He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2713 Who is stronger, you or Ai Lan?

The smoke dissipated, and the demon fire red fox on the side panted slightly, but still stood upright on the field, the front end of the charcoal-black wooden staff in his hand still swaying with flames.


At the other end, Bankiras's monster-like figure suddenly fell forward, and the ground shook with it.

The light flashed, and it also exited the mega evolution posture.

"Because Prince Saliman and Princess Sara's two Pokémon have lost their ability to fight!"

The bridge guard, Lao Pa, originally didn't want to continue reading, but after seeing the threatening look from Saliman, he could only bite the bullet and continue reading.

As a high-ranking prince, although he is annoyed when he loses, he will not be unable to lose!

"So this game will be won by Ash and Serena!"

When the voice fell, Serena breathed a sigh of relief.

Through this game, she became more confident about the upcoming league meeting.

After all, she had defeated such a powerful Desert Monarch, and she would not be timid when facing other Mega Pokémon.

"Well done, Serena~!"

Xiaozhi also walked over with a smile, and the two of them gave each other a tacit high-five, completing a good doubles match.

Although the two of them are more one-on-one

"Come back, Bankelas."

On the other side, Prince Saliman sighed and reluctantly took back his Bankilas.

This is the first time for them to suffer such a tragic defeat at their home court.

"Although I'm very unhappy, Xiaozhi, Serena, this prince recognizes your strength."

Prince Saliman was still very graceful, and after seeing the strength of the two of them, he also stopped his arrogant attitude of throwing Pikachu into the Bass River.

"From today on, you are my most distinguished guests in Desert City. You can ask for anything you want, and I will agree to it~!"

With a wave of his hand, he showed great wealth.

Princess Sarah also recovered from the defeat, regained her gentle look, and walked slowly.

I noticed that Xiaozhi and the others were tired from work. They probably traveled a long way to Desert City and hadn't had much rest yet.

"Brother, let Xiaozhi and the others take a good rest first, and then let the people below prepare a sumptuous dinner. We will discuss it in detail when we eat in the evening~"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others' eyes lit up.

They survived the hot and dry desert and entered the city directly into a passionate doubles battle.

Especially in a tropical desert, even if the outdoor air conditioner operates at high intensity 24 hours a day, your mouth will still be dry.

Yulijia fanned the wind with her little hands and couldn't help but complain:

"Don't say it was you fighting against each other. I was just watching from the side, Yurika. This match seemed to last three or four days~"

"In that case, everyone should go and take a rest first."

Prince Saliman smiled slightly and ordered his subordinates to bring Xiaozhi and others into the palace to rest and relax.

Then he put his hands behind his back and looked at the uncle guarding the bridge with satisfaction.

Lao Pa's hands moved uneasily, with great anticipation in his heart.

"Well, Lao Pa, you performed very well this time. I am very satisfied with the foreign trainer you found!"

Hearing this, Lao Pa was overjoyed. There should be a lot of rewards now, right?

Prince Saliman took out a luxurious ball and threw it to the latter.

"The Mastiff Godfather that I sent you at a high price doesn't seem to be suitable for helping you watch the bridge. Just a few days ago, I bought a fat Eevee from the Sinnoh region at a high price and gave it to you as your partner."

After saying that, he walked away, preparing to go to the specially built Pokémon Center to experience the feeling of a normal trainer restoring the physical strength of his Pokémon. Lao Pa took the luxurious ball in a daze and watched the former leave.

By the way, what kind of Pokémon is Fat Eevee?

Is it possible that Ibrahimovic has a new evolved form, which I have never heard of?

In the evening, Prince Saliman held a dinner specially for Xiaozhi and his party.

In the splendid palace hall, the food style is not like the local culture of Desert City, but more like the local aristocratic dinner party in Carlos.

There are long tables and seats inlaid with many precious stones, exquisite and sumptuous meals, and silver knives and forks. Very luxurious.

"Well, banquets like those at the ninja village are nothing compared to that."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then he immersed himself in eating.

Speaking of which, since entering this desert area, I haven't had a good meal.

Prince Saliman sat in the master's seat, and Princess Sarah sat next to him. The two of them elegantly cut the food into small pieces and put it into their mouths leisurely.

This kind of banquet is already commonplace for rich people like them.

Compared to food, the siblings are more curious about the outside world.

"Xiao Zhi, are all the trainers in the outside world as powerful as you?"

Prince Saliman couldn't help but ask.

The only way he can get news from the outside world is through the Internet, but things like the Internet are too unreliable.

"I have seen a villain with the same name as Xiaozhi on the Internet. It is said that he killed people and set fires in the Carlos area, and started fights in an arrogant and domineering way~ It is simply a myth~"

Princess Sarah covered her mouth and chuckled a few times. The credibility of the information on the Internet was too low.


Xiaozhi swallowed, feeling a little guilty.

Is there a delay in the network in Desert City? This should be referring to the trainers he had previously provoked on the Internet who had mastered Mega Evolution, right?

"No, Xiaozhi's strength is definitely unique even in the outside world!"

As a big fan of Xiaozhi, Yulijia corrected him immediately.

"Serena is also a very powerful trainer. It is rare outside Desert City."

Citron explained something to Serena.

After hearing this, the Saliman brothers nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

That means they are not too good at it.

"By the way, where is that player Ai Lan? Who is stronger compared to Xiaozhi?"

Prince Saliman didn't know much about the trainers in the outside world, but Ai Lan, the winner of the last alliance conference, left a deep impression on him.

Especially the mega fire-breathing dragon, with its blue flames, made his blood boil while he was watching the live broadcast.

Ask yourself, if he had been in the position of that player named "Shouta"

I guess he will also be pushed to the team by that player Ai Lan, right?

"Contestant Ai Lan...?"

Xiaozhi's mouth curled up, why did he suddenly mention this person.

Not long ago, when Hupa used the golden ring to randomly look for Fat Hali's figure, he even locked eyes with that man.

"Who is stronger, Ai Lan or me?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin and really thought about it on the spot.

After a long while, he replied:

"If that fire-breathing dragon is Ai Lan's full strength, then my Koga Ninja Frog should be more powerful, right?"

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