He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2738 Making the Pot of Punishment!

At the same time, Desert City, which was only a few hundred meters away from the nearest battlefield, had turned into a mess.

Despite the blockade with the characteristics of Rayquaza airlock, the originally changeable and extreme weather has disappeared.

But being so close, the collision of several ancient god-level moves made everyone in Desert City's hearts beat wildly, and inexplicable cold sweat broke out.

Looking from a distance, you can still see huge monsters fighting in the sky in the distance.

Boom! !

From time to time, Lugia's beam of aerial blasts streaked across the sky above Desert City, or Palkia's Archon Crack slashed away the edge buildings of the city.

Even space can be split open, let alone natural materials. Any solid object is as fragile as tofu under Palkia's moves.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that something terrible is happening!

"Is it the legend of the demon god Hupa?!"

"What, is that legend true?!"

People in Desert City gathered in the streets and squares, crowded and noisy, whispering to each other.

The locals have all heard the legend of the demon god Hupa. In ancient times, he summoned a large number of ancient gods, which led to huge disasters in this land.

The current scene is completely consistent with the legend!

"So Hoopa is real?"

"Did our desert city become so rich because of Hupa?"

Originally, the local people did not take the legend seriously. They all believed that Desert City was a promised land given to them by God, and they were born like this.

Now if the demon Hupa is real, many people's beliefs may also change.

"Everyone from Desert City! Please evacuate to the north of the city in an orderly manner!!"

"Take shelter! Take shelter!!"

At this moment, Princess Sara had stood on the high platform and said loudly, and her voice echoed through the streets and alleys of the entire desert city through the broadcasting equipment.

There is also a colorful parrot bird on her shoulder, repeating in harmony.

This is a noisy bird that Sarah usually raises to play with, but now it can be used as a repeated trumpet.

Their royal family is still quite influential in Desert City. Although the whole city has long been in chaos, most people still obey the orders and move towards the north of the city.

Now in the electronic age, you only need to bring some food and water, plus your ID card and mobile phone. There is no need to drag a lot of luggage like in the past.

However, Desert City has always had people who do good things. In ancient times, they liked to fight for fire, which led the character of the demon god Hupa to a point of no return.

Nowadays, many people are running to the southwest of the city, preparing to witness the fight between gods.

Take a photo and post it on WeChat Moments, and you will be able to brag about your achievements throughout 2024!

Whoops! !

However, a bunch of pink slashes that pierced the sky suddenly flew over. Although the color looked a bit girly, the air along the way was like glass being cut into fragments, which only made people's hair stand on end.

It fell to the ground obliquely, and even directly split the ground with a slash mark that was completely invisible, and the earth and rocks on the ground were collapsing crazily.


All of a sudden, the troublemakers in Desert City woke up and quickly retreated.

I only dare to watch secretly from a distance, and don't dare to get any closer.

But Princess Sarah still stood high in the city and did not take refuge in advance. She must set an example for the entire city so as not to completely panic the civilians.

But Sara's face was also worried, looking at the direction where the gods were fighting.

"Brother, nothing will happen to Xiaozhi, right?"

In this case, my brother's rock god pillar is just cannon fodder for nothing.

On the other side, Serena and her group have also arrived at the Valley of Creation.

Along the way, Balza sat on Citron's self-destructing magnet to rest. After landing, his physical strength was restored a lot.

As soon as we entered the valley, there were already many people surrounding the entrance.

"Brother, what happened outside?!"

Mayali had already come forward and asked worriedly. The faces of several people around him also had similar expressions.

Due to the terrain of the valley, surrounded by mountains and rivers, they could not see the scene of the battle between the mythical beasts outside.

But everyone here has the power of transcendence, and they all have an inexplicable perception of ancient god-level battles, and they are all uneasy.

Balza didn't even have time to reminisce with his sister. You must know that his will has been controlled by the demon Hupa for a long time. Mayali was worried for a long time.

"Now outside, the demon Hupa has summoned."

He kept his story short and walked quickly in the direction of the town.

"In short, I must now go to the place where my ancestors once made the Pot of Punishment, and make another Pot of Punishment to seal the demon god Hupa again!"

The location where the magic pot is made is located in the center of the Valley of Creation, just behind the statue of Arceus. It is a five or six-story stone tower.

There is a forbidden area in the Valley of Creation. Xiaozhi and the others did not visit it when they visited the area before. Only the administrators who are responsible for cleaning can enter.

The old people in the Valley of Creation also knew that the situation was urgent and did not prevent Balza from entering the forbidden area.

After a while, several people came to an earth-yellow stone tower. From the outside, it looked badly weathered and it was a building of a certain age.

"Let's go, guys!"

Balza didn't waste any time and walked into it at the lead.

Serena and Citron looked at each other and also walked in.

Although it is a forbidden area in the Valley of Creation, people come in to clean it every day, and things are placed extremely neatly without any dust.

The entrance is a hall with a spiral staircase on one side and some ancient books on the edge wall.

But these are not the important points. Several people quickened their pace and soon climbed to the top.

This is a place similar to a palace room. The decorations are quite old and outdated, and the area is spacious.

On the ground in the middle, there are lines similar to magic circles carved, with three grooves corresponding to the edges.

"Please, Serena!"

Balza glanced at Serena, who understood and threw three Poké Balls at the same time.

boom! !

The demon fire red fox, the armored tyrannosaurus, and the turtle-footed giant armor appeared in three grooves respectively, ready to go.

Balza raised his hand, closed his eyes and meditated, and the Arceus pendant on his chest shone with light.

The next moment, a translucent light ball gradually condensed above the center of the three Pokémon.

Serena understood it and immediately raised her hand and shouted:

"Now, Demon Fire Red Fox, spray flames!"

Citron and Yurika were also helping to control the other two Pokémon, and at the same time commanded:

"Iron-armored Tyrannosaurus, blowing sand!"

"Turtle-footed giant armor, use water gun~!"

Sand blowing and water gun correspond to ground and water attribute moves respectively.

Although the turtle-footed giant armor is not good at using water guns, the shell blade is much more powerful. But what is obviously needed now is a continuous water flow move, and the water gun is enough. (End of chapter)

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