He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2762 What is Fatty Hali’s evolutionary form?

Chapter 2762 What is Fatty Hali’s evolutionary form...?

At the same time, there is a secret base located underground in Shixiang Town.

At the same time, this is also where Xiaozhi and his team found a huge dead tree.

This town was originally just a rural town with unique scenery. It was famous for the various huge and strange rocks standing around the town.

But no one expected that the Flare Team would also build a modern, fully enclosed large-scale secret base under this town.

Many ulterior and dangerous experimental studies are conducted here.

The results of experiments, as well as rare beings captured from some places, are also stored here...

The dead wood of Xerneas is one of them.

At this moment, in the elevator of the secret base, a majestic-looking middle-aged red-haired man stood in front. His figure was tall and straight, like a male flaming lion, showing off his power and anger.

The person coming is naturally the leader of Team Flare, Vladali!

Behind him was a chubby, bald man with only a wisp of raised red hair on his head, wearing orange round-frame R&D glasses.

He quickly called up the monitoring system again.

"Master Fradali, why are you free to come to our place for inspection today?"

He is the chief scientist of Team Flare and deeply trusted by Vladali.

Kuseloschi laughed and said, obviously very confident in his skills:

"For example, the dead wood body of Xerneas that we captured before is now stored in a fully enclosed secret room. The surrounding walls cannot be penetrated by howitzers! The only entrance and exit opening mechanism is Lord Vladali. Unlock it with my pupil fingerprint!"

As the standard uniform of Team Flare, all orange suits...


Kuseloschi naturally unlocked it with his fingerprint confidently, and the door in front of him opened horizontally.

Kuseloski said in a respectful tone.

"Haha Sir Fradali, don't you trust me if you leave it to me? I designed the entire underground secret base. It is impregnable and indestructible. Not even a mosquito can fly out. How could you lose anything~!"

No, Team Flare's own aesthetic is very curious...

There are no signs of damage on the surrounding walls and ceilings, but there are some sawdust on the floor... It seems like the traces left by forcibly dragging the dead wood of Xerneas?

But the next moment, the empty room made Kuseloski's confident look solidify instantly.

Even Fradali's expression beside him suddenly turned cold, and his brows frowned deeply.

"Wait a minute, there must be something wrong... It shouldn't be..."

Vladali straightened his back and said with a cold and arrogant expression.

But it looked a bit nondescript on this short, fat man.

Hearing the obvious anger in the leader's tone, Kuseloski's expression also became panicked.

"Our historic moment for Team Flare is about to arrive. I'm a little worried...Take me to check again."

While talking, the two of them happened to walk to the room where Xerneas' dead wood was collected.

"Explain it, Kuseloski...!"

Kuselowski quickly ran in and looked around to check.

From time to time, there are some Flare soldiers in orange uniforms and novel costumes patrolling the corridor.

It's just that Fradali behind him was like a volcano about to erupt, staring at him. When Kuseloski started to operate, he was on pins and needles the whole time.

Call up the surveillance screen, which is a bird's-eye view from the ceiling.

Quickly drag the monitor until the moment before the dead wood is moved——

A horrifying scene appeared!

But he saw a huge golden ring appear inexplicably in the room, and then six huge gray-blue arms flew out from the middle. He grabbed the dead wood from several positions, then dragged it into the golden ring and disappeared...

Kuseloschi: “???”

What the hell is this? !

I have never heard of it. It is like a ghost claw, completely stealing a house without anyone noticing!

Fradali was also watching the surveillance camera and asked impatiently:

"Is there no surveillance footage from other angles?"

Looking horizontally from below, maybe you can see the scene inside the golden ring?

"Uh... I only prepared one camera."

Kuseloski suddenly broke into a cold sweat and kept scratching his head.

Because he believed too much in his defense skills, he never thought that Xerneas would be stolen!

And if the opponent really has this ability, then he is completely unpreventable!

"... "

Fradali remained silent, forcing himself to calm down.

He had heard that something terrible happened in the distant Desert City yesterday, and it seemed to be related to these golden rings...

Now it was approaching the day when their Flare Team would officially take action, but something like this suddenly happened.

Even Fradali, who had always been orderly and calm, felt a little uneasy.

"Anyway, keep your spirits up for me and let everyone below be on guard!"

Fradali snorted coldly and ordered.


Kuseloski was frightened by the former's momentum and remained silent.

The leader is usually very easy-going...but as the day of Team Flare's rise approaches day by day, the leader's temper becomes more and more unstable.

Like a volcano, no one knows when it will suddenly erupt.

"But there is good news! We recently caught a lost experimental subject!"

Kuseloschi quickly changed the topic and led Fradali towards another room.

This room is not that empty anymore. It is just a small cell with laser fences erected around it. It looks very sci-fi.

Through the transparent glass, the prisoners inside can be seen from the corridor outside.

This is a humanoid Pokémon, with the head of a bald old man, the lower limbs of its arms are striped off-white, and the armor shells on the backs of its arms and shoulders are green.

The most eye-catching thing is that its back is covered with a turtle shell of the same color as its body.

However, the turtle shell is not as huge as the water arrow turtle, but just past the waist, and there are some sharp spikes on it!

Brie Bang is the evolved form of Fatty Hali!

"A Brittalon?"

Vladali squinted his eyes and looked at the fat man behind him questioningly.

Isn't this the Yusan family with the least presence in the Kalos area?

Are you here to fool yourself again?

"Don't worry, chief! Even though it looks like an ordinary Breton, in fact, the core of the legendary third god of Carlos, Zygarde, resides in its body!"

Kuselowski was smiling with pride.

"That was the Z2 core individual who ran away from us before... I didn't expect that he threw himself into the trap and was caught by me!"

At this moment, Brittalon was like a prisoner, sitting on the edge of the bed with a dead heart, his hands on his knees, his head lowered and his face full of despair.

Although he has evolved... his desperate face still shows a bit of a funny attitude...

It's the evolved form of Xiaozhi's fat Hali!

(End of this chapter)

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