He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2736 Xiaozhi Hupa vs Demon God Hupa!

Little Hupa, who had just regained his courage, panicked instantly when he saw the six golden rings appearing in front of him at the same time.

It quickly took out its own golden ring.

It's just that although the size has expanded to no smaller than the opponent's golden ring, there are only three in total.

Whoops! !

The next moment, a grey-blue fist suddenly stretched out from a golden ring in front and swung it from the front!

In panic, Little Hupa quickly threw the three golden rings at the same time, letting all the force of this punch fall into his own golden ring.

He only defended the front, but the back was a blind spot for Little Hupa.


From a golden ring on the side and behind, another fist was punched out. The huge arm was even bigger than Little Hupa's entire body.

Interdimensional Onslaught, this is the exclusive move of Demon God Hupa, and it belongs to the evil attribute.

And Little Hoopa, that is, Hoopa's punishment form is a combination of superpowers and ghost attributes, and is restrained by the evil attribute four times.

This punch could even kill two of Little Hupa's lives!


Watching the battle silently from behind, Xiaozhi shook his head.

Although Little Hupa only has three gold rings, he can choose to open his own gold ring in front of the three gold rings on the opposite side.

Use the opponent's three punches to fight back with the other three punches, and let the demon Hupa hit himself.

It's just that now they throw away all the golden rings at once, there is no strategy at all.


It is estimated that little Hupa stayed in the Valley of Creation for so many years, just eating, drinking and having fun, and had almost no special practice.

At the critical moment, Xiaozhi finally intervened:

"Pikachu, use Electric Ball!"

The Pikachu on the shoulder understood and immediately jumped up. An electric current bomb condensed at the end of its tail and was thrown out quickly.

The electric ball traced an arc in mid-air and accurately hit the outstretched hand of Demon God Hupa.

Boom boom! !

Suddenly the electric current exploded, and in a burst of electric arcs, Demon God Hupa's face darkened, and the arm that was hit continued to tremble and entered a state of paralysis.

"Damn it, it hurts so much...!"

Demon God Hupa quickly retracted his palm and looked at Xiaozhi with hatred.

It's this annoying human being again, always trying to ruin his good deeds!

"Xiao Zhi."

Little Hupa flew back to Xiaozhi angrily, and is still scared.

Sure enough, I can't defeat the opponent alone.

He is super power + ghost, and is restrained four times by the opponent's evil attribute moves.

However, Demon God Hupa has super + evil attributes, and his ghost moves have no good effect on him. The latter is even completely immune to his own super moves!

It can be said that liberating Hupa was born to restrain and punish Hupa!

"Don't worry Hupa, let's go together."

Ash controlled Latias and flew alongside the former.

The opponent has a total of six golden rings. In this case, Little Hoopa only needs to deal with three of them, and the remaining three can be given to Pikachu.


Pikachu also shouted excitedly. If it is not assigned an opponent at the ancient god level, then it will first attack the demon god Hupa in front of it!


Pikachu even jumped up and jumped out from Xiaozhi's shoulders.

"Ah, I was shocked!"

Little Hoopa thought Pikachu was confused. It would be terrible to fall from this height, so he quickly planned to throw the golden ring to catch Pikachu.

However, the next moment, there seemed to be an invisible springboard in the sky. Zizzi!

Pikachu's four legs landed on it, and it used the force to jump up again. Every time it bounced, you could see a blue arc of electricity, which was very cool.

Thunder Cloud Line is Pikachu's aerial combat skill.

"This is all thanks to Kyurem."

Xiaozhi touched his nose and looked proudly at the Hezhong Ice Dragon fighting in Reshiram in the distance.

The Freeze Volt released by the latter before, although it was an ice-type move, filled the air in this area with countless arc pedals that were invisible to the naked eye but could be used by Pikachu.

"Pikachu, shoot Iron Tail first!!"

Xiaozhi's blood boiled and he took the initiative to attack the Demon God Hupa.

There were gods fighting everywhere around him, and he himself had long wanted to take action!

Pikachu's figure jumped rapidly in mid-air, reaching full speed, and even turned into a crackling arc of light, constantly circling around the demon god Hupa.

"Damn, disgusting yellow-skinned rat!"

Although Demon God Hoopa has six arms, he still only has one head. Being led by Pikachu, he can only look around in panic at the moving figures.


Pikachu suddenly grabbed a blind spot of Demon God Hupa's perspective and rushed forward. His tail had turned into a stiff steel whip, and he swung it out with great force.

Bang bang! !

Demon God Hupa raised one arm and used the hardness of his arm to resist.

Iron Tail's tyrannical force made even it feel heavy and trembling under the pressure.

It's just that the arms and torso of Demon God Hupa are completely separated, and the force exerted on the arms has no effect on the main body or even the remaining five arms.

The next moment, his other five arms that could still move freely were clenched into fists.

Some lit up with blazing flames, some condensed with biting frost, and some crackled with lightning.

"He is worthy of being an opponent on par with the ancient gods."

Xiaozhi also opened his mouth wide when he saw it.

Only a strong Kuaiquan Lang can attack with one fire fist and one lightning fist at the same time, but only with two hands in total.

But Demon God Hupa directly hit him with five arms and various energy attribute moves!


Pikachu was also startled, and quickly adjusted his body shape, preparing to use the thunder cloud line to escape.

It's just that five fists attacked from five directions at the same time, directly blocking all the ways Pikachu could escape.

"give it to me!!"

At this moment, Little Hoopa suddenly shouted with high energy, and then threw a golden ring, aiming directly at Pikachu's body.

If there is no escape, create a new one!

Seeing that it was his own golden ring, Pikachu didn't struggle and fell into it.

call out.!

In the next moment, Pikachu, which was dozens of meters away, appeared above Xiaozhi's head and landed firmly on the latter's shoulders, escaping safely.

Boom boom!

And those powerful fire fists and thunder fists hit the other arms one after another, immediately arousing the explosion sound of energy of various attributes converging, causing the Demon God Hupa to feel pain from his fist again, and quickly pulled out all six arms. He looked back, his face changing from green to red.

"Well done, little Hoopa!"

Xiaozhi quickly praised and gave a thumbs up.

If Pikachu's thundercloud linear speed is combined with Hoopa's three golden rings to jump in any space.

You can create all kinds of incredible attack angles! (End of chapter)

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