princess Sara didn’t dare to be careless:

"Big Needle Bee, move at high speed to avoid it!"

The Mega Needle Bee understood and flapped its wings at high frequency. Its body suddenly turned into a ghostly yellow-black shadow and flew at high speed.

"Follow me!!"

However, the Koga Ninja who has completed the bond evolution is also frighteningly fast.

Even with Mega Needle Bee level movements, he can still catch up smoothly.


I saw that in this courtyard arena, the figure of the Big Needle Bee was still in the corner one second, and then came to the center position the next second, changing positions frequently, as if moving instantaneously.

But the Koga Ninja Frog can still follow him like a shadow, and his body appears directly in front of the Mega Needle Bee at the same time, no less impressive.

The last secret attack hit the vital point fiercely, and the speed was so fast that even with the speed of the Mega Needle Bee, it was still impossible to avoid it, so it had to block it with all its strength.

"Poisonous attack!!"

The Mega Needle Bee fired four needles at once, poking it with highly poisonous needles.

Only this time, Koga Ninja's power was completely at the upper hand, and even the poisonous attack with adaptability bonus was difficult to contend with.

boom! !

The entire body of the Mega Needle Wasp was knocked upside down and flew out, cutting a large distance on the lawn.

"Sara.! Damn it, Bankiras, use sharp stones to attack!!"

Prince Saliman immediately wanted to support his sister, and Mega Bankiras in front of him raised his head and roared, and countless sharp stone blades suddenly condensed all over his body. Serena smiled slyly and replied with her original words:

"Don't forget about me, Demon Fire Red Fox, use your mental strength!!"

The demon fire red fox sneered, swung the wooden stick in his hand, and powerful mental power spread out.

Mega Bankilas's stone blade had just condensed in mid-air, and before it had time to shoot out, it was enveloped and bound by an inexplicable blue light and froze above its head.

The control of the sharp stone attack became the demon fire red fox.

The latter pressed his wooden staff, and these sharp stone blades all flew in the direction of the giant needle bee, as if receiving instructions.

This rock move can cause fatal damage to the latter.


Fortunately, the Mega Needle Bee moved quickly and finally recovered from the extreme situation. He ducked and barely avoided the sharp stone attack.

"Damn it, you dare to use my moves."


Prince Saliman's face showed shame and anger, and Mega Bankilas in front of him was even more angry, roaring with thunder.

"Use reverse scale!!"

This time, Mega Bankilas' whole body was enveloped in the surging crimson dragon energy, and his momentum reached its peak!

This is a Bankelas whose father may have some dragon Pokémon blood!

Serena's face was tense. Although the opponent's momentum was very exaggerated, and even the ground was faintly shaking, she was not suppressed by the opponent's momentum.

Nowadays, even if a real dragon comes to show its powerful reverse scale, she will not be shaken.

"It's not that simple, Demon Fire Red Fox, use strange light!"

The demon fire red fox understood, waved the wooden stick in his hand, and threw a strange light ball, which landed first on Bankiras who was about to charge in a rage.

Reverse Scale generally enters a chaotic state after being used for 2 or 3 rounds.

In this case, I will make you confused in the first round!

"Ban roar!! Ban roar!!"

Serena's plan worked.

Being hit first by the strange light, Mega Bankilas' mind was suddenly in chaos.

Originally Ni Lin had a precise target, but now it was rioting and stomping on the ground, and all the targets in its sight were its attack targets.


The closest Mega Needle Bee quickly dodged and distanced itself from the friendly forces, for fear of being accidentally injured by Ni Lin.

However, just as he was on guard against friendly forces, he had no time to guard against the enemy.

boom! !

The Mega Needle Bee was suddenly approached by the Koga Ninja Frog. Finding an opportunity, he whipped his leg and kicked him away.

Yan Hui, the effect is outstanding!

"It's decided, Koga Ninja!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly made a gesture of pulling out the shuriken from behind, and then raised his arm high.

The Koga Ninja moved in unison, pulling out the water shuriken from behind, and then raising it horizontally above his head.

Boo hoo hoo.! !

The water shuriken began to rotate, and the energy was condensed and compressed rapidly. Under the high-speed rotation, even the original aqua blue color turned into a golden yellow like a high-temperature flame!

Even the size has expanded from half a meter wide at the beginning to nearly two meters.

Xiaozhi behind him gestured in the air, pressed his palms forward suddenly, and shouted at the same time:

"Now, Golden Flying Water Shuriken!!"

It’s the ultimate secret move from Ninja Village!

After two days of intense special training with the Arceus clone, although the golden shuriken is not yet in its complete form, it can already be used smoothly.


The Koga Ninja nodded, and threw the huge golden shuriken in his hand towards the Mega Needle Bee that flew backwards!

(End of this chapter)

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