He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2718 Rock God Pillar pretending to sleep?

In the next few days, Xiaozhi and others temporarily settled in Desert City.

There is food and drink here, as well as a professional training ground. The brother and sister, the prince and the princess, are also good sparring partners.

At this moment, in a spacious indoor training ground, Serena and Sara were having a sparring battle.

"Demon Fire Red Fox, big characters Explosive Flame!!"

"Big Needle Bee, use high-speed movement to avoid!!"

The demon fire red fox waved his wooden staff, and the blazing flames turned into large characters and roared out.

It's just that the hit rate of the big character explosion fire is not high, and the big needle bee moves extremely fast.


The wings trembled, and in a flash, he easily dodged the large-character explosive flames.

"It's not over yet, Demon Fire Red Fox, use your mental strength to control the explosion of big characters!!"

Serena continued to command. This time, the surface of the wooden staff of the demon fire red fox in front of her was glowing with blue light, and she caught the large-character explosive flames that were blasted out from the air.

Tsk! !

Then he changed the trajectory of the big character explosion flames, went back again, and forced towards the back of the big needle bee!

The accuracy was just a little off, and it passed by the wings of the giant needle bee and missed the target.

"Did you fail?"

Serena stared and said regretfully.

The move Big Character Explosive Flame is undoubtedly a powerful move of the Demon Fire Red Fox, but the hit rate is a big problem. Using mental force to change the trajectory is the countermeasure she came up with.

It's just that the intensity of the demonic fire red fox's telekinesis is still a little behind.

"Is it possible that I need to bring a curved spoon?"

Serena hesitated.

"It's only been a few days and I've already been able to brush against the giant sting bee. By the time of the Alliance Conference, I should be able to fully master this move~!"

During the intermission, Princess Sara and the Giant Needle Bee walked over side by side, smiling and comforting.

By then, the Demonic Fire Red Fox's big-character Explosive Flame will have the same hit rate as ordinary flame jets, and it will be a perfect ultimate move!

"Hey, how can it be so easy to master~"

Serena spread her hands helplessly, but she was still very grateful to Princess Sarah who had been her training partner these past few days.

"Don't say that, we are all friends~!"

Princess Sara waved her hand and didn't care.

It is also beneficial for her to be Serena's sparring partner now. She can prepare in advance for traveling next year and challenging the Gym League on her own.

"I will make a route guide for you then~! With Sarah's strength, it should be easy to get eight badges~!"

Serena smiled and said, the two of them sat on the steps next to them and took a rest, drinking ice water and occasionally inserting a piece of fruit into the mouth with a wooden skewer.

"Speaking of which, Sara, have you thought about what Pokémon to take with you when the time comes?"

Serena asked suddenly.

Although there are many Pokémon in Sara's backyard, there are also trainers like Xiaozhi who only take a few individual Pokémon with them when they go on a trip.

"Hmm, I plan to bring a 6v mini dragon. My brother bought it from Yanmo City in the Johto area at a high price~!"

"Uh, is God going out?"

Serena twitched the corner of her mouth. The question of what Pokémon to take out seems to be a completely unnecessary worry for the rich second generation!

Well, she was still abrupt.

On the other side, the Citron brothers and sisters were not idle either. He accepted Prince Saliman's commission to help inspect and repair the outdoor air conditioning system in Desert City.

As an electrical expert, Citron is interested in Desert City's entire electrical system.

After knowing that Citron was a very famous engineer in Miare City, Prince Saliman waved his hand and said that the entire city's internal engineering environment could be opened to Citron.

"Thank you so much~! Maybe I can help you improve the system and make energy use more efficient~!"

As an electrician, Citron has been checking and repairing all over the city these days.

Yulijia, holding an iced Coke in her left hand and an iced watermelon in her right hand, followed behind to eat, drink and have fun.

There are also guards specially sent by Saliman at the back to provide 24-hour personal care and comfort.

As for Xiaozhi, he didn't slack off much either.

"Beyond the limit, Koga Ninja!!"

In an open space in the backyard, as Xiaozhi shouted loudly, the Koga Ninja Frog spurted out exaggerated water from its body, entering the form of entangled evolution.

Xiaozhi raised his hand and grabbed it behind his back, shouting loudly:

"Flying Water Shuriken!!"

Koga Ninja understood the idea and also raised the flying water shuriken behind his head above his head, and grasped one of the sharp corners of the shuriken with his palm.


With the infusion of power, the standing flying water shuriken instantly expanded 5 or 6 times, turning into a giant shuriken.

Koga Ninja pressed his palm and threw it violently.

The giant flying water shuriken crossed a long distance, and its astonishing destructive power cut off several trees along the way as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

Boom! !

Finally, it hit a stone wall, causing a burst of water mist.

"Wow, Teacher Daichi, Koga Ninja has used a new flying water shuriken again!"

Next to him, Prince Saliman was amazed and applauded.

Since he has been calling Mikori Teacher Rice these days, now he calls Xiaozhi Teacher Dazhi.

During this period, he also secretly asked Mikri about Xiaozhi's strength.

"You're better than me anyway~"

This is what Mikri replied at that time.

This refreshed Saliman's worldview. Ash is actually stronger than a champion? !

"It's not a new move. Koga Ninja has used this move before."

Xiaozhi shook his head. This blow simply turned the flying water shuriken into a giant one. Koga Ninja is now able to use it skillfully.

It is true that the strength has indeed been improved, but there has been no qualitative change.

Simply enlarging it cannot reach the ultimate state!

"It has to be a golden shuriken."

Ash and Koga Ninja looked at each other and nodded to each other.

Completely pour energy into the flying water shuriken, reaching the ultimate level

If this move can be used perfectly, then whether it is the Ai Lan player or the local Kalos champion Karuna who stands in front of them, they will be forcibly defeated by this blow!


Koga Ninja panted slightly, waiting for the flying water shuriken behind him to grow in size again, and continued practicing.

Every time it is thrown, it has to enter a CD buffer for a period of time to re-condensate the flying water shuriken. This is also a problem.

"Ah, even though Teacher Dazhi is so strong and working so hard, I can't admit defeat!"

Prince Saliman has also completely put away his pampered prince style in the past few days. He has been receiving Mikri's teachings seriously and diligently, training how to fight side by side with his Menas.

Likewise, his strength is also improving by leaps and bounds!


This scene was also seen by Yan Shenzhu, who had been pretending to be asleep in the distance.

After all, it has no eyes, only a strange dot pattern on its face. It is leaning against the wall. No one knows whether it is sleeping or awake to peek.

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