He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2763 Bricalon learned the curse!

Chapter 2763 Bricalon learned the curse!

In the energy cage, Bricalon looked very confused.

Since leaving Xiaozhi, every time it wakes up, it finds itself in a different city.

As soon as he woke up, he even evolved directly!

When he woke up again, he was already locked in a cage!

There were some strangely dressed humans around, looking at me as if they were ready to slice themselves up and study them at any moment.

In fact, it was not the metaphysical operations of Zygarde's shielding of breath that caused Demon God Hupa to fail to find his target...

It's just that Fat Hali has disappeared, and now only Brikaron is left. Naturally, the exact target cannot be found.


Bricalon held his head, full of despair.

No need for evolution or anything like that!

His fat and chubby body, Hali, was already in perfect condition!

But luckily, Kuseloski captured the Z2 core individual in Bricalon again.

Next, a Brikaron appeared out of nowhere and began to attack their secret base in Shixiang Town.

After looking at it for a long time, the cursed luster gradually dissipated, letting him breathe a sigh of relief.

I hope the evolved form of the croaking frog will be uglier, I hope the evolved form of the croaking frog will be uglier...

In fact, they had already captured the Z1 core individual before, that is, the Zygarde with a red abdominal core.

A cursed red light suddenly appeared on Britalon's body, and it also suppressed Kuseloski, thinking that God Z inside was about to counterattack.


It's best that that stupid frog also evolves into a sinister old man, and it's best that his nose is constantly running!

Bricaron clasped his hands together and prayed continuously in the cage.

So the Z1 core individual escaped by chance.

He is too clumsy and not worthy of his wise and mighty self!

When he goes back, will Xiaozhi still recognize him? !

He did not report this to Fradali, otherwise he would be scolded again, and his position as the chief scientist of Team Flare might have to be replaced.

As for the outside of the laser prison, Vladali and Kuseloski were still looking at the former.

Unknowingly, Brikaron has mastered the curse move - it can be used by non-ghost-type Pokémon. Although it will reduce the speed, it will increase a lot of tankiness and is very suitable for human shield-type Pokémon.

"Haha Sir Fradali, we have done more research on the Z2 core individual, and the other party's current state in the container is more suitable for executing our plan!"

When they parted ways in the ending cave, the Guatou baby had not evolved yet. It did not know that the Guatou baby had already completed its evolution.

As a result, I didn't pay attention and turned into the old man with a turtle shell!

Kuseloski rubbed his hands and suggested carefully.

Now there is only one hope.

The power displayed was particularly powerful, and he even mastered a move that could emit a terrifying green beam, which directly blasted a hole in the base.

Instead of complaining about your current situation, why not curse others maliciously!

After all, the senior cadres one level below him, Akobi, Bara, Claire and others... are also elite scientists who can take their place at any time.

"Well, just follow your plan..."

Fradali didn't ask any further questions. The plan only required one Zygarde core individual. It didn't matter if he used Z1 or Z2.

This made Kuselowski take a breath and take out a handkerchief to wipe away the sweat.

In short, you have to be careful next time. If you make any small mistakes, you will really be doomed.

"Then the action event is scheduled to start after the end of the Carlos Alliance Conference, that is, the moment after the finals!"

Fradali left one last word before walking quickly outside.

At that time, it will be the great moment for Team Flare to change the world and create a perfect society!


Kuseloschi didn't dare to neglect and nodded quickly in response.

One last glance at the stupid Bricalon in the prison, and then he took a step back to leave. …


At the same time, in Desert City, on the shore of the backyard swimming pool of the royal palace.

After successfully stealing Team Flare's lair and carrying Xerneas' dead wood body directly here, Demon God Hoopa floated with his arms crossed, looking proud of himself.

And everyone's eyes were all looking at Dian Xi.

The latter floated forward, one hand resting on the bark of the dead tree.

Her eyes were slightly closed, as if she was communicating with the dead wood...

"Come on, Princess!"

"The future of the diamond mining country lies in your hands!"

The two little diamonds next to them were shouting excitedly, but only Xiaozhi could understand the meaning. What the others heard was just meaningless "beep ah ah ah" sounds.

After a while, Dian Xi let go of her palm. Her expression was a little joyful at first, but then she became disappointed again.

"What happened? Did Xerneas respond to you?!"

Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward to ask.

From the outside, this dead tree seemed unresponsive, still standing here lifeless.

"I'm not sure...it feels like my strength has indeed increased a bit?"

Dianxi looked at her hands, but they didn't seem to have improved much?

"Anyway, I'll try it first!"

As he spoke, Dianxi suddenly raised his hands, pointed them diagonally over the swimming pool and began to exert force.


In an instant, countless pink diamonds appeared out of thin air all over her body, and the number became increasingly dense, rotating around her body like a ring of water.

In front of the palm, a huge pink columnar diamond is condensing forward and forming.

Even Dianxi's body seems to be changing shape...

"This is, so beautiful...?!"

"What a big pink diamond...!"

This was the first time for the Saliman brothers and sisters to see such a scene, and their eyes widened.

And the morphological changes of Dianxi's body seem to be somewhat similar to mega evolution?

But in the end, this form change failed!


There was a violent explosion, and the light all over Dianxi's body was scattered, and her body returned to its original state.

The giant pink diamond condensed in his hand also exploded, turning into countless pink energy fragments and disappearing in the air.

"Ah...failed again!"

This made Dian Xi feel discouraged, and his head and hands dropped.

"No, Diancie!"

However, Xiaozhi quickly stepped forward and comforted:

"At least the degree of condensation of the sacred diamond is more stable than last time!"

"That's right, and Dianxi's body seems to have changed too... It should be progress, right?"

"The breath has also become more sacred!"

This was not the first time for Serena and others to watch Dianxi try it, and they all spoke out.

It's not a forced comfort, it is indeed more skillful than last time.

"According to this progress, it is definitely not impossible to truly create a sacred diamond!!"

Xiaozhi said solemnly, and his voice immediately rekindled Dianxi's confidence...!

(End of this chapter)

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