He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2737 Groudon Iceberg!

His eyes came to the most remote part of this desert, close to the border ocean.

On this side, the battle between the three gods of Fangyuan was equally fierce, but this was the quietest place.

Let’s not talk about the weather characteristics of Groudon and Kyogre, which are locked by Rayquaza’s airlock characteristics.

But in an ancient god-level battle, any single strike should be able to cause a riot-like cyclonic aftermath.

However, all these movements were blocked by Rayquaza's airlock, so that in the battle in this area, only sudden explosions of moves could be heard, but no subsequent sound, which was very strange.

At this moment, Groudon was quite aggrieved and was struck by a dragon's claw from Krakuza. His entire head and upper body were stuffed into the soil, leaving only his strong red butt exposed.


Groudo was very angry and immediately pushed his tail upwards.

The tail is originally claw-shaped, and combined with the scorpion's tail flicking action, it is still very powerful.


Groudon's tail hit the side of Rayquaza's body, and the huge force immediately caused the latter's figure to tilt.


Kyogre, who was hidden in the sea water next to him, jumped out of the sea like a Magikarp using water splash.

Seizing the opportunity, the flat mouth with a dense row of tiny teeth suddenly opened.

Sizzle! !

A beam of ice-blue freezing beam suddenly shot out, aiming directly at Rayquaza.

This is an ancient god-level freezing beam. A small mountain can be frozen directly into a snow mountain!

Not to mention that Rayquaza's attributes are Dragon + Flying, and he is restrained by four times the Ice attribute. If he is hit, the situation will not be good.


Seeing this, the black Rayquaza did not linger on the feeling of pressing Groudon's head, and immediately let go, his body winding into the air, avoiding the freezing beam.

Only Rayquaza's figure was staggered, but Groudon was completely exposed.


The freezing beam hit Groudon head-on. Almost in the blink of an eye, Groudon was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Although Groudon is wearing fiery red lava armor, he is actually not a fire-type Pokémon.

Groudon only has one ground attribute, and ice attribute moves can produce outstanding effects.


It's just that the thickness of the ice layer obviously cannot completely freeze it. Although Groudon is not moving under the ice layer, the outer shell of his body is as hot as lava, and the ice layer outside is also melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, suddenly, the two Hezhong Shenlongs who were fighting fiercely came to the battle site above the three gods of Fangyuan.


The black Rayquaza knew that one of them was Xiaozhi's partner, so he quickly turned his body sideways, instead of choosing to directly blast away the two dragons with one shot.

However, Kyurem and Reshiram, who were playing real fire, only had each other as their targets at the moment, and did not care about the surrounding environment at all.


Dark Kyurem shouted loudly, and his whole body was once again covered in ice-blue light, turning into a huge ball of light, with blue arcs still surging around the surface.

Frozen volt! !

The ice-grey Reshiram's stature was low, so he quickly took off to dodge and did not choose to make a hard connection.

Coincidentally, right behind him was Groudon who was melting the ice.

Originally, Reshiram was a little surprised. Why was there an iceberg inexplicably in the desert?

boom! ! The target staggered, causing Dark Kyurem, who could not stop the car, to slam into Groudon, who was still unable to move.

This is Dark Kyurem's freezing volt move. Its quick-freezing ability is much more powerful than Kyogre's freezing beam!


In an instant, the ice shell on Groudon's surface that had mostly melted away was instantly frozen again!

Even this time, a layer of hard ice extending two or three meters thick was frozen outside!

Xiaozhi's Reshiram did not dodge blindly. He immediately raised the dragon's head, and the flame engine at the tail continued to rotate.

Phew! !

He opened his mouth and spit out a huge beam of ice-blue light that looked like a flame!

Extremely cold flame!

Although it is in the form of fire, it carries the opposite energy of ice and snow, and can completely freeze everything it touches!


Dark Kyurem was shocked. He could also use this move when entering the Flame White Kyurem state, but it was released in the form of a ball of energy light.

It has never been like this before, it is like using a jet of flame, spraying directly from the mouth.

call out.!

Dark Kyurem's black and gray wings pressed hard, and his body suddenly took off, barely able to dodge the blow.

It's just that he had plunged into Groudon before. Now that he was in the air, Groudon's figure was exposed again.

The power of the extremely cold flame was poured into Groudon.

Zika! !

It looked like it was being burned by flames, but the already thick layer of ice on the surface actually extended to the outside and froze again.

The thick depth, the hardness of the ice layer close to absolute zero, even now from the outside, Groudon's body can no longer be seen, only a huge ice-gray shadow inside.

call out.!

After fighting each other, Dark Kyurem and Ice Gray Reshiram took off again. The tail engines roared and flew to other locations to continue the fierce battle.

It just left a huge iceberg in place that might not melt for thousands of years under normal circumstances.


The black Rayquaza watched the Unova Twin Dragons gradually go away, and then looked at the Groudon Iceberg that had been completely frozen, and couldn't help but be silent for a while.

Did those two Hezhong foreigners do it on purpose? !

Two consecutive exclusive ultimate moves hit Groudon. Even if the latter relied on the ultra-high temperature lava armor, it would probably take a long time to melt.

"In that case...!"

The black Rayquaza immediately locked his gaze on Kyogre floating on the sea.

Was it your kid just now who wanted to sneak attack me with a freezing beam?

Without any courtesy, the black Rayquaza grinned, and a black-purple energy beam suddenly shot out, condensing into the shape of a giant dragon in mid-air.

Boom! !

The dragon's wave hit Kyogre's back, causing pain in his back and causing him to fall into the sea.

The huge weight even set off a huge whirlpool of waves in all directions!

Before the offensive ended, the black Rayquaza flew high into the air, opening its mouth wide, and terrifying energy quickly condensed and compressed in it.

The next moment, a beam of destruction that was more powerful than the Dragon Wave suddenly shot out. Even though it was separated by the sea water, it could still accurately lock on the target, penetrate the sea water, and hit it head-on!

Boom! !

The astonishing power of destroying the death light blasted a huge vacuum out of the sea water!

Faintly, Kyogre could still be heard screaming like a fish jumping out of water.

The latter even turned his belly upwards, and the movement in the sea gradually became less powerful (End of Chapter)

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