He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2712 The battle ended, both defeated!

The golden shuriken, filled with surging high-temperature steam, flew across the sky above the lawn courtyard.

Boom! !

Finally, the mega needle bee was accurately hit, and the power burst out in one go.

It was obviously a water attribute move, but it triggered a burst of hot and high-temperature energy explosion at the same place, and the movement was terrifying.

Everyone was shocked by the sound of this blow, and for a while only the faint sound of black smoke could be heard in the courtyard.

"What kind of move is this?"

Prince Saliman's eyes widened. He knew Pokémon like Koga Ninja.

Now not only can he mega evolve, but he can also display this "rich golden shuriken" that he knows his aesthetics well, which is all beyond his expectation.

"Ah, the giant needle wasp!"

Princess Sarah covered her pretty face and exclaimed as she looked at the source of the smoke.

As the smoke dispersed, the mega sting wasp had crashed to the ground, its eyes spinning.

There was a flash of light on his body, and he exited the mega-evolved posture.

However, this mega sting wasp was already thin-skinned and had been hit several times before, so it was uncertain how much damage this golden shuriken could do.


With one blow thrown, the Koga Ninja landed firmly on the ground, breathing lightly from the corner of his mouth, and the new water shuriken behind his back was slowly condensing and taking shape.


Xiaozhi looked overjoyed.

Although the damage has not reached the extreme level, at least it was used successfully.

At least the highly condensed energy will not evaporate the Water Shuriken, creating a clown effect of 0 damage!

"Brother, I lost. The rest will depend on you."

Princess Sara took back the Needle Bee in despair, nodded to Prince Saliman, and then retreated to the side.

None of the trainers who had fought with their siblings before were their enemies.

But now, two trainers from out of town can defeat him so easily.

"Is it possible that all trainers from other places are of this level?"

Princess Sarah sat in the corner, lowered her head and began to doubt life.

"Thank you for your hard work, Koga Ninja, please come back for now."

On the other end, Xiaozhi was also very straightforward. He directly raised his hand to take the Koga Ninja back, and followed suit and retreated to Citron's position.

This made the temporary referee Lao Pa stunned for a moment.

Xiaozhi's two Pokémon still have enough fighting power. Does taking it back on his own initiative mean that he has given up?

"Next, let's watch Serena's battle, right?"

Suppressing his fighting spirit, Xiaozhi's eyes fell on the demon fire red fox and mega Bankelas who were still facing off tensely on the field.

In this regard, Prince Saliman and Serena naturally understood what Xiaozhi meant, and they both looked at each other with a shiver in their hearts.

"Mega Bankelas!"

Serena's eyes were very serious, and she did not slack off because of her advantage.

In the next alliance conference, there will definitely be many trainers who also master the fighting method of mega evolution. This is a difficulty that she must overcome!

"Banjilas, roar loudly!!"

The battle started again, and Mega Bankilas, who finally woke up from the chaos, raised his head and let out a roar.

The sonic boom with evil attributes spread to the entire audience, causing the Demon Fire Red Fox to darken his face and let out a muffled groan.


Amid the roar, the Demon Fire Red Fox reluctantly raised his wooden staff, condensing several wisps of will-o'-the-wisp fire and flying out.

"Banjiras, sharp stone attack!!"

This time, Mega Bankelas punched the ground hard. Rumble! !

Sharp stone cones suddenly protruded from the ground, stretching all the way in the direction of the demon fire red fox.

With this form of sharp stone attack, you don't have to worry about being controlled by the demonic fire red fox's mental power.

"Hold on!"

At the critical moment, the demon fire red fox held the middle of the wooden staff, and a green barrier formed out of thin air around its body.

No matter how powerful the attack force of the sharp stones outside was, it was completely neutralized by the guarding barrier.

"Let's see how many times you can block the sharp stone attack!!"

Prince Salaman was also sweating profusely from a rare beating, his face was red, and he commanded loudly.

I originally thought that only Xiaozhi among the two was a strong player, but I didn't expect that this girl's strength should not be underestimated.

Mega Bankelas understood, and this time he planned to hit the ground with his fist from the other side.

However, Serena's pupils shrank and she said first:

"It's not that simple, the demon fire red fox is so angry!!"

The demon fire red fox understood, and while guarding the barrier, her next move was already prepared.

As soon as he raised the wooden stick in his hand, a curtain of crimson flames suddenly spread out, covering most of the courtyard area at once like the end of the world.

The exclusive power of the Galar Flame Bird appears, and Mega Bankelas is covered in a black-red flame light curtain.

Although there was no harm done, it made Bankilas feel inexplicably angry and uncontrollable.

In terms of movement, he was frozen there, and the heavy punch of the sharp stone attack did not land on the ground for a long time.

Bankilas froze and was temporarily unable to move.

"Hey! Bankelas, move quickly!!"

Prince Saliman shouted repeatedly that he was willing to spend 100 gold beads at this moment so that Gilas could move.

"Hmph. It's now, will-o'-the-wisp~!"

Serena smiled and suddenly attacked.

The demon fire red fox understood, and waved the wooden stick in his hand like a dance. This time, wisps of erratic will-o'-the-wisps condensed out, and came around Bankiras' body in an instant.

Finally they merged into one and all flew towards the target in the center.

Boom! !

The next moment, Mega Bankilas' whole body was ignited with flames, and his physical strength also dropped significantly in an instant.

Bankelas went into burn mode.

This scene also made Prince Saliman's eyes dim immediately.

He is not a new trainer, so he naturally knows what it means when his Bankilas is in a burn state.

"Use the last full force to reverse the scale!!"

But Prince Saliman still tried his best and called out the final attack move.

The body was bathed in the burning fire, but a layer of mighty dragon energy spewed out from all over Bankiras again!

It's just that this time, the momentum of the reverse scale is far less than the effect it displayed before.

Serena became bolder and simply attacked head-on:

"The winner is determined by the demon fire red fox, use the big characters to explode!!"

The demon fire red fox waved his wooden staff, and flames continuously spurted out from the front end, converging into a "big" shape in front of him.

Boom! !

As soon as the wooden stick was pressed, the menacing large-character explosive flames roared out instantly, and there were continuous burning sounds like exploding beans along the way.

In the end, the big character Explosive Flame hit the chest of the reverse-scaled Bankiras head-on!

Boom! !

In the center of the courtyard, another raging flame explosion arose, blowing hot energy winds in all directions.

However, the expressions on the faces of the trainers at both ends were completely opposite. The outcome of this game was actually decided.

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