He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2724 Demon God Hupa: I want to ride an alpaca

Among the crowd, only Balza had seen the real Demon God Hupa, but although the "Demon God Hupa" in front of him had a similar aura, the color of his body seemed to be covered with a gray-black filter.

"No. It seems to have gotten darker?"

Balza frowned. The Demon God Hupa looked more like a shadow?

He turned his head and looked at the fragments of the Pot of Punishment scattered on the stone steps.

In the past, with the Pot of Punishment as a carrier, the demon god Hupa was sealed, and his strength and will could be placed on it.

Now the pot of punishment has exploded

So that arrogant power and violent consciousness took shape independently and became a brand new shadow form? !

The demon god Hupa who entered the liberated state did not wreak havoc as soon as he came up. After venting his anger and roaring, his expression calmed down.

If he didn't put on an angry expression, his face still looked innocent, and he didn't seem to be as cruel as the rumors said.

Everyone relaxed a little and calmed down, wanting to see what the other party was going to do.


Of the six magic-hand-like arms of the demon god Hupa, two are held in front of the chest and the other four are floating on both sides of the body.

The body flew directly above Balza, in the air of the ruined throne, and then slowly landed.

With his eyes lowered, Demon God Hupa noticed Balza who was leaning on the edge of the bronze seat.

"Although you helped me open the pot of punishment, you are the descendant of that old man, and you have a smell that I hate the most."

Demon God Hupa raised his eyebrows, and his expression instantly became sulky:

"So Balza, you can go die!"

The words were still ruthless and violent, which made everyone tense up instantly. This guy is really not that easy to deal with!

But he saw a suspended arm in the middle of the demon god Hupa, suddenly floating in front of Balza, and with a flick of his finger, he was about to fly the latter away.

The force of this blow can turn even hard rocks into powder, let alone human flesh.


Balza's hair stood on end for a moment, his adrenaline surged, and he tried his best to unleash all the power in his body.

An energy barrier condensed by the power of transcendence was formed, protecting Balza in front of him.


This blow shattered the brain, and the energy barrier and even Balza inside were all thrown away, leaping over the heads of Xiaozhi and his party, and falling heavily into the sand in the distance.

"Mr. Balza!"

Xiaozhi and others were shocked, but soon, Balza stood up unsteadily, but his weak face turned pale.

"I'm fine"

His overpowering power is the most powerful in the Valley of Creation, and he can barely resist the opponent's blow to the brain.

"This disgusting energy again!"

The anger on Demon God Hupa's face remained undiminished, and his eyes looking at Balza were full of hatred.

The old man used this power to strip him of the seal back then, and even the production of the Pot of Punishment relied on this power.

"The God of Creation, Arceus.!"

Demon God Hupa secretly thought that he knew the source of this nearly omnipotent power.

If his current strength wasn't enough, he would have pulled Arceus, the source of all evil, from the other side of the golden ring and rode on his crotch!

However, he only dared to fantasize about the idea of ​​riding an alpaca.

The believers of Arceus have the power to seal themselves, so when the true form of Arceus comes, it feels like it’s going to be over!

But now, this is completely his home court!

The demon god Hupa sat on the bronze throne. For others, this seat was too huge, but for him it was just right. This place was originally a resting seat tailor-made for him by humans thousands of years ago.

Putting both hands on the handle of the seat, Demon God Hupa's expression finally became joyful.

"Hip-hop~ It feels familiar~!"

Thousands of years ago, he sat here every day, accepting the worship of the humans below, and enjoying countless fine wines and fruits every day.

But now when he looked down again, the land in front of him no longer had any greenery at all, but was filled with yellow sand and desolate.

The sacrificial palaces, buildings, and stone buildings in front have all turned into ruins.

The humans who once worshiped him also completely disappeared. In their place, Xiaozhi and his group looked at him with wary eyes.

"Hum, damn humans!"

Demon God Hupa's angry voice also contained a bit of grievance and shame.

It was obvious that everything he had ever done was just responding to human desires.

In the end, humans were not punished in any way, but they were sealed in a narrow bottle and lived a life of darkness.

Since this is the case, no one will be able to live happily ever after!

This time he unexpectedly became this independent form, and he made up his mind to take revenge on humans!

Especially Desert City and the Valley of Creation. Blast these two places to the ground and wipe out all these ungrateful humans!

But the first thing to do is to take care of your body.

On the throne, the corners of Demon God Hupa's mouth suddenly curved, revealing an evil smile, and his eyes fell directly on little Hupa.

After all, his body is just a shadow now.

Although the power that can be exerted is powerful enough, it is not yet at its true peak.

If Xiao Hupa's body is completely taken over and combined into one, his strength will be even stronger than it was a thousand years ago!

By then, no superpower or pot of punishment will be able to restrict his freedom! !

"Give your body back to its true owner."

The demon god Hupa speaks human words, with a majestic and majestic voice, and even has a certain power of bewitching, making people subconsciously want to obey.

"Otherwise, I will kill all the humans here without leaving a trace!"

His eyes swept over Xiaozhi and his group with cold eyes, as if they were just a few humble reptiles.

Obviously, after being sealed for thousands of years, Demon God Hupa is even smarter than other legendary Pokémon, and he will use threats.


Little Hupa was also shaken by the other party's words.

The strength of the two is just like their size. They are so different that they cannot be the opponent of each other.

The other party is so powerful, and he still has memories from thousands of years ago. Perhaps the demon god Hupa should be the real Hupa?

Little Hupa's eyes gradually became hollow, and he even subconsciously levitated forward, ready to sacrifice his body.

"Wake up! This guy's voice is just confusing you!!"

Xiaozhi's shouts made little Hupa suddenly wake up.

Even the brothers and sisters Serena, Citron, and Saliman beside them were waking up from a dream, and they were frightened for a while. (End of this chapter)

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