He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2714 Staying in Desert City temporarily?

Xiaozhi has witnessed the battle between Ai Lan and Shota.

It is true that Ai Lan's fire-breathing dragon is very powerful, compared to the words of the local king he met at the power plant before - Mr. Yan Kai.

Ai Lan is not inferior to the latter in strength.

But if compared to the league champions he had encountered before, Ai Lan's strength was still a bit inferior.

Of course, if it was Mr. Adek, he should still be able to touch it.

"But that person always feels that his strength is still growing."

Xiaozhi slowed down his swallowing slightly, shaking the fork in his hand and thinking.

After all, Heavenly King Yankai or the local champion Miss Kalunai have been famous for many years, so their growth in strength has naturally slowed down.

Although he and Ai Lan haven't fought yet, he always feels that the other party and the mega Charizard X are still growing rapidly.

"Fortunately, my Koga Ninja still masters the bond evolution."

Xiaozhi was a little lucky that he was not afraid of the opponent's fire-breathing dragon at all.

Unless the golden shuriken, which is a sure-win blow, evaporates in mid-flight, and the energy loss is 0 output or something like that.

"So is Xiaozhi so powerful?!"

Prince Saliman's expression became excited.

In his opinion, the strongest trainer in the outside world is Ai Lan.

But looking at Xiaozhi's nonchalant expression, where did Lao Pa find such a powerful trainer? !

"Then you guys can stay in our Desert City temporarily. No matter how long you stay, I welcome you. I will cover all your food, clothing, housing and transportation expenses~!"

Prince Saliman waved his hand, full of courage.

"Yes, my brother has also built a lot of places specifically for Pokémon battles and training. Serena, if you want to use it, you can open it at any time~!"

Princess Sara also said with a smile.

She already knew that Serena was about to challenge the Alliance Conference, so she was particularly concerned about it.

After the battle during the day, Princess Sarah wants to be like an ordinary trainer next year, traveling around with her initial Pokémon and challenging gyms.

Her 6v Mini Dragon has already been delivered to her through pre-order, and it will be used as her new starting Pokémon partner when the time comes~!

Xiaozhi and Serena couldn't help but look at each other, and then nodded to each other.

Desert City is indeed a nice place.

"As for the alliance conference, there are still more than three weeks left. Then we can stay in Desert City for more than ten days, and finally set off for Miare City."

Xiaozhi slapped the table decisively, making everyone in Citron's eyes light up.

Prince Saliman has just said that the travel expenses are all-inclusive, so you can relax here for the next two weeks!

"By the way, Prince Saliman."

"Just call me Saliman~ We are all ordinary trainers~!"

Prince Saliman interrupted Xiaozhi. He now yearns for the communication model of external trainers.

"Okay, then I'll just call you Saliman."

Xiaozhi did not forget the business and asked:

"Actually, we came to Desert City this time to find a man named Balza. He is from the Valley of Creation next door. He should be in this city recently."

Xiaozhi picked up the Hupa next to his dining table and introduced:

"Hopa's golden ring is with him. We need to help Hoopa find that thing."

Prince Saliman nodded and waved, and several guards in armor walked up:

"You guys, help my friends find the man named Balza, what are his characteristics?"

"About 20 years old, then wait!"

Citron took the conversation, took out his communication device, and quickly picked out a photo.

This is a photo that Mayali sent before. It shows a gentle and delicate-looking man with short black hair, wearing a short-sleeved white robe, a red headscarf on his head, and a brave red cloak on his back. This kind of appearance is rare in Desert City, so it is not difficult to find it.


Several guards also took out their mobile phones and took pictures.

Even the servants are using the latest iPhones, which shows how rich they are.

"Don't worry, this prince is still very capable in Desert City. He will be able to find this man within three days at most~"

Saliman waved his hand, looking confident.

"Speaking of which, is this Pokémon really called Hoopa?"

Princess Sarah stretched out her hand and teased Hupa tentatively.

"Indeed, the name is the same as the legendary demon god, but the size is smaller."

Prince Saliman also looked Hupa up and down.

Before the battle with Xiaozhi, he didn't take it seriously and just thought it was a Pokémon he had never seen in other places.

But now that I have seen the strength of Xiaozhi and the others, I am more interested in what they say.

Could it be that it is really the legendary demon god Hupa that has been circulated in Desert City since ancient times?

"It should be the same one. Hupa seems to have the ability to become gigantic, although I haven't seen it yet."

Xiaozhi said with a smile.

But even if it is the legendary Hupa, it seems that his status in Desert City is not very high.

"Legends are just legends, nothing to take seriously~"

Prince Saliman spread his hands and didn't take it seriously.

The oil in Desert City is a gift from God. This is a natural treasure, not something sent by a demon from afar.

Many local people, including Prince Saliman, scorned the legend.

Xiaozhi and the others couldn't say much about this. After all, even they didn't know whether the legend was true or false. They just listened to Mei Yali's own dictation.

Hupa himself doesn't care anymore. He is eager to draw a clear line between himself and the demon god Hupa who will take away his body at any time!

After the meal, Xiaozhi and the others leaned back on the chairs comfortably and took a short rest.

"Serena~ I'll accompany you to the nearby market later. It only gets really lively here at night~!"

Princess Sarah smiled and held Serena's arm, and the relationship between the two suddenly became much better.

Later, she also wanted to ask Serena to be a reference mentor for her trip next year.

"Yu Lijia is going too~!"


Yulijia also raised her hand to join the girls' party.

Citron, on the other hand, is exhausted. His outdoor physical fitness is not good to begin with. He has been walking in the desert for several days. Now he just wants to go to the room to sleep and let his trembling legs relax.

"What about Xiaozhi, do you want to take you to meet my Pokémon?"

Prince Saliman extended an invitation to Xiaozhi.

Of course, most of all, he wanted to ask Xiaozhi to give his Pokémon advice on how to become more powerful.


Xiaozhi naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and he was also curious about what Pokémon the local rich prince used.

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