He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2723 The demon god Hupa appears!

“Not enough, then this!!”

Xiaozhi even put one hand directly on Hupa's head.

At that time, Hupa cooperated with Balza's overcoming power and successfully drove out the will of the demon god Hupa.

Now we can't count on the power of overcoming, so let's try my waveguide power!

Xiaozhi thought, and his whole body suddenly glowed with a light blue luster, and rippled outward like water circles.

"Is it a super power?! Is Teacher Dazhi still a person with super powers?!"

Prince Saliman blurted out his shock again.

Serena and the others also breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down.

It's not a big problem. Xiaozhi has everything covered, so there's really no need to be too nervous.

In Hupa's inner world, two groups of consciousness, one large and one small, are constantly pulling and contending, each trying to expel the other from his body.

The part of consciousness that originally belonged to little Hupa has been crushed to pieces and is on the verge of collapse.

On the other hand, the consciousness of the demon god Hupa on the other side is like a strong flame, rising to the sky.

At that moment, the three golden rings were put together, and Little Hupa's strength finally returned to normal.

Then a blue ripple-like energy fell down, causing little Hupa's consciousness to expand instantly, and his size increased enough to compete with the demon god Hupa!

"Hupa, you have defeated the opponent once before, don't lose to it!!"

In Hupa's mind, Xiaozhi's rejuvenating roar could still be heard.

It was already on the verge of collapse, and even wanted to give up resistance.

In an instant, Hupa's will became extremely firm again, and he even pushed back against the opponent.

"How can it be!!"

From the side of the demon god Hupa, the villain's classic incredible cry came.

In the end, as Hupa exerted force suddenly, he finally regained control of his body and completely drove the opponent out.

In the eyes of outsiders, they can see that black and red gas is constantly flowing out from Hupa's nostrils, eyes and other seven orifices.

Until these strange gases were completely separated from Hupa and gathered in mid-air.

"It really shocked me. I thought Hoopa was going to die again."

Hupa, on the other hand, was a little exhausted, his face was pale, and his body was so weak that it was difficult to maintain a suspended posture and he was about to fall.

Xiaozhi quickly caught it with one hand and comforted him with a smile:

"You've done well, Hoopa."

"Xiao Zhi."

After solving little Hupa's physical problem, everyone looked up at the black-red mist gathering in the sky.


The latter kept spitting and rolling in the air, and seemed to be gradually condensing into a huge figure.

"By the way, we need to seal it again immediately!"

Citron quickly reminded, Xiaozhi suddenly realized and quickly looked towards the high platform. The sealed prop was the Pot of Punishment in Balza's hand, right?

"It's up to you to steal again, Pikachu!"


Only this time, just when Pikachu was about to make a move, Balza on the high throne suddenly held his head and let out a painful whine.

Immediately afterwards, several similar black-red mist floated out of Balza's body, converging with the demonic mist in mid-air.

Without the interference and bewitchment of these mist, although Balza was exhausted and collapsed on the steps, his eyes finally regained clarity.

"Me, why am I here, and Hupa? Who is that?!" Before he had time to reminisce, Balza noticed the thick and huge gas mass in the air. He had seen this scene before!

Holding on to the feeling of weakness in his body, he reluctantly raised the Pot of Punishment in his hand, releasing all the overpowering power in his body, intending to stimulate the power of the Pot of Punishment again and completely seal the target.

"Light of punishment, gather here and defeat the devil."

It's just that Balza's chant hasn't been finished yet.

boom! !

The magic pot in his hand took the lead and exploded inexplicably, turning into a pile of broken pieces that rolled down the steps with a clatter.

The pot of punishment exploded!

Balza was stunned for a moment, and the surging superpower condensed in his body rolled over, causing him to groan again and fall to the ground.

This scene also made Xiaozhi and others' expressions change drastically.

Why did the Pot of Punishment suddenly explode? !

It has been too long and it is no longer within the warranty period?

But now that there is no Pot of Punishment, what can we use to seal the Demon God Hupa?

For a moment, everyone was helpless and could only watch blankly as the black-purple mist in mid-air continued to condense and form.

Until the mist completely shrinks and condenses into a solid body

A demon giant suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"Hip~!! I finally come out again~!!"

He laughed wildly and wildly in the air, constantly venting the anger and shame that had been sealed in small bottles for so many years.

"Is this the demon Hupa?"

Everyone was stunned by the appearance of the demon god Hupa.

With a giant figure of more than five meters tall, this has truly reached the level of an ancient god.

The overall color scheme is similar to that of Little Hoopa. The original pink braids on Hoopa's head have now become huge and even tied up towards the sky, and the horns on both sides of the forehead have also become even larger.

Little Hoopa only has two small hands, but Demon God Hoopa has six hands, which can be separated from the torso at will and levitate at will.

Originally, the ghost-like lower body had only a small gray tail, but now it has grown thick lower limbs, and the front ends of the feet are curved, as if they are wearing boots.

The biggest change is that the demon god Hupa has a large number of golden rings on his body.

The little Hupa is full of calculations, two on the horns and one on the belly.

But there are two golden rings on each arm of the demon god Hupa, the front and back, the joints, the big horns, the lower limbs, and even the center of the belly.

Inside the golden ring on the belly, there is a dark hole, which leads to nowhere.

"Is this the Demon God Hupa?"

Even the well-informed Xiaozhi's expression suddenly became much more serious.

Hupa is a fantasy Pokémon, but the aura and coercion released by the opponent's body at this moment is no less than a first-level god!

"I was shocked. Is Hupa so strong?"

Even the little Hoopa in his arms was startled by "himself".

This is the first time it has seen the gigantic form of the demon god Hoopa.

"How is it possible that Hupa's body wasn't taken away?"

On the steps, Balza's eyes widened in disbelief.

Although I don’t know what happened, the little Hoopa in Xiaozhi’s arms does exist.

The last time he saw the demon god Hupa, it was the form that the other party took over the body of little Hupa.

Now why can he bypass little Hoopa and display this gesture of liberation on his own? ! (End of chapter)

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