He knows Pokémon better than me.

Chapter 3047 Xiaozhi: You are such an understanding brother!

Chapter 3047 Xiaozhi: You are such an understanding brother!
After saying hello to the local farmer, he was overjoyed when he heard that Man Yue was coming with Inspector Mongoose and Little Mongoose.

"I was just thinking of asking the King of the Island for help!"

The female farmer said excitedly.

Generally, when there is a rat infestation on Melemele Island or even the other three islands, people will seek help from the king of the island, who will then go to the lush cave and entrust the overlord meerkat inspector to send additional assistance.

Generally, only the King and Queen of the Island can get in touch with the Overlord Pokémon.

This has nothing to do with level.
Only the Mongoose Boy and the Mongoose Inspector, who live with the overlord Mongoose Inspector in the lush cave, have the power to defeat a hundred people alone and intimidate the Rada group at the level of racial bloodline.

Although domestic mongooses can be driven away, the effect is not as strong.

So, under the guidance of the farmer, the two came to the door of a granary. Through the closed door, they could already hear the dense sounds of chewing food coming from inside.

They dare to eat so loudly in broad daylight, which shows how rampant these Ladas are.

Xiaozhi and Man Yue looked at each other and pushed open the door of the granary.

When light shines in, you can see piles of grain and wooden boxes like small mountains placed in the spacious warehouse room.

A quick glance showed that on each pile of grain there were five or six black-backed mice chewing the food.

All in all, the number has exceeded fifty.

Even after hearing the noise of Xiaozhi and the others coming in, he completely ignored them and continued eating frantically.


Xiaozhi couldn't help but be a little surprised. In their Kanto region, Rattata and Raida would never be like this.

These Pokémon settled in the Alola region, changed their skins, and even their habits underwent drastic changes.

The two Pokémon that had been following the overlord, Inspector Mongoose, for many years also took action.


The meerkat inspector raised his head and roared angrily. The suppressive force from his blood instantly made all the Rada tigers tremble, stop moving and raise their heads.

The other meerkat even used its biting skills to attack Rada which was on a hill of grain.

Bang bang! !
Although it didn't seem to have much power, it caused chaos among the Rada groups nearby.

Inspector Mongoose used his special ramming skill and knocked more than ten Ladas to the ground at once.

With the bonus of racial restraint, it can be said that a simple attack from Inspector Mongoose can be an unimaginable and terrifying critical hit to the Radas!
After a few moves, the rebellious Ladas scattered like birds and beasts, running towards the warehouse exit with their tails between their legs, stirring up countless smoke and dust along the way.

Man Yue's face turned serious, and he took out a familiar outdoor cycling device, released a Kentaro and flipped over directly.

"Xiaozhi, hurry up and catch up!"

There was no time to say hello to Inspector Mongoose and the farmer. The farmer would naturally take care of the former's thank-you gift. After saying a few words, Man Yue chased in the direction where the herd of Rada babies fled.

"Ah wait!"

Xiaozhi hadn't reacted yet, but in the blink of an eye, Man Yue had already run dozens of meters away on Kentaro. Xiaozhi quickly took out his riding device and released the Toucan that he had ridden before.

In order to cope with today's test, Kukui lent the riding device to Xiaozhi again.

Riding on the gull, they followed the fleeing Rada group and entered the jungle on Route 1 again.
After a while, Xiaozhi lowered the flying altitude of the toucan until it was almost level with the full moon.

"These Radas who are frightened by the aura of the Mongoose Inspector Overlord will instinctively run to the Overlord Rada's location and seek shelter."

Man Yue glanced at Xiaozhi who was catching up with him and explained concisely.

Ordinary threats would only make these Rada flee without any rules. Only threats from the Lush Cave could lead them to find the Overlord Rada. Upon hearing this, Xiaozhi suddenly realized that the previous long series of processes were really indispensable.

So he couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the full moon again:

"You really are an understanding brother."

Full Moon: "."

Why does the way you praise people sound a bit like scolding them?
As the two were pulling each other, the speed at which the Lada group escaped gradually slowed down, and it seemed that they were about to reach their destination.

Until they came to a small hill, and in front of it was a rock wall rising from the ground, which was a dead end.

At this moment at the foot of the mountain, a huge black-backed rat was leaning against the rock wall, with its limbs and paws curled up, sleeping soundly.

It has an exaggerated body of nearly three meters tall, with messy black hair on its back. It is fat, even bloated, and even its cheeks are bulging.

And the whole body is filled with golden energy flames.
Another dominant Pokémon!

"Found the target!"

Xiaozhi was sharp-eyed and did not approach immediately, but rolled off the toucan.

Man Yue did the same, he stopped running on Kentaro and fell behind Xiaozhi.

Her mission of leading the way has been completed, and now let her see Xiaozhi's true strength.

These more than fifty little Radas and Radas surrounded the overlord Rada.

The strange thing was that their originally panicked atmosphere suddenly dissipated.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi and the other person, gnashing his teeth and making a rustling sound, and took a fierce and alert posture.


Hearing the chaotic grinding of his subordinates, the overlord Rada also woke up leisurely.

It was not as polite as the dominant meerkat inspector in the lush cave. As soon as it opened its eyes and saw Xiaozhi and the others, it instantly showed its aggressiveness.


The Overlord Rada raised his short hands, like a commander commanding a battle, and without saying a word, he immediately aimed his firepower at Xiaozhi.

The surrounding Rattatas and Rattatas also became very hostile, with murderous eyes, and surrounded Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi quickly concentrated his attention. It was quite creepy to be stared at by dozens of red-eyed mice at the same time.

"Xiaozhi, the rules of this Overlord Rada's test are that there are no rules."

Behind me, Man Yue's slow reminder came.

It seemed like nonsense, but Xiaozhi understood it instantly.

He threw two Poké Balls with his backhand, releasing Owleye and Eevee at the same time.

The lack of rules meant that he could release all of his Pokémon to attack in coordination, rather than just being able to send out one Pokémon like he did against Inspector Mongoose.

"Owloon, Leaf Blade! Eevee, evolve directly!!"

As for Pikachu, it is estimated that two power grids can arrest all these Rattatas and other Rattatas. But this also loses the meaning of the test, and there is no challenge at all.

Moreover, so many experience packs are just right for upgrading Rowlet and Eevee.

After all, the full-scale celebration is about to begin, but the current strength of Rowlett and Eevee is still far from enough!

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