He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2725 Summoning, Kyogre and Groudon! ?

His confusing words just now made everyone's eyes become distracted.

Only Xiaozhi didn't change his eyes at all, and he could even make a bewitching sound to destroy himself.

"Tsk this human?"

Demon God Hupa sat in a high position and looked at Xiaozhi condescendingly.

Are they the descendants of the group of Arceus believers in the Valley of Creation? It just feels a little different.

But similarly, he smelled something about Arceus on Xiaozhi.

In this case, he is his mortal enemy!

"Hupa, this is your body, no one has the right to take it away!"

Xiaozhi grabbed Xiao Hupa's shoulders and continued to strengthen his will.

"How about we run away?"

Citron suggested.

The opponent obviously has ancient god-level power, but his personality is more violent than any ancient god. If they stay here, they will become a threat.

"makes sense"


Serena, Saliman and the others came to their senses and prepared to turn around and run away.

The latter had just tamed the Rock God Pillar, and wanted to send the Rock God Pillar up to enjoy the pleasure of the beast man.

But the demon Hupa can confuse them all with just one word.

Well, there are differences between mythical beasts!

Go to the Fangyuan area and become a beast man again!

"Hehe~! Don't even think about running away today~!"

However, Demon God Hupa crossed his arms with his arms crossed and an arrogant smile appeared on his lips, not wanting everyone to leave.

The remaining four arms were free from the body and floating in the air, and the golden rings on the wrists detached and suddenly grew in size.

call out.!

At the same moment, several large golden rings also appeared in the direction where Serena and the others were escaping.

The golden rings are connected to each other, and several people can see that inside the golden ring behind them, there is an erratic magic ghost claw, which can stretch out from it at any time and launch a sharp claw or heavy punch attack.

Another dimension attack!

This is the exclusive move to liberate Hupa. Through the connection of the golden ring, he can attack from a distance.

Little Hupa's exclusive move is the different-dimensional hole. Although the forward swing is similar, it also opens the golden ring channel in two positions out of thin air.

It's just that its body can't pass through the golden ring channel, and its little claws don't have much power.

At best, it can only blast an evil wave of breath through the golden ring. Its power and strength are far inferior to that of a different-dimensional attack.

call out.!

One of the golden rings also appeared less than half a meter away from Xiaozhi's side.

Then a huge ghost claw popped out from inside, enough to pinch Xiaozhi's entire body like a chicken on fire.


With quick eyesight and quick hands, Xiaozhi held Little Hupa's body and rolled it sideways to avoid the blow.

"Fight, Hoopa!"

After getting up, he pushed Little Hupa up and said loudly.

Reconciliation is no longer possible in the current situation.

The opponent's extra-dimensional onslaught also made it difficult for them to escape. In the vast desert, there were not many places to hide.

In this case, then fight the opponent head-on!

"I'm shocked! But there's no way I can be his opponent!" Little Hupa shook his head timidly, not wanting to fight at all.

"Hip!! Interesting, do you still want to attack me~?"

Even the demon god Hupa on the huge seat was laughed at by Xiaozhi. What can that little guy do with his power?

When he was sealed by the old man in the Valley of Creation, most of his power was stripped away from his body.

And after thousands of years ago, it has long been integrated with his will.

He is the strongest Hoopa!

"Hupa, escaping all the time is not an option, let's have a showdown with him!!"

Xiaozhi's idea is very simple:

"Whoever wins will get the right to use the body!"

After all, the opponent is an ancient god level Pokémon. Even if it is a real ancient god, it is not like he has never fought before.

Just do it!

"Well, that boy named Xiaozhi cough cough"

Behind him, Balza wanted to say something, but couldn't help but cough.

He originally wanted to say that they only needed to create another Pot of Punishment and seal the Demon God Hupa again.

What he has to do now is for everyone to buy time for him, and he will go to the place where his ancestors made the Pot of Punishment and use his superpower to recreate it

As a result, when Xiaozhi came up, he didn't choose to escape in a roundabout way, but directly wanted to fuck the demon god Hupa! ?

"Arrogant human brat, in the past, maybe I would have accepted you as my slave."

The demon god Hupa laughed angrily after hearing this, especially looking at the timid expression of little Hupa, he felt even more disdainful.

"And you actually think that I only have the fighting power of an ancient god? Haha!! Then let me see the true power of the devil!!"

Demon God Hupa suddenly levitated into the air, and the golden rings on two of his arms came out of his body and expanded to nearly five meters.

The light circle inside flickered, and the energy suddenly became weird.

"Come out!!"

Demon God Hoopa chanted loudly, and a large amount of water suddenly spurted out from the golden ring on the left, and then a giant Pokémon like a whale suddenly swam out of it.

Its size is not inferior to that of the demon god Hupa, and it is also the size of an epic ancient god!

The overall body is dark blue, with huge wing-like pectoral fins on both sides, with strange dark red lines on them.

"I'm super, Kyogre?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened in an instant, and there was no mistake. This was indeed the God of the Ocean in the Fangyuan region, Kyogre!

Even as soon as Kyogre appeared on the stage, heavy rain began to fall in the surrounding desert area, mixed with roaring thunder!

Then the other side, isn't it?

Xiaozhi quickly turned his head to look at the golden ring on the other side, where endless brown magma was spewing out, and hot air was blowing towards his face.

The next moment, a ferocious red giant beast walked out.

It is still an exaggerated figure of nearly five meters, and its whole body is covered with dark red armor like magma, with black cracks.

Some have a hunched back, and their limbs have sharp white claws. The end of the flat tail has forked curved teeth like a bulldozer!

"God of the Earth, Groudon!!"

Xiaozhi was surprised again. The two ancient gods in the Fangyuan area were actually summoned.

And with the arrival of Groudon, it was raining heavily just now, and now it has turned into an extremely hot dry day.

But the next second, it turned into thunder and heavy rain again

The two types of weather changed repeatedly, making the environment in this area look extremely strange.

At the same time, two ancient gods appeared in the world, and the sense of oppression was too strong. Not only did the clothes and hair of Hitron and others were messed up, but their faces also turned purple.

"Has it been controlled?"

Xiaozhi has met these two ancient gods. It stands to reason that when these two guys meet, he will probably fight first.

But at this moment, whether it was Groudon or Kyogre, their eyes were blood red, and they were motionless in place, without launching an attack immediately.

Obviously, their wills have been completely controlled by the demon Hupa floating in the sky! (End of chapter)

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