He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2715 Taming the Rock God Pillar!

Next, Xiaozhi got to see what a real rich man is.

In addition to seeing some young ornamental Pokémon in the courtyard, such as Pichu, Togepi, and Little Guoran.

It seems that they all have the immutable stone with them, which keeps them in their childlike posture, playing around in the courtyard.

Behind the courtyard, there is a large courtyard where even more types of Pokémon live, all carefully selected by Prince Saliman.

For example, the handsome Wind Speed ​​Dog, Big Steel Snake, and Desert Dragonfly are all considered basic configurations.

There are also a series of quasi-gods from various places, such as Kuailong, Bankilas, and Tyrannosaurus. They are all here!

Xiaozhi couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Is this prince still a collector?


In the dark night, he even saw a Menas with a golden tail jumping out of the water, showing its luxurious and noble temperament under the moonlight.

"Turtle, are you the shining Menas? How many ugly fish will you have to kill?"

Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth.

I can only say that he is worthy of being an oil prince, but he is inhumane!

Prince Saliman was quite satisfied with Xiaozhi's surprised expression. Although his strength is not as strong as yours, the Pokémon is more wealthy than you, right?

"Don't worry, there are real big products~!"

Later, Prince Saliman even showed off a legendary Pokémon——

It looks like a giant with gray stone pillars. The stones on its shoulders are orange. There are no facial features on the face, only a strange dot pattern.

"Rock God Pillar, Regirock? Turtle, do you have all the legendary Pokémon?!"

Xiaozhi was speechless. Can this really be bought with money? !

But this Regirock was leaning on the edge of a rock wall, with his arms hanging low, as if he was sleeping.

"The Haha Rock God Pillar cannot be bought with money. This is a legendary Pokémon that has lived in the depths of this desert since a long time ago. It was later conquered by my ancestors and has been living here ever since."

Speaking of which, Saliman was still a little ashamed.

Although this Regirock is nominally his Pokémon, he cannot command it at all.

"Aren't you disobedient? Well, it's not surprising when it comes to the mythical beast."

Xiaozhi looked at the rock god pillar up and down, and nodded seriously.

Legend has it that Pokémon are all arrogant masters, and generally only by conquering the former with hard power can they be successfully commanded.

It is normal for a legendary Pokémon to be disobedient.

"There's no way, after all, Pokémon battles have never been popular in our Desert City."

Saliman spread his hands helplessly. Ever since his ancestors conquered this rock god pillar, few descendants are good at Pokémon battles, let alone able to control this mythical beast.

It has been passed down to modern times, making this rock god pillar look down upon people in their family.

If you have money, you have money, but don't even think about commanding it!

Since Prince Saliman took over this rock pillar, he has never wanted to tame it.

It's just that this Rock God Pillar is also an old-timer for many years. It is stronger than the average legendary Pokémon and cannot be defeated by him at all.

"What about Xiaozhi, can you help me tame this rock god pillar? No matter what I ask, you can ask for it!!"

Prince Saliman requested fervently and sincerely.

He is still the crown prince now, but Saliman wants to let Rock God Pillar officially become his partner on the day he officially takes over the city, standing beside him and jointly receiving the attention of everyone in Desert City!

"Do you want to tame the Rock God Pillar?"

Xiaozhi stared at the sleeping rock god pillar and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. The latter seemed to completely ignore Saliman. Even if the two of them got close, he would fall into a deep sleep, not wanting to give the former any good looks.

This kind of inherited legendary Pokémon has a very old-fashioned personality. No matter how emotional it is to win over, sensational battles will not work at all.

The most direct and simple way is to defeat the opponent head-on and conquer the opponent psychologically.

"Well, it's a little difficult."

Xiaozhi frowned. He was capable and interested in fighting this Regirock.

It's just that it's completely useless if he wins. Don't let this rock god pillar be abducted by him then.

But if it's Saliman.

During the day's battle, he had probably seen the latter's level. At least with that Bankilas, he still couldn't conquer the Rock God Pillar.

"And it seems to be stronger than the average second-level god.?"

Xiaozhi stepped forward and touched Yan Shenzhu's arm.

If you don't look carefully in the dark, it really looks like a pile of rocks piled here.

"What if you use tactics? I heard that you have many dirty tactics in the field, and you are ready to target them. It's disgusting!"

Prince Saliman asked with fiery eyes.

"Dirty tactics won't work either. Oh, I'm not saying those tactics can't defeat the Rock God Pillar, but it's just not a good way."

Ash shook his head. Legendary Pokémon are very proud.

Only by defeating it head-on with hard power can it be possible to gain the other party's recognition.

If you play dirty with others, even if you win, they will probably despise you even more.

Ash has conquered quite a few legendary Pokémon, and he has a lot of experience with the psychology of this type of Pokémon.

"Ah, so it doesn't work?"

Prince Saliman was surprised. He had already made up his mind to let the shining Menas in the water pool next to him conquer the rock god pillar.

Pan curl, pan curl, hypnotism, water cannon, water cannon, hypnotism.

He heard that it was a tactic used by some trainers outside, and he planned to just grind this Regirock to death.

I didn’t expect that there is a saying that you should take care of the other person’s psychology?

"Fortunately, I asked Xiaozhi as a consultant in advance!"

Prince Saliman breathed a sigh of relief. If he really disgusted the Rock God Pillar so much, he would probably be blacklisted by the other party for the rest of his life!

But having said that, I didn’t expect that Xiaozhi seems to be a mysterious beast?

With his familiar expression just now, someone who didn't know it would have thought that the other party also had a litter of mythical beasts at home!

"Then you can only do special training to temporarily improve your strength."

Xiaozhi didn't have a good idea, so he pointed at the Shining Menas not far away.

"That Menas is a good partner."

After all, attribute restraint is the most direct way.

Although you can't always use hypnosis to torture Reggie Locke.

But using water flow rings, self-regeneration, reflective walls, and coiling to improve one's physical strength is another matter.

"I can also temporarily lend you two Pokémon from the same series as the Rock God Pillar, which should make you more familiar with the battle method of the God Pillar Giant~"

"Ah, that's really great, Ash!"

Prince Saliman was immediately grateful. It took him a while to react, and he looked at Xiaozhi blankly:

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about in the same series?!"

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