He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2719 6v baby dragon egg!

Originally, Yan Shenzhu was quite disdainful of this rich prince.

But in the past few days, after seeing Saliman sweating profusely from exercising every day and looking extremely exhausted, Yan Shenzhu's view of the latter also changed somewhat.

"It seems different from those royal people before.?"

The dot pattern on the face of the Rock God Pillar. It flickered inexplicably.

Especially after seeing that Dragon Pillar and Electric Pillar were actually the Pokémon of another strange boy, its mood became even more joyful.

"It doesn't seem like a bad thing to fight side by side with a human after sleeping for so many years?"

Yan Shenzhu's thoughts gradually changed.

Psychologically, it doesn't have much prejudice against Saliman.

Now, as long as the latter can defeat him head-on in Pokémon battles and obey his orders, that's not impossible.

Although Saliman couldn't see the changes in the Rock God Pillar, Xiaozhi understood that he was a God Pillar Giant.

"It looks like it's going very smoothly~!"

He took in all the changes in the Rock God Pillar and nodded with satisfaction.

It wasn't until three days later that Saliman officially left Mikri!

"How to fight side by side with Menas and how to conquer the Rock God Pillar, I have already left it to you. The rest is up to you~!"

Mikli breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a sound on the phone.

Originally, he thought about coaching Saliman for a long time, but he really couldn't resist the latter's humility to learn.

And a money offensive worth 100 million points

So Michael taught for three days.

"Thank you so much, Teacher Rice!"

Saliman bowed seriously to express his gratitude. He is now considered half of Mikri's disciples.

"When I tame the Rock God Pillar, I will go to the Fangyuan area and pay my respects to the teacher in person!"


Mikri's projection nodded to Xiaozhi from a distance before hanging up the phone.

After handing the illustrated book back to Xiaozhi, Saliman and his Menas looked at each other with solemn expressions, and the fighting spirit in their eyes was rising.

Today, they will officially challenge this rock god pillar!

"By the way, I'll give you this, Xiaozhi!"

But before the challenge, Suliman handed a cylindrical device to Xiaozhi.

"this is not?"

The shape of this device is somewhat familiar.

Xiaozhi took the device in a daze, pressed the middle button, and the black sunshade on the surface closed up.

There is a transparent shell on the outside, and a Pokémon egg with blue spots on the inside!

"This is the initial partner I took with me when I originally planned to travel."

Saliman clenched his fists and said seriously:

"But now, if my initial partner can only be the Pokémon Rock God Pillar, it is no longer useful to me!"

He planned to go all out and cut off this escape route before he could conquer the Rock God Pillar with all his strength.

Xiaozhi couldn't understand the prince's logic, but he was very curious about the egg in his hand:

"What Pokémon is this?"

Saliman nodded and replied in an understatement:

"This is a 6v baby dragon egg that I ordered from Yanmo City at a high price."

It seems that what's inside the egg is not a quasi-god baby like Baby Dragon, but a bad street Pokémon like Little Arrow. He had ordered two in total before. The highly qualified mini dragon, which had mastered the "super speed" skill since birth, was now in the hands of his sister and was Sara's initial partner when preparing to travel.

His is this precious dragon's egg that has not yet hatched.


Xiaozhi's mouth twitched at this, and he just wanted to say that he was too rich.

For most people, it’s pretty good to receive Yusanjia from the research institute. There are also quite a number of people who go out with houseworms and housedogs.

It turns out that on this side, all the 6v quasi-god cubs are going out, right? !

"Baby Dragon is a very rare Pokémon. Is it really okay to just give it to me?"

However, Prince Saliman waved his hand and gave Xiaozhi no chance to retreat:

"There is never any reason to take back what this prince has given away!"

Besides, Xiaozhi has helped him so much in the past few days, and he has never been able to find a sufficient gift in return.

He asked the guards to search for the "Balza" that several people were looking for in the city for several days, but they still couldn't find him.

Now a baby dragon with top qualifications should be enough to express his gratitude, right?

"In that case, I will accept it!!"

In the end, Xiaozhi accepted the Pokémon egg.

He was also quite happy because he had another quasi-god!

The incubation period of the quasi-god is very long, and the egg in the device does not respond at all. It is estimated that it will take a long time to hatch.

This is just right. When the time comes, you can also find Master Ajin to consecrate and enchant this egg!

"Speaking of which, I've almost got all the quasi-gods, right?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think about it in his mind.

Although he didn't deliberately collect them from Kanto, Johto, and Fangyuan, the local quasi-gods from these areas he has traveled through so far, plus the technician Kuailong, he has collected them all!

It won't just be the Carlos Dragons then.

He can also pull out a team of quasi-gods, maximizing both his popularity and combat effectiveness!

"The small group of quasi-gods in the backyard of the research institute is going to +1 again."

Xiaozhi thought of the scene in the backyard of Bankelas, biting the Pokémon of Lusha, forming gangs every day, and provoking other Pokémon everywhere, and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

When we return this time, the three bad-tempered evil dragons will probably immediately become the number one provocateurs, bullying other Pokémon everywhere!

Prince Saliman, who had cut off his own escape route, took his shining menas to the rock wall where the rock god pillar had been leaning and sleeping.

Take a deep breath, now is the moment of truth.

"Let's have a showdown with me, Rock God Pillar!!"

Saliman took out a luxurious ball in his hand and pointed it directly at the Rock God Pillar. It was the elf ball containing the latter.

Although with this luxurious ball, he could successfully retract and release the Rock God Pillar.

But if the latter cannot be driven, Saliman does not agree with such a subjugation at all.


The Rock God Pillar, which had been pretending to be asleep, also slowly straightened up the body of the rock giant.

He raised two thick orange rock arms and pointed them at Saliman menacingly.

"Relax, use all the skills you practiced with Teacher Da Mi, and you will definitely succeed!"

Xiaozhi also stepped back a few meters and encouraged him from the side.

"Brother, come on!!"

At this critical moment, Princess Sara and Serena also came to watch the battle. The former even shouted loudly and cheered for her brother.

Saliman's expression was serious, and the shining Menas in front of him had already glided in front of the rock god pillar, erecting his slender and gorgeous snake-shaped body, ready for battle!

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